Based on Frank Herbert's famous science fiction novel, the Hollywood science fiction masterpiece "Dune 2" jointly produced by Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures released a Spring Festival greetings video from the creator early on the joyful New Year's Eve. In the greeti

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Check out the Spring Festival blessings from Sweet Tea Zendaya! "Dune 2" will be released on March 8 Duration: 00:22 Source: Movie Network

Check out the Spring Festival blessings from Zendaya from Sweet Tea! "Dune 2" will be released on March 8 Hide

Duration: 00:22 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie Network News On February 9, the science fiction movie "Dune 2" released a Spring Festival greeting video from the creator. Starring Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya respectively introduced their roles as the protagonist Paul Atreides, the Chosen Son, and the top Fremen female warrior Qini. The two wished the audience across the country a happy Year of the Dragon and hoped that everyone would be fruitful in the new year. Finally, Tiancha reminded the audience to remember to go to the theater to watch "Dune 2" on March 8.

Based on Frank Herbert's famous science fiction novel, the Hollywood science fiction masterpiece 'Dune 2' jointly produced by Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. Pictures released a Spring Festival greetings video from the creator early on the joyful New Year's Eve. In the greeti - Lujuba

The movie "Dune 2" follows the plot of the first movie "Dune" and tells the story of Paul Atreides (played by Timothée Chalamet) who met Frey on the planet Dune after being exterminated by the Emperor and the Harkonnens. The Meng warrior Qini (played by Zendaya) and her legendary journey after joining the Fremen. Paul goes to war against the conspirators who destroyed his family, while facing the dilemma of choosing between the love of his life and his fate in the known universe. Paul, played by Timothée Chalamet, and Chini, played by Zendaya, have a very romantic and unique love line in "Dune 2".

Qini is a Fremen native on the planet Dune. When Paul was learning deeply about Fremen culture and mastering the power of the desert, Qini accompanied Paul, guided Paul, and fought alongside him. The two people's declaration of love that touches their souls is also romantic and touching. What kind of irreversible impact the ultimate revenge battle on the planet Dune will have on the fate of the two people will be revealed when it is released in mainland theaters on March 8.

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