The highly anticipated sequel to the classic historical drama film "Gladiator 2" directed by Ridley Scott. However, the production of the film is currently experiencing problems. According to foreign media reports, the production cost has skyrocketed from the initial US$165 milli

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The highly anticipated sequel to the classic historical drama film 'Gladiator 2' directed by Ridley Scott. However, the production of the film is currently experiencing problems. According to foreign media reports, the production cost has skyrocketed from the initial US$165 milli - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News The highly anticipated sequel to the classic historical drama film "Gladiator 2" directed by Ridley Scott. However, the production of the film is currently experiencing problems. According to foreign media reports, the production cost has skyrocketed from the initial US$165 million to about US$310 million. However, Paramount insists that the cost is still controlled below $250 million. The

film was completed in January this year and is currently in post-production. The actual shooting period is 49 days. However, the film went through a strike that began in June last year, and had to pay fixed costs of about US$100,000 per day during the shutdown. In other words, the crew lost $10 million due to the strike. However, there are also reports that Scott and the crew were not completely idle during the strike, filming some large group scenes at an arena set set up in Malta. The filming of the film did not go smoothly. In June last year, a stunt scene went wrong, causing four crew members to be injured and sent to the hospital. In July, Scott received another public message from the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), pointing out that someone had reported the cruelty of horses and monkeys on the set of the film. However, the cast and crew have denied these accusations.

The film will continue the story of the previous work, but it will be a completely different film from the original work. In terms of actors, the much-anticipated Maximus played by Russell Crowe will not return for the sequel. In the original "Gladiator", it can be said that all the characters have died. Moreover, there is a gap of more than 20 years between the two movies. How the story will unfold has always been a mystery. Previously, some media speculated that the story of the second part will feature a new character as the protagonist, and the protagonist may be Lucius, the nephew of Roman Emperor Commodus. However, this has not been confirmed yet. Currently, the film is scheduled to be released on November 22, 2024.

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