The hilarious comedy movie "Thelma and Louise" directed by Uzhina and starring Jia Bing, Tan Zhuo, Xiao Shenyang, Yu Yang, and Dong Baoshi released a "laughing and getting rich" version of the poster. The film will be released nationwide on May 1, 2024. Its unique plot and charac

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The hilarious comedy movie 'Thelma and Louise' directed by Uzhina and starring Jia Bing, Tan Zhuo, Xiao Shenyang, Yu Yang, and Dong Baoshi released a 'laughing and getting rich' version of the poster. The film will be released nationwide on May 1, 2024. Its unique plot and charac - Lujuba

1905 Movie News The hilarious comedy movie "Thelma and Louise" directed by Uzhina and starring Jia Bing, Tan Zhuo, Xiao Shenyang, Yu Yang and Dong Baoshi has released a laugh-out-loud poster. The film will be released nationwide on May 1, 2024. Its unique plot and characters, as well as down-to-earth comedy elements, have aroused widespread expectations from the audience. When comedy veterans Jia Bing, Xiao Shenyang, and Yu Yang meet up-and-comers Tan Zhuo and Dong Baoshi, they form a loving, rich, and hilarious generation of brothers. In the last ten days of their lives, they vow to unlock a hundred ways to spend all their money. You have to spend your money with your brothers!

In the Laughter and Fortune poster released this time, the scene of Jia Bing holding a money-spraying gun and forming a group with Tan Zhuo, Xiao Shenyang, Yu Yang, and Dong Baoshi to throw money wildly is eye-catching. This not only shows the character of the characters in the film. The madness and absurdity also foreshadow the in-depth discussion of money and human nature in the film. The slogan "Save me" on the poster and the expressions of people who are sad, happy, crazy or surprised make people think about the relationship between the characters and the development of the story in the film.

In the story of the movie "Thelma and Louise", Jia Youwei (played by Jia Bing), a thrifty man who lives to the extreme, suddenly learns that he only has ten days left to live. He finds his former brother and does not want to leave any regrets. The four brothers, who were once blood allies, parted ways due to misunderstandings and quarrels. This time they reunited as a team to spend money, rekindled their brotherhood in the process of pursuing their dreams, and embarked on a journey together to realize their dreams and accept themselves.

"Thelma and Louise" is a comedy movie that aims to allow the audience to experience the true meaning of friendship and the deeper meaning of life through laughter. I believe that this comedy blockbuster, which brings together many powerful actors, will definitely bring joy to the audience. The same movie viewing experience. As one of the film's directors and screenwriters, Uzhina has demonstrated outstanding creative talent. This time, she teamed up with many powerful national actors and combined a variety of comedy elements to create an eye-catching film.

"Thelma and Louise" will be released nationwide on May 1, 2024.

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