Recently, the National Copyright Administration announced the second batch of copyright protection warning lists for key works in 2024 (theater movies). Local copyright administrative law enforcement and supervision departments should issue copyright warnings to major network ser

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Recently, the National Copyright Administration announced the second batch of copyright protection warning lists for key works in 2024 (theater movies). Local copyright administrative law enforcement and supervision departments should issue copyright warnings to major network ser - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News Recently, the National Copyright Administration announced the second batch of copyright protection warning lists for key works in 2024 (theater movies). Copyright administrative law enforcement supervision departments in various regions should issue copyright warning reminders to major network service providers in the region and increase copyright monitoring. Supervision intensity. Anyone who illegally disseminates key copyright protection early warning works through information networks without authorization shall be investigated and punished strictly and expeditiously in accordance with the law.

The copyright protection warning list of the second batch of key works in 2024 (theatrical movies): "The Three Evils", "The Killing", "Chasing the Moon", "Dune 2", "Racing", "Fortress", "Kung Fu Panda 4", "Brother" Zillah vs. Kong 2: Rise of an Empire.

Recently, the National Copyright Administration announced the second batch of copyright protection warning lists for key works in 2024 (theater movies). Local copyright administrative law enforcement and supervision departments should issue copyright warnings to major network ser - Lujuba

Tags: movie