"The Fire of the Road" won the ratings and set off a trend of watching dramas. The vivid details make the revolutionary history come alive.

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""The Fire of the Road" truly restores the historical details and captures the dilemma, breakthrough and persistence of the revolutionary pioneers at that time!" Song Yeming serves as the chief director and stars Hou Jingjian, Zhang Bo, Wang Weizhi and Xu Xiaosa. The major revolutionary historical drama " "The Fire" is currently being aired on CCTV prime time and has received rave reviews. The unique economic perspective, real-life great people and revolutionary historical stories full of details made "The Fire of the Road" stand out among the TV series of the same period. With a high ratings of 1.461%, it won the championship strongly and set off a craze for watching dramas. Many viewers said that this is a work with the atmosphere of a historical textbook, ""The Fire" makes revolutionary history come alive, and the more you watch it, the more interesting it becomes." "Watching "The Fire" makes you feel like watching "The Age of Awakening" feeling."

'The Fire of the Road' won the ratings and set off a trend of watching dramas. The vivid details make the revolutionary history come alive. - Lujuba

The economic perspective is unique, and the story details are gripping

"The Fire of the Road" focuses on land, finance, economy, base construction, political power construction, legal construction, education, medical care, cultural propaganda and other aspects, showing the period from 1931 to 1935 During the years, the older generation of revolutionaries, represented by Mao Zedong, through investigation and research, in-depth thinking, creatively combined Marxism with the specific reality of the Chinese revolution, and explored the path of the Chinese revolution.

Compared with previous major revolutionary historical dramas, "The Fire" has a unique perspective. It focuses on the special historical period from 1931 to 1935, cuts into the revolutionary war process from a unique perspective of economic construction, and uses the experimental field of state governance as a window to explore the revolution with Chinese characteristics. The formation of the road not only fills the gaps in the development history of the financial industry in Chinese TV dramas, but also fills the gaps in economic construction and financial construction in major revolutionary historical themes, showing the economic construction of the Chinese Soviet Union for the first time.

'The Fire of the Road' won the ratings and set off a trend of watching dramas. The vivid details make the revolutionary history come alive. - Lujuba

The plot of the drama aired in the first week focused on the economic construction of the Soviet area, answering the two major questions of "why to develop the economy of the Soviet area" and "how to develop the economy", and for the first time reflected the economy and people's livelihood behind the military war. The newly born Soviet Republic of China was full of waste and needed money in all aspects. In order to solve the problem of "thin family wealth" and "money bag", the Soviet area established a national bank and worked hard to establish its own red financial system. Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, Mao Zemin was ordered to shoulder the financial burden of the Soviet area. He rebuilt the tungsten mining company, recruited financial talents, opened a national bank and a Chinese mint, and raised military expenses and supplies for the Red Army's frontline operations. Everything was related to Soviet finance. The fate of the Red Army was in dire straits. In the play, the scenes of Mao Zemin, the president of the National Bank, looking for talents everywhere, personally serving tea and water to business bosses, borrowing money from the Western Fujian Chamber of Commerce, and mobilizing cadres and masses in the Soviet area to deposit money in the National Bank are particularly real and touching, and allow people to see the Soviet economic construction. It's not easy. Some viewers said: "Behind the four words 'The Fire of the Road' lies the arduous journey of the Communists, and every step is hard-won. And this is the highlight of this drama - it truly restores history The details capture the dilemma, breakthrough and persistence of the revolutionary pioneers at that time."

'The Fire of the Road' won the ratings and set off a trend of watching dramas. The vivid details make the revolutionary history come alive. - Lujuba

In addition to the difficult development on the economic front, "The Fire of the Road" also shows the game on the military struggle route. Faced with the central directive of the Red Army to attack large cities, Mao Zedong argued hard at the meeting, opposed attacking large cities such as Ganzhou when the enemy was strong and we were weak, and advocated developing the economy and accumulating strength. The meeting was full of back-and-forth arguments and the atmosphere was tense. Mao Zedong's opinions were never taken seriously. After the meeting, Mao Zedong and Wang Jiaxiang sat around a tree trunk, smoking cigarettes and debating "Which is more correct, theory or experience", which became one of the most exciting parts of the play. The debate about the attack on Ganzhou is superficially a dispute over military lines, but is actually a dispute between theory and practice. Which one is right and which one is wrong? In the play, Mao Zedong, who advocated starting from reality and seeking truth from facts, said it well: "It is not you and me who judge winning or losing. , but the people, and history." The subsequent failure of the Ganzhou Battle and the huge losses suffered by the Red Army also proved this point. Mao Zedong's outstanding strategic vision and literary and military strategies were clearly demonstrated.

The life of a great man is touching, and Hou Jingjian's acting skills are vivid.

The most commendable thing is that "The Fire of the Road" shows the life of a great man in a down-to-earth manner, presenting a revolutionary leader with unique charm, infinite closeness to the people, and a strong sense of life. Mao Zedong.In the play, Mao Zedong went to his room to help open the skylight of Grandma Xu’s house, participated in the village lantern party, and had fun with the people; he personally worked in the fields and caught fish in the river to deliver river fish and tofu soup to his comrades; despite his busy schedule, he still cared about Grandma Xu’s eye disease and found The doctor treated him and gave his soldier's quilt to Grandma Gai... Mao Zedong in "The Fire of the Road" penetrated deeply into the people, and besides his leadership style, he was filled with a strong atmosphere of smoke and fire. The audience praised one after another: "Such a revolutionary leader is very down-to-earth, full of humanity, and has no sense of distance from above."

cares about the people and cares about people's livelihood, not just a slogan, but real actions. At the beginning of the play, through Xiuxiu's experiences, she faced the problem of "child brides" in the Soviet area. The newly established Soviet Republic of China must properly solve the historical problem of child brides, liberate women, and respect historical traditions. This is a test. In this regard, Mao Zedong specifically asked Xu Teli to properly resolve the child bride's identity issue that had troubled Xiu Xiu for a long time, and marriage legislation was also urgently needed. This rescue action created a new trend in the Soviet area and won the hearts of the people. Compared with guiding the country on the battlefield and winning thousands of miles, Mao Zedong did practical things for the working people, which can better demonstrate the original intention and mission of the Communist Party of China.

'The Fire of the Road' won the ratings and set off a trend of watching dramas. The vivid details make the revolutionary history come alive. - Lujuba

'The Fire of the Road' won the ratings and set off a trend of watching dramas. The vivid details make the revolutionary history come alive. - Lujuba

In addition, the acting skills of all the members of "The Fire" are online and the details are vivid. Hou Jingjian's wonderful performance is the most applauded by the audience. As the best actor to play the role of young Mao Zedong, Hou Jingjian's performance this time is still solid. He is both amiable in ordinary life and the demeanor of a great man when making strategic decisions. The image of the great man is three-dimensional and vivid, with endless charm. For example, the first scene at the beginning of the play is when Chairman Mao goes to the room to open the skylight for Grandma Xu who is playing straw sandals in a dark room, and asks her with concern: "Is it lit?" This performance is very symbolic, that is, it lights up Grandma Xu's home. , also means that the Communist Party of China has brought light to the working people. For another example, in order to dissuade the Red Army leadership from attacking Ganzhou, Mao Zedong personally went to the river to catch fish and brought a pot of fish soup to the comrades. Although the dissuasion was not successful, it reflected Mao Zedong's intelligence and humaneness. In addition, Mao Zedong was ill in bed, but he was still concerned about the Red Army's war. He was upset and buttoned his clothes wrongly. He first thought the Chinese medicine was bitter and refused to drink it. After understanding Zhou Enlai's difficulty, he picked up the bitter Chinese medicine and drank it in one breath. So many patiently considered details make Mao Zedong's image real and three-dimensional, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Some viewers praised: "Hou Jingjian brought a wonderful history lesson and character lesson to the audience in "The Fire of the Road". He not only showed Mao Zedong's important role and influence in history, but also showed Mao Zedong as a Human charm and emotion can be said to be 'textbook' acting skills."

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