Family love is an eternal theme. Throughout the ages, family love has been eulogized by many people. Recently, Luo Tingting, a Chinese pop music singer-songwriter from Guangdong, brought warmth and touch to people in the cold winter with a highly contagious original song "What Sh

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Family love is an eternal theme. Throughout the ages, family love has been eulogized by many people. Recently, Luo Tingting, a Chinese pop music singer-songwriter from Guangdong, brought warmth and touch to people in the cold winter with a highly contagious original song "What Should I Use to Repay".

Family love is an eternal theme. Throughout the ages, family love has been eulogized by many people. Recently, Luo Tingting, a Chinese pop music singer-songwriter from Guangdong, brought warmth and touch to people in the cold winter with a highly contagious original song 'What Sh - Lujuba

The song uses simple and sincere language and climactic melody to express the love of parents and relatives and the gratitude of children. As the traditional Chinese New Year is approaching, the song arouses strong resonance among the audience. It is understood that "What Should I Use to Repay" quickly became a hot search topic and authoritative list of well-known domestic music platforms as soon as it was released.

"What should I use to repay you? You gave me the best of everything you had. You tolerated my ordinaryness and moodiness. You have the answer to what love is; what should I use to repay you for doing my laundry?" I solve problems when cooking, and I don’t know how to express many things. Having you here makes me feel at ease.” Listening carefully to Luo Tingting's "What Should I Use to Repay", it is tender and touching, and it seems as if a series of warm pictures appear in front of my eyes, filling my emotions of gratitude.

Interview and writing: Nandu reporter Xu Xiaolei and intern Pei Han

Tags: entertainment