One article clarifies the relationship between the biography and the main story of "Fast and Passion: Special Operations"

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"Fast and Furious: Special Operations" looks a bit disappointing. Because the soul of the Fast and Furious series is also the core of this series that has taken the world by storm-various cool modifications and drag racing scenes have been greatly weakened. "Fast and Furious: Special Actions" is not a continuation of the swift story, but the beginning of a new universe. This movie marks the official parting of Dawn Johnson and Van Diesel. Speed ​​and passion have derived "speed and chicken", and they also brought their sisters to eat chicken. The ultimate boss of the

One article clarifies the relationship between the biography and the main story of 'Fast and Passion: Special Operations' - Lujuba

Speedy series is actually the screenwriter carefully combing through the 18 years from 2001 to 2019 the main creation of the Fast and Furious series of movies, and found a phenomenon.

One article clarifies the relationship between the biography and the main story of 'Fast and Passion: Special Operations' - Lujuba

​​can be found from the main creation table that the directors of the quick-excitation series have changed one after another. Only the Chinese director Lin Yibin has directed 4 of them in succession. Looking at the main actors, the core characters of the quick-excited family are Dominic (Van Diesel) and Brian (Paul Walker) who were originally related by marriage. But in 2013, Paul passed away suddenly, leaving a sorrowful back image for fans all over the world. See You Again singing sounded, coupled with Paul Walker's handsome drag racing action, Dominic and Brian looked at each other at the starting line and smiled forever at speed 7. The brotherhood of Van Diesel and Paul Walker even surpassed the movie itself. How many viewers like the modified car culture because of the Speed ​​and Passion series.

One article clarifies the relationship between the biography and the main story of 'Fast and Passion: Special Operations' - Lujuba

Dominic and Brian looked at each other for the last time. Except for the two soul stars, the American media mentioned in an interview that the rapid director and actors came and went, and the screenwriters Chris Morgan and Gary Scott Thompson (Gary Scott Thompson) The two talents are the real souls of the quick shock series. These two low-key authors are not only the screenwriters of the entire series of movies, but with the continuous success of the Succeed series, they have become box office cash cows under Universal Pictures, and this IP has become more and more reserved for these two screenwriters. The story of Fast and Furious was first created by Gary Scott Thompson.

Screenwriter: Gary Scott Thompson, Gary began his career as a stage screenwriter. He once laughed at himself. Because stage screenwriters could not make money, he had to switch to film and television screenwriters. Later, Gary came to work at NBC and became a TV producer, director, screenwriter and planner. In 1989, Gary's first screenplay, "White Ghost" (White Ghost) was released, and then he successively created "Split Second 1992", the first collaboration with Universal, "The Lucky Detective Dog" (K-911 1999) ), and "Transparent Man" (Hollow Man 2000), which was released a year before Fast and Furious 1. After several movies, Gary found that he is very good at creating action movies, especially "Transparent Man" won many awards, including Oscar nominations.

Gary Scott Thompson's early screenwriters inspired the rapid creation of a real street racing story: In 1998, the May issue of American entertainment magazine VIBE published an article Racer X written by Asian journalist Kenneth Li. This article focuses on the illegal modification of the underground racing circle in New York. The core character is Estevez, a driver from Dominica. Estevez is a native of Dominica, and the names of the Dominican Republic and Dominica that later appeared in the rapid blast came from this. Kenneth Li used to be a reporter for the "New York Daily News" and also a freelance writer for VIBE and other media. Kenneth Li and Estevez never dreamed that their stories would become the "Fast and Furious" series that fans all over the world would love in the future.

Li and Estevez's 2015 reunion with Kenneth Li's article also aroused the interest of director Rob Cohen, who persuaded Universal Pictures to adapt the story and make it into a movie. The screenwriter responsible for the adaptation is Gary Scott Thompson. The original intention of the creation was to create some "grassroots heroes" rather than the superheroes with superpowers in Marvel or DC. He believes that the characters should connect with the audience. From the beginning, Gary has combined the core characters of the movie Dominic, Brian, Mia and Letty into a "family". Since then, no matter what new elements are added to this series, the leading actors such as Van Diesel have always emphasized that we are a Famil.y.

Fast and Furious Family Universal Pictures and many people at the time, including the original story author Kenneth Li, were not optimistic about "Fast and Furious." Because this kind of action blockbuster requires celebrity support, and Universal's investment in Speedy is only at the level of B-level films, this project is just an experiment. In addition, a year before the release of Speedy, there was a similar drag racing movie "Gone in 60 Seconds" (Gone in 60 Seconds). This movie has superstars Nicholas Cage and Angelina Jolie. In contrast, Paul Walker and Van Diesel were still two unknown people. So everyone predicts that the quick excitement will soon be forgotten. However, after the release of "Fast and Furious", it was "60 Seconds of Speed" that was forgotten. In Kenneth Li's words: "No one talks about "60 Seconds of Speed" anymore." Fast and Furious was a success, and Universal Pictures decided to continue making a sequel. However, Rob Cohen, the director who incubated the first rapid excitement, refused the offer to continue filming, and Van Diesel decided to star in "The Chronicles of Riddick 2004" and also refused to shoot Super 2. Paul Walker and screenwriter Gary Scott Thompson stayed behind and completed "Fast and Furious 2". Super 2 is directed by black director John Singleton. Singleton introduces a black actor who has a good relationship with him, Teris Gibson. Roman, played by Gibson, has since become an important member of the fast-excited family. Perhaps it was because of seeing the "Interstellar Legends" series hit the street at the box office, and the stamina of speed and passion was stronger, Van Diesel decided to accept Universal's invitation to continue to appear in this series. But the script for Super 3 had been completed at the time, and Universal hired a new screenwriter Chris Morgan to restart the storyline. The first problem arises: the sequel is still to be filmed, but this time Paul Walker did not participate, and Van Diesel has to come back. Screenwriter Chris Morgan played an important role. He cleverly put Van Diesel's role as an Easter egg at the end of the movie, heralding Dominic's return. The living person is easy to solve, and the "dead person" is another problem: Kang Sung-ho's Han is very popular with the audience, but the role of Han is dead in Super 3. So screenwriter Chris Morgan filled the hole again and wrote Super 4 as a prequel to Super 3. Therefore, the timeline of the entire Quick Excitation series has become 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7...

Screenwriter: Chris Morgan can be said that the screenwriter Chris Morgan has become the hero who saved the Quick Excitation series. Because of Chris Morgan's strong creative ability, he got the opportunity to continue to create subsequent series. Since Super 3, Universal has paid more and more attention to this series. Moreover, Universal believes that speed and passion are simply not enough. Modified cars and illegal racing are a subculture after all, and the audience is relatively narrow. If underground racing continues to be the focus, the audience will probably get smaller and smaller. This view was supported by screenwriter Chris Morgan, so starting from Super 4, the movie began to add more plots such as gun battles, combating criminals, and secret agents, but the core element of drag racing was not lost. In the entire quick shock series, Super 5 not only reached the highest box office of the series at the time, but also the highest reputation score in the entire series so far. Like Gary Scott Thompson, screenwriter Chris Morgan is also a TV producer, but Chris Morgan is more of a businessman. In the same year that Super 5 was released (2011), Chris Morgan established an independent production company named Chris Morgan Productions (Chris Morgan Productions). There is very little information about Chris Morgan on the Internet, but from the brief introduction on Wikipedia, it can be seen that since Super 5, Chris Morgan has become more and more important in the creation of the Quick Excitation series. According to Wikipedia, after Morgan established his own film production company in 2011, he signed a first-look deal with Universal. The so-called first-look deal (first-look deal) refers to Hollywood actors, directors, screenwriters, producers or independent studios who sign a priority agreement with major studios like Universal, Paramount, Searchlight, etc. Cooperation agreement. This kind of agreement has a premise that the individual or independent studio signing the agreement must be a well-known creator or star recognized by Hollywood, and have recognized talent or traffic. Of course, the so-called talent and flow are not specifically quantified standards. In fact, the standard is that you have to be a wrist first. For example, Jordan Peel, who can act, edit, direct, and produce, was previously unknown, but after the "Escape from Death Town" became popular, he immediately signed a priority agreement with Universal and Amazon.Subscription agreement.

first-look deal (first-look deal) first-look deal (first-look deal) is different from the golden age of big Hollywood studios in the past, when actors or directors are tied to a studio. With the collapse of the big studio system, many successful Hollywood filmmakers are actors, directors, screenwriters, producers, etc. who have multiple roles, have their own business, and are not easily restricted. However, the large capital investment and distribution of movies is inseparable from the strong capital and strong distribution network of big factories. Chris Morgan, with strong creative ability, signed a priority subscription agreement with Universal. At the stage of script development, Universal needs to invest a certain amount of capital to ensure the continuous development of the creative work. And when the script is created, Universal will also be the first company to review the script. This is the meaning of "first-look". Screenwriter Chris Morgan has a greater say in creation after Super 5, and his employment relationship with Universal has become a loose cooperative relationship. From Super 5 to Super 8, even Super 9 and Super 10, the core creator is Chris Morgan. He and Van Diesel and other creators have previously confirmed that the story of Super 9 and Super 10 will be a continuation of Super 8, and they will form the final trilogy of this series. As a TV producer, Chris Morgan's creative mode for the rapid excitement is closer to that of a TV film, that is, the screenwriter is the leading role, and the director is in a secondary position. For example, the classic American drama "Friends" has three talented screenwriters at the core of its creation. They are more called creators (creators/creatives), and they are also the producers of "Friends". The plot trend of "Friends" is basically determined by these three people, and the director of each episode can be different. The Fast and Furious series is more like a large-scale movie series. The big boss behind the scenes is screenwriter Chris Morgan besides Universal. The discord between Van Diesel and Dwayne Johnson led to rumours? From the rescue of Super 3 to becoming one of the creative decision makers of the Quick Excitation series, Chris Morgan's continuous operation of the Quick Excitation series will not stop there. "Fast and Furious: Special Operations" has been clearly hammered, this rumor is the independent work of Chris Morgan and Dwayne Johnson. Judging from the production company of this rumor, none of the companies such as Original Film, One Race Films, and Dentsu that have been involved in the production of the original film have participated this time. Instead, the screenwriter Chris Morgan's own company, and Dashi Johnson's own film and television production company Seven Bucks Productions. Chris Morgan and Dashi Johnson still use the successful IP of Speedy, their own boss saved the first rumor, and the character setting and story are completely out of the original series.

"Fast and Furious: Special Operations" production company

​​Chris Morgan (1 from right) attended the promotional event. Because he is the boss, "Fast and Furious: Special Operations" is almost tailor-made for Dashi Johnson. The most essential difference with Su Ji Zheng Chuan is that the core of the Zheng Chuan comes from underground racing, and other elements are constantly added to the drag racing elements; while the rumor is completely opposite, it resets a new world view, and throws a technology to control humans from the beginning. It is still the philosophical proposition that humans control science and technology, combined with some cliché MI6 (Military Intelligence VI) and secret CIA mission drama, the racing element is greatly weakened, just to satisfy the audience's feelings for the words "speed and passion". All this started from a piece of old news in 2016. At that time, Dashi Johnson posted a vague but intense remark on his social media account during the Super 8 shooting. He scolded someone in the quick-excited crew as "candy-asses", which means weak or soft, but did not name them.

Dashi Johnson ins' original remarks caused an uproar in the major entertainment media. Because Dwayne Johnson, from WWE (American professional wrestling) to Hollywood's most profitable male star, largely depends on his optimistic, cheerful and attractive personality. Dashi Johnson is very popular in the entertainment industry, and many media use "good nature" to describe him. Such a good-tempered person, who uttered harsh words in such an important movie shooting, it can be seen that the contradiction behind it has been difficult to conceal. So who is this candy-asses or more than one candy-asses? For the quick shock series, the answer is self-evident, and it must be Van Diesel, the core of the quick shock family. Later, although Dwayne Johnson did notHe directly explained the ins he posted, and deleted this ins, but he also responded positively to the rumors of his discord with Van Diesel. Dashi Johnson explained that Van Diesel and I have different ideas and philosophies in film creation. Ju Shi's explanation can only be regarded as official rhetoric, and the real reason for their discord must be more complicated. Dashi Johnson joined the series since Super 5, and his significance for the entire series at the beginning was only a marginal supporting role. As Johnson's status in Hollywood continues to improve, no company will let go of the stars that make money. Johnson has not only become a resident star in the series, but his role has become more and more important. He and Jason Statham played Xiao tit for tat, and even became the second story line outside of the quick-kicking family. Universal continues to turn a drag racing movie into a special agent to save the world movie, Van Diesel's status is gradually being squeezed. Of course, Dashi Johnson continued to add dramas because of its own ability to attract gold. As early as 2016, Johnson was No. 1 on the Forbes Hollywood male star earning list. Recently, Forbes released the 2019 list, and Johnson is number one again.

Forbes named the most profitable male star in the world. Looking back at Van Diesel, his play and development have always been narrowly obsessed, and there is no work that can be remembered except for the swift series. Occasionally appearing in the cast of a certain movie, it also surprises fans: "It turns out that there is a fast-paced Van Diesel in this movie!" In the past few years, Van Diesel has not only appeared in "Billy Lynn's There was a character who showed up in "Midfield", and the other characters turned out to be Grout, a tree-person with only one line. On the one hand, Van Diesel, who can only hold on to "Fast and Furious", is self-proclaimed; on the other hand, he is the big money printing machine Johnson. Who does Universal value more? The result is naturally obvious. Before the release of "Fast and Furious: Special Operations", Van Diesel was taking a big family to shoot Super 9, during which he also released a photo for the birthday of the heroine Michelle Rodriguez. In the photo, we can see Van Diesel, Tyrese Gibson, Mia's Jordana Brewster, Tej's Ludacris, and Lin Yibin, the director who returned to Super 9.

Michelle Rodriguez, an important actor in the Swift family, once invited another important actor in the Swift family to fly solo to shoot a rumor outside the Swift family, but he was Resolutely refuse. Faced with the break between Van Diesel and Dwayne Johnson, Gibson chose to stand with Van Diesel and once again emphasized: "We are Family!" Screenwriter Chris Morgan confirmed that the quick start will be the end of the tenth game. It will not end with just one shot. Will you still chase? -END-

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