The realistic comedy film "Article 20" directed by Zhang Yimou was released nationwide on February 10. So far, the film's cumulative box office has reached 275 million. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day the movie was released, the film held "I Love Me...

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"Article 20" released the theme trailer of "Our Life", and the questions were deafening Duration: 01:49 Source: Movie Network

"Article 20" released "Our Life" Theme preview, the questions are deafening Close

Duration: 01:49 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie News The realistic comedy film "Article 20" directed by Zhang Yimou has been released nationwide on February 10. So far, the film's cumulative box office has reached 275 million.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day the movie was released, the film’s I Love My Family premiere was held simultaneously in six cities: Shanghai, Shenyang, Langfang, Changzhou, Shijiazhuang, Chongqing, and Nanjing. At the time of the family reunion on the Lunar New Year’s Day, the main creator Lei Jiayin, Ma Li, Zhao Liying, Gao Ye, Liu Yaowen, and Wang Xiao also each brought their movies back to their hometowns for the New Year. While bringing New Year blessings to the audiences in their hometowns, they also exchanged face-to-face experiences about watching movies and filming stories before and after the screen, as well as with people in their hometowns. Chatting from the heart.

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou was released nationwide on February 10. So far, the film's cumulative box office has reached 275 million. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day the movie was released, the film held 'I Love Me... - Lujuba

Lei Jiayin, a native of Northeast China who landed in Shanghai, bluntly said that Shanghai is his new hometown, and also learned Shanghainese dialect from the Shanghai audience to greet the New Year. When asked about the happy connection between Ma Li's first love Li Kui in the Spring Festival Gala sketch and Li Kui in the movie "Article 20", Lei Jiayin explained He said that his first love, Li Kui, was determined during the movie script stage. He laughed and said that Teacher Ma Li told us last night to pay attention when watching the Spring Festival Gala, saying that there was a New Year gift, and it turned out to be 'Li Kui'.

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou was released nationwide on February 10. So far, the film's cumulative box office has reached 275 million. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day the movie was released, the film held 'I Love Me... - Lujuba

In addition, Lei Jiayin also humorously refuted the rumors of hepatic hyperplasia on the spot, jokingly saying that this is a common family ecology among Northeastern couples, just like Han Ming (played by Lei Jiayin) and Li Maojuan (played by Ma Li) in the film. He bluntly said that to integrate the natural joy of life into serious themes of the rule of law, the scale is particularly important. The comedy in the film is fluid. The director calls it a rolling comedy. Many comedy points are improvised on the spot. For this reason, he was on the set I pull my hair out and worry every day. It is more important for Han Ming to be a living person. He studied law and became a prosecutor for 20 years. Although he had to compromise in the face of reality, the ideal light of justice in his heart must still be there. Only when the early characters are realistic and down-to-earth enough can the impassioned speech at the end truly enter the hearts of the audience. During the live filming, halfway through the line, the actors below began to applaud spontaneously. Lei Jiayin said frankly that at that moment, she knew it was worth it.

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou was released nationwide on February 10. So far, the film's cumulative box office has reached 275 million. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day the movie was released, the film held 'I Love Me... - Lujuba

Back in her hometown of Shenyang, Ma Li bluntly said that the earliest flight landed in Shenyang today and the air was sweet. Talking about the new film she brought back to her hometown this time, Ma Li said that we at "Article 20" are the least afraid of meeting the audience. As long as the audience walks into the cinema and watches it, they will definitely fall in love with this movie. Talking about her character Li Maojuan in the film, Ma Li said that this is a character who embodies the best qualities of all Northeastern women: humor, strength, bravery, and kindness.

Li Maojuan in the film is not only enthusiastic about taking care of the families of her husband Han Ming (played by Lei Jiayin) who were involved in the work, but also resolves the disputes involving his son Han Yuchen (played by Liu Yaowen) because of his bravery in school bullying. When talking about this, Ma Li Frankly speaking, I asked myself countless times during the filming, what would happen if I were Li Maojuan, and the answer is that I would probably do the same to give my child justice. This is a mother's instinct.

Ma Li also revealed on the spot that she started her child to learn Taekwondo for self-defense when he was 1 year old. My own education for my children is that they should never take the initiative to hit others, but you cannot be bullied when others hit you. Regarding the character of Li Maojuan, Ma Li said that she is not only a funny person who enlivens the atmosphere, but also a great woman. Ma Li also treats her acting career in the same way. I once said that I am a treasured actor. Many people may only see my comedy side, but in fact, we can all interpret comedy and drama. As an actor, I am willing to portray different types of characters and challenge more layered and complex characters. Li Maojuan in "Article 20" is also one of them.

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou was released nationwide on February 10. So far, the film's cumulative box office has reached 275 million. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day the movie was released, the film held 'I Love Me... - Lujuba

Langfang is the filming location of the movie "Article 20" and is also the hometown of Zhao Liying. For this road show, Zhao Liying returned with this work filmed in her hometown to hand in this precious answer sheet to her fellow villagers. She said bluntly The feeling is warm and magical. Every scene during the filming will evoke childhood memories. I believe that people in my hometown will feel even more amazing when they see these familiar scenes in life appearing on the movie screen.

The character Hao Xiuping played in the film this time is a hearing-impaired person. When talking about this, Zhao Liying said frankly that in addition to learning sign language, it is more important to grasp the inner emotions of the character and how to portray Hao Xiuping without using lines. The inner pain, helplessness and tenacity are expressed, which is most related to the soul of the character. Zhao Liying said that Hao Xiuping's fate in the film was pitiful, but because she met people like Han Ming, Li Maojuan, and Lu Lingling, she felt that there was still warmth and love in the world, and she was also lucky.

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou was released nationwide on February 10. So far, the film's cumulative box office has reached 275 million. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day the movie was released, the film held 'I Love Me... - Lujuba

Gao Ye, who was born and raised in Changzhou, returned to his hometown in Changzhou to meet his fellow villagers, and he felt very nervous when he handed in his film works for his family to review. After the movie "Hawthorn Tree Love", she collaborated with director Zhang Yimou again after 14 years. The character played by Gao Ye this time, Lu Lingling, has a similar side to her, a girl from Changzhou. For the sake of justice, she is a bit of a dick, a bit of a tiger, and a bit of a fool. , in Changzhou dialect, means stubborn. , and Gao Ye also admitted that the idealism in the character is what attracts him.

Gao Ye recalled that in the latter part of the film, in the scene where Lu Lingling, played by himself, and Han Ming, played by Lei Jiayin, were banging the table due to a dispute over a case, I acted and suddenly felt a sense of mission. The sense of responsibility, the phrase in the film, "We are not dealing with cases, but other people's lives," couldn't help but blurt out. This line came from a real female prosecutor Gao Ye came into contact with when he was experiencing life. Gao Ye recalled that as female prosecutors, they not only have the authority as legal workers, but also have a natural compassion in their hearts. a unique sensibility. This unique sensibility is also reflected in the female cooperation between the three characters in the film: Li Maojuan (played by Ma Li), Hao Xiuping (played by Zhao Liying), and Lu Lingling (played by Gao Ye). Talking about this, Gao Ye sighed, It is because of the kindness between people who silently stick to each other and support each other that they gather into little stars to illuminate the entire night sky.

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou was released nationwide on February 10. So far, the film's cumulative box office has reached 275 million. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day the movie was released, the film held 'I Love Me... - Lujuba

Chongqing actor Liu Yaowen returns to his hometown for a road show as an actor. For this 18-year-old boy, it is undoubtedly the most important coming-of-age ceremony. In addition to his real home in Chongqing, Liu Yaowen also formed a warm and happy family with his father Han Ming (played by Lei Jiayin) and mother Li Maojuan (played by Ma Li) in the movie "Article 20", which also won the audience JQK A nickname for a family. Talking about the family of three in the film, Liu Yaowen joked that his father is a "raked ear" and his mother is a person who loves me very much and also loves this family very much. In the family is the brave and kind-hearted Queen. .

was asked about his feelings about running a road show for the first time. Liu Yaowen bluntly said that he was under a lot of pressure, but also said that he learned a lot from Lei's parents when recording interviews. In addition to asking for advice on road show experience, he formed a JQK family with two Northeastern actors. Liu Yaowen also successfully became half-Northeastern in the group. Not only did he and Lei Jiayin exchange compliments across the air, he also reproduced the lines in Lei Jiayin's film "Our Prince" in Northeastern dialect. There was constant laughter at the road show.

The realistic comedy film 'Article 20' directed by Zhang Yimou was released nationwide on February 10. So far, the film's cumulative box office has reached 275 million. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, which is the day the movie was released, the film held 'I Love Me... - Lujuba

At the post-screening scene in Nanjing, Wang Xiao returned to his hometown with the movie "Article 20" to pay New Year greetings. The character he played in the film this time, Tian Jian, is a well-behaved prosecutor who does everything according to the rules. Because Gao Ye played Lu Lingling touched him, and this character recalled how he viewed the prosecutor's profession of pleading for people's lives when he was young. Talking about this cooperation with old friends such as Lei Jiayin and Gao Ye, Wang Xiao said that the tacit understanding between actors is sometimes very interesting, just like playing games when children were young. It is more like a competition than a game. Everyone competes. Let’s see who can act more layered.

Wang Xiao also responded to the audience's questions about Han Ming's mobile phone ringtone. He revealed on the spot that the rooster's crow wakes up the sleeping people, and those who wake up keep moving forward on the road to awakening the sleeping law, awakening more people. people. In the film, Lu Lingling (played by Gao Ye) and Han Ming (played by Lei Jiayin), with their passion for justice, not only awakened the dormant career aspirations of Tian Jian (played by Wang Xiao), an old professional, but also awakened many characters in the film. The kindness that sleeps deep within.

The movie "Article 20" was released on the first day. It scored 8.0 on Douban, 9.4 on Weibo, 99% recommended by big V, 9.6 on Maoyan, and 9.5 on Taopiao. It was well received by thousands of viewers. Mentioning the realistic theme of the film, he praised the film with the largest scale, the highest legal literacy, and the closest to the common people in recent years, and praised the integration of comedy style into the theme of legal education. It is very suitable for the whole family to watch during the Spring Festival and explains the profound things in simple terms; when it comes to the film's narrative, he likes it Three cases and three clues are intertwined, and there is no wasted scene. I haven’t seen such a smooth movie in a long time. When talking about the characters in the film, netizens bluntly said that to be honest, the way Ma Li and Lei Jiayin get along with each other is not like that between husband and wife. It was an act. This noisy and bickering was just like my parents' daily life. Regarding the unremitting pursuit of justice by the characters in the film, the audience lamented that the world may not belong to idealists, but it must not be without idealists. They also said that a work can bring a sense of justice to life and give people a little strength. We all hope that this The world will be better.

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