2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that

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2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while.

Let’s take a look at the top ten “underworld” red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the famous and shocking scenes that have happened on the red carpet in the past year.

The Tenth Underworld: Wang Hedi is catching up with the Spring Festival

Wang Hedi is a very magical being in the domestic entertainment industry. He has great looks and a good temperament, but as soon as he lets himself go, his style of painting will immediately change.

Last year’s Star Awards red carpet, the photos sent by the studio are like this.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Doesn’t he look like a noble man? Even the red bag in his hand was perfected by him.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

But Wang Hedi on the red carpet looked like this.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

not only played rock, paper, scissors on the spot, but also showed off his majestic temperament as a big brother in a small town, and directly gave Wang Chuanjun next to him a try.

This behavior is combined with the yellow hair on his head, the red envelope in his hand, and the gold chains all over his body. No wonder some netizens say that he really looks like a spirited young man who is rushing for the Spring Festival and can’t wait to return to the village to show off his wealth.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Ninth Underworld: Duan Yihong cos Huoyunxieshen

In the past few years, what everyone talked about about Duan Yihong on the red carpet was the hilarious moves he used to show off his watch for his father, the sponsor.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

But on last year's Gucci red carpet, Duan Yihong's deepest impression was that he was old, tired and unkempt.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The wrinkles on his forehead that looked like they were straight up, the bags under his eyes that were bigger than his eyes, and his messy curly hair that looked like the Fire Cloud Evil God all made him look a lot older.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

What’s even more puzzling is that he looks like he’s still awake, and is still on stage giving directions to himself. If the host hadn’t promptly reminded him to take photos, I would have been worried that he would have gotten lost on stage.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Although he was only 49 years old at the time, he gave people a feeling of being old and ineffective. The "drama monster" of the past is really missed.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The Eighth Underworld: Zhu Yilong's "aunt" became

At the end of November, Zhu Yilong just won the Golden Rooster Award for "Life Events". At the beginning of December, he appeared on the red carpet of the brand's early autumn men's wear show wearing LV's heavyweight clothing. .

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

On the one hand, he has a rising domestic entertainment status, and on the other hand, he is the first male spokesperson of LV in China. The brand naturally attaches great importance to it.

But the combination of this suit and pleated skirt is really hard to describe.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Just looking at her upper body, she seems to be a proper abstinent male idol, but as soon as the skirt and boots appear on the scene, the "aunty" smell is felt all over the screen.

Coupled with his thick calves and clearly visible leg hair, we don’t know whether he is more sexy or sexy.

However, Zhu Yilong's fans seem to like his idol's outfit very much. They also praised him as a noble little Scottish prince based on the style of the skirt.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

I don’t know how they will feel after seeing their idol’s recent looks at Paris Fashion Week. Anyway, passers-by thought the stylist should be dragged out and beaten.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The Seventh Underworld: Yao Chen wears long johns

Yao Chen's aesthetics have always been high and low. When she wears the right clothes, she is full of beauty. Once she wears the wrong clothes, she will accurately reproduce the scene of a large-scale dressing accident.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

On last year's Cannes red carpet, her ladylike pajamas and long johns were so "green" that it was hard to compliment her.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

If you didn’t say this was the Cannes red carpet, those who didn’t know better would have thought that this was a mother who was forced to attend a parent-teacher meeting. She accidentally overslept, put on a pajama, put on sandals and hurried out.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The Sixth Underworld: Jiang Mengjie carries the refrigerator on her back

Jiang Mengjie’s appearance on the Oscar red carpet last year was also extremely confusing.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Could it be that he felt that the sexy clothes inside made his body look too hot, so he put on a white coat that looked like a double-door refrigerator to cool down his hotness?

can't understand.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The Fifth Underworld: Huang Yi plays rugby

In order to attend the red carpet of Weibo Night, Huang Yi was still undecided among the 10 sets before the event.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

After much picking and choosing, this girl actually chose a "rugby uniform" to appear on the stage.

Look at the back, isn’t it pretty?

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Let’s look at the front again. Are you sure it looks good?

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

If she hadn’t been holding a rugby ball in her hand, she would also post on her blog that she was looking for a rugby coach.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

I thought she was imitating Tom Cat. It's funny, it's really funny, it's embarrassing, it's really embarrassing.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The Fourth Dark: Zhang Ruoyun persuades the dog to obey

Zhang Ruoyun was arranged to walk the catwalk with the dog on the GQ red carpet last year.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

During the rehearsal, the dog was quite cooperative, but when it came to the formal occasion, the dog had stage fright, no matter how much Zhang Ruoyun trained it, it would not work.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Finally, Zhang Ruoyun squatted down directly and leaned into the dog's ear to persuade it to obey. This operation made all the staff present laugh.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The show turned into a dog walking square. This style is too funny.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The Third Underworld: Yang Tianzhen wears swimming rings

Yang Tianzhen is definitely a conspicuous person on the red carpet. Although she is not a star or a beauty, her exaggerated aesthetics can always make a big splash on the red carpet.

Do you think that the bow shape she wore when it was blown askew by the sea breeze two years ago was already magical enough?

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Don't be naive, her look on the GQ red carpet last year was even more impressive.

I almost tripped over the "sheet", so I won't mention it.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

This dense bear makes people look like they have trypophobia.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

But I couldn't help myself from being happy. Even if I was carrying a heavy load, I still had to pose in a charming way on the red carpet. This bold attempt is also commendable.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

But...why does this magical dress look more and more like a swimming ring?

The Second Underworld: Shang Qi’s Nosebleed

Shang Qi, who was born in 1996, was originally just a little-known 18th-tier female artist. But after walking down the red carpet of the Star Awards, she directly rushed into the entertainment hot search list. First.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The reason is that she fell down twice on the red carpet for more than a minute.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

In the end, she even started bleeding from the nose.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Afterwards, she responded that she slept little and was tired from work, and it was difficult to control a 40-pound skirt and 20-centimeter high heels.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

I can only say that although you have become famous, you still need to take care of your health. Work is valuable and life is even more valuable.

The first one: Zhao Xiaotang knelt down

Zhao Xiaotang also threw himself to his knees on the red carpet.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

The reason why she is regarded as the first among the top ten red carpet "underworld" scenes in 2023 is because of this misaligned picture.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

After she fell, the men on both sides quickly reached out to help her.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Zhou Ye was originally in front, taking the step of not recognizing her relatives, but belatedly discovered that later, she was too busy to take care of herself, and she also symbolically extended her hand.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

However, at first glance, it looks very similar, one person is giving a big salute, and the other person is shouting Pingshen?

The scene is chaotic, but it is also inexplicably funny.

2023 has passed, but due to the powerful memory of the Internet, the wonderful moments that happened on the red carpet in the past year will still be difficult to pass for a while. Let’s take a look at the top ten red carpet scenes in 2023. Take a look at the shocking things that - Lujuba

Each of the top 10 famous scenes has its own ridiculous aspects.

So, after watching the red carpet shows for a year, do you think which celebrities last year showed a "Thor God" style on the red carpet that "when this person appeared, the whole audience went crazy"?

Tags: entertainment