1905 Movie News The stop-motion animation "Ghost Mom" released in 2009 has gained a large number of audiences. This year marks the 15th anniversary of the film's release, and the film will be re-released in 3D in North America in August.
"Ghost Mom" is adapted from Neil Gaiman's graphic novella of the same name, directed by Henry Shelick, and co-starring Dakota Fanning, Teri Hatcher and Jennifer Sanders. The film premiered in the United States on February 6, 2009. The movie mainly tells the story of Caroline, a curious girl who discovers a mysterious door in her new home. Through that door, she enters a world parallel to reality. On the surface, this world is just a mirror copy of the real world. The things in it are almost exactly the same as in reality, but they are full of fantasy.
During the filming of the film, Henry Shelick used a lot of CG technology. This is not the first time he has used CG in stop-motion animation. As early as 1993, he used some CG technology in "The Nightmare Before Christmas", but due to the constraints at the time, it could not be used on a large scale. In "Ghost Mom", Selick used a lot of dazzling CG technology to show another whimsical but crisis-ridden world. The strong gothic smell exuding in the film is fascinating.