On February 1, the main poster of the 27th theatrical version of "Detective Conan" "Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram" was released. The "truth about Kidd" that was not revealed in the original work will be in the 2024 theatrical version. Revealed!

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On February 1, the main poster of the 27th theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram' was released. The 'truth about Kidd' that was not revealed in the original work will be in the 2024 theatrical version. Revealed! - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News On February 1, the 27th theatrical version of "Detective Conan" "Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram" released the main poster. The truth about Kidd that was not revealed in the original work will be revealed in 2024 Revealed in the theatrical version!

On February 1, the main poster of the 27th theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram' was released. The 'truth about Kidd' that was not revealed in the original work will be in the 2024 theatrical version. Revealed! - Lujuba

The theater version of "Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram" is set in the collection of the Hatsue Zaibatsu in Hakodate, Hokkaido, where a prophecy letter from Kaitou Kidd was received. Kidd's target is a Japanese sword related to Shinsengumi Deputy Chief Hijikata Toshizo.

On February 1, the main poster of the 27th theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram' was released. The 'truth about Kidd' that was not revealed in the original work will be in the 2024 theatrical version. Revealed! - Lujuba

Coincidentally, Hattori Heiji and Conan are also here. Because Heiji was able to see through Kid's disguise, he began to hunt him down. At the same time, a body with a cross cut on the chest was found in a warehouse district in Hakodate, and the investigation revealed a Japanese-American known as the Merchant of Death. This is where the story of this theatrical version begins.

On February 1, the main poster of the 27th theatrical version of 'Detective Conan' 'Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram' was released. The 'truth about Kidd' that was not revealed in the original work will be in the 2024 theatrical version. Revealed! - Lujuba

In addition to Hattori Heiji, Kaitou Kidd, Toyama Kazuha, Ooka Momiji, Iori Muga, Okita Souji and other characters will appear, Tsuda Kenjiro will play the deputy director of the Shinsengumi Tokizo Hijikata, and GUEST voice actor Oizumi Yo will play the role of Hokkaido Investigation The idiot detective Zenhisa Kawazoe from the First Class.

"Detective Conan: The 1 Million Dollar Pentagram" will be released in Japan on April 12. The film studio reminds that no new trailer will be released before the release.

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