Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of "Sanmao Joins the Army", "Smart Escape" and "Hands Up!" ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho

entertainment 3151℃

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of "Sanmao Joins the Army", "Smart Escape" and "Hands Up!" ” and other comedy movies.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

These works, which are full of joy, but also profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen.

However, compared to Anti-Japanese War comedy movies, there are far fewer classic Anti-Japanese War comedy TV series.

In recent years, under the attack of ancient puppets and fantasy, the genre of anti-war comedy has almost disappeared and has become a thing of the past.

The high-profile Anti-Japanese War comedies in front of them are all old films from more than ten years ago, or even twenty or thirty years ago.

If you count on your fingers, the last popular anti-war comedy series was "Underground Traffic Station" in 2007.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Even if it was a work that broke 8.0, it was already " Militia Ge Erdan" in 2012, led by Huang Bo. 》.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

When will the audience have a good show to watch?

Fortunately tonight, CCTV 8 has a 24-episode Anti-Japanese War comedy to be broadcast. It is "The Dog is Running" starring Jiang Long , Shi Ce , Qin Hailu . Including You Yongzhi, Liu Peiqi, and Li Mengnan, there are four national first-class actors.

Central China's eight major dramas are very popular at the beginning of the new year.

"Flowers" is extremely high-end and takes the aesthetics of Chinese dramas to a new level.

"If Running Is My Life" is a drama that is extremely bloody and has a "third child" plot that completely breaks the drama. The ratings all the way to 2, and the whole network is hotly discussed.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Finally, it was the turn of CCTV's traditional strengths to come into play. War dramas such as "Crossing the Yalu River" and "The Great Battle" were rebroadcasted by CCTV 8 and received good ratings.

So, can this "Gou Sheng Run" regain the glory of the anti-war comedy of the past?

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Compared with the previous bloody dramas, it is difficult to break out.

However, this drama should be broadcast and it is worth broadcasting.

and very likely.

is ready - it can revive an old national drama ace.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

We can't wait for tonight. The dog has not run away yet. Let's run away first and get a taste of it.

1. Story: Joining the army under false pretenses and fighting the Japanese in the whole village is a classic Anti-Japanese War comedy.

"Run the Dog" is adapted from the Anti-Japanese War light comedy "I am not Wang Mao". The movie Douban score is 8.0, which is not low.

Looking at the title of the play, "Gou Sheng Run", it highlights the comedy.

Looking at the poster, Jiang Long carries a flag and is chased by a dog, and Jiang Yi runs away with firecrackers, creating a comedy atmosphere.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

What is the story of this drama?

The male protagonist Gou Sheng was adopted by Wang Daju since he was a child, but was rejected by his adoptive father.

In order to make money and marry Xing'er, he stepped forward at a critical moment and served as a soldier for his silly brother Wang Mao.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Yang San, who also liked Myolie, found out and tricked Gou Sheng into joining the New Fourth Army, which had no conscription fee.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

I have wanted to be a deserter many times, and I have also experienced the loss of many wars.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

gradually realized that the New Fourth Army is different from other troops.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

The Japanese army brutally killed Gou Sheng's fiancée Xing'er and Wang Mao.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Awakened Gou Sheng's bloody nature. He joined forces with Yang San, Xing'er's father Wang Daju and other villagers who were killed by the Japanese army.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Together they tore apart the Japanese soldiers. Real face.

During the anti-Japanese action launched on New Year's Eve, villagers converted their home-brewed wine into bombs, and under the anti-Japanese troops led by Gou Sheng and Yang San, burned the Japanese military camp.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

The action was extremely brutal and caused serious casualties, but Gou Sheng was baptized and grew up as a result.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

He finally understood that "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of a country." Grow from a scoundrel villager to a qualified warrior.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Combining the original movie and the production special, it is not difficult to see the three major highlights of this drama:

First, it is a black humor comedy.

Many viewers said, how can we make a comedy when the war of resistance is so serious?

I don’t agree with this. Anti-Japanese War and war must be tragic and serious, but comedy is not necessarily just for fun.

Is the subject matter of "Life is Beautiful", which tells the story of the concentration camp, serious? But Roberto Benigni still made it into a legendary comedy. 1.35 million people on Douban gave the film a score of 9.5.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Is the life and death situation in "Qiao Run Miao Escape" serious? However, under the interpretation of Wei Zongwan and other powerful actors, wonderful comedy sequences such as the first generation of Cotton Tiantuan were born.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

As long as the black humor is handled just right, without being frivolous or losing weight, comedy is still powerful.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

One of the highlights of this drama is how a group of new generation comedians perform a comedy story during the Anti-Japanese War. Make the audience laugh and make the audience cry.

The second is the growth of little people.

Little character comedy is always the most touching type of comedy. The biggest highlight of this drama is how Gou Sheng grows from a little person to a revolutionary warrior.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

The third is the war scene.

In addition to comedy, this drama is also an anti-war drama.

Wang Xinjun, the director of this drama, has produced the war drama "Heshan ". He is the director. It is impossible to just shoot light and funny comedy bickering. He must shoot hard scenes.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Judging from the special production, there is indeed no lack of large-scale war scene scheduling.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

For viewers who like anti-war dramas, "The Dogs Run" is also interesting.

2. Actors: New generation comedians + powerful actors, 4 national first-class actors

Characters are the soul of an anti-war comedy. Only by shaping the characters well can they shine.

Especially the Anti-Japanese War works named after people. "San Mao Joins the Army" has San Mao, "Military Ge Erdan" has Ge Erdan, and "Gou Sheng Runs" has who?

Li Haijiang, the screenwriter of this drama, is the original screenwriter of the movie "I'm Not Wang Mao", and the story is solid.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Director Wang Xinjun’s representative work "Heshan", this drama should also be the representative work of anti-war dramas in recent years, but unlike the former, the casting is all talented actors.

The main lineup of "Gou Sheng Run" is a combination of old and new.

But this new actor is not the top-notch and powerful actor often used in ancient and modern puppet shows, but a new generation of comedians.

Let’s talk about the leading actors first, ranks first, the male protagonist Jiang Long

After making his debut in "Comedy Contest", Jiang Long has continued to work in new works in the past two years, including "Amazing Night", "Hot" and "Goodbye, Li Cola" , his performance is eye-catching enough, especially the comedy performance is natural enough and not forced to be funny.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

The male protagonist Gou Sheng in "Gou Sheng Run" has a very high degree of adaptability in terms of appearance and personality.

But it is not easy to play the role of this stupid young man who originally only earns military pay but "doesn't want glory" and only wants money but "doesn't care about his life." Especially the sublimation of the character in the second half is a test of acting skills.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

But if Jiang Long catches this character, he will really run away.

The second place is the heroine Shi Ce

Few people know that Shi Ce actually graduated from Beijing Dance Theater majoring in musical theater. After

became famous in comedies, her drama performances from "Hometown, Safe and Sound" to "Black Soil Silence" are also eye-catching, especially the policewoman Zhou Qi who killed the female killer Jin Zhuhua with one shot, which should make the audience I saw her acting ability.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

In this drama, her character has an unrequited love for Gou Sheng, and she launches a rapid pursuit of him.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Wang Xinjun brought these two together, obviously to bring in the source of the new generation of comedians, but they alone were not enough, so he brought in four more national first-class actors to join the cast.

One, Qin Hailu

The so-called married couple in battle, Qin Hailu has appeared in almost all Wang Xinjun's dramas in recent years.

As a recognized acting school in domestic entertainment, Qin Hailu became famous very early. She acted in a movie for the first time and won the Best Actress at a young age. However, her acting career went through a lot of twists and turns. After returning, she integrated her life experience into her performance. , the acting skills are even better in my opinion.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

In terms of popularity in recent years, Qin Hailu may not be the most popular, but in terms of the roles she has played, Qin Hailu definitely has a lot.

For example, in "The Piano of Steel", a collaboration with Wang Qianyuan, Shuxian dances in a red dress.

Another tidbit of this low-cost literary film is: halfway through filming, Qin Hailu discovered that the crew was extremely poor, so she not only invested her deserved salary in the film, but also used her savings to support the crew in post-production, and that’s how this movie came about Recognized as a masterpiece of low-budget art films.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

The characteristic of Qin Hailu is that she can act in any genre, but the anti-war and era genres are indeed her favorites.

She has performed extremely well in "Red Sorghum" with Zhou Xun, "White Deer Plain" with Zhang Jiayi, and "Above the Cliff" directed by Zhang Yimou.

This time she plays Wang Mao's mother, who is reasonable, valiant and capable. Facing the Japanese devils who killed her son Wang Mao, she resolutely stands up to fight against the Japanese. She is tenacious and heroic. She will be brilliant if she plays the role well.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

I don’t have any worries about Qin Hailu’s acting skills. The only thing I worry about is whether the young actor can take on powerful roles.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Second, You Yongzhi

As a representative of the tough guy group, You Yongzhi became famous very early. In 1991, he co-starred with Pu Cunxin in "The Bells of Qingliang Temple" directed by Xie Jin.

In many police and criminals and costume dramas, he has played the leading role and has performed well. However, the role that the audience is most familiar with this time is probably Li Dayou in "Mountains and Seas".

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

You Yongzhi brought this role to life, and together with Zhang Jiayi's Ma Huanshui, he became the most eye-catching supporting actor in the play.

Although he has played many roles in the past, he has almost never played a villain. Unexpectedly, in "The Dogs Run", he looks like a landlord and a wealthy man. It seems that he plays the local traitor county magistrate.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

This casting is definitely a brilliant move, and You Yongzhi’s performance is certainly worth looking forward to.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Thirdly, Liu Peiqi

This powerful actor does not need to be introduced too much. From Bai Yingyu in "The Mansion Gate" to Mr. Zhu in "White Deer Plain", Liu Peiqi has almost never failed to portray historical figures of this era.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

This time, the braided man he played was very angry at first sight. Sure enough, in the play, he angrily cursed the Japanese army in front of his face. His performance is most likely to be one word: stable.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Fourth, Li Mengnan

As a first-class actor in the National Theater of China, he is Zhao Ximei in "Military Ge Erdan", Gao Dayong in "Justice Infinite", and Cui Dake in "We Are Iron Rice or Steel" , Huang Mingfeng in "Army", Shi Xiangshun in "Phineas Hero" and so on.

It is not difficult to see that the anti-war genre is his specialty.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

In this drama, he plays the role of the hard-earned Iron Cock King Daju, who is also the adoptive father of the male protagonist. With his stingy setting, it should not be difficult to generate laughter. But after his daughter was killed by the Japanese army, the scene where he donated all his family wealth and fought tooth and nail with the Japanese army brought tears to his eyes. It would be difficult for this character not to be outstanding.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

The addition of these national first-class actors can create a rich group of characters and can also add confidence to the performances of young actors. It seems that everything is ready, but -

3. "Gou Sheng Run" wants to "explode" , and there are three problems that have to be faced.

1. Can the stereotype that anti-war dramas are all anti-war dramas be broken?

It can be seen from the war drama "Scouting Heroes" currently being broadcast by Beijing Satellite TV and Zhejiang Satellite TV that the audience has low standards and low requirements for genres such as ancient puppets and romantic dramas, but for war genres, they have high standards and strict requirements, even if The quality of the series is not low, but any flaws will be magnified by the audience.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

If you are not careful, it will be classified as a bad drama.

This is of course because of the psychological shadow left by the Anti-Japanese War drama in the hearts of the audience.

In the past few years, those dramas about tearing up Japanese soldiers with hands, masturbating with rocks, hiding mines in the crotch, bamboo tube mortars, and anti-war heroes can be said to have biased the style of the entire anti-war drama, and ordinary audiences also hated it.

And latecomers, no matter good or bad, will encounter severe scrutiny from the audience as soon as they come out. This makes people worry: Can "Goshen Run" withstand this round of word-of-mouth bombardment from the audience?

2. Anti-Japanese War comedies are difficult to shoot, can the director control them?

Anti-Japanese War comedy is actually an extremely difficult type to shoot.

The film must be funny and playful, but also solemn, and the plot must not appear abrupt or excessive.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Wang Xinjun's "Heshan" has a good reputation in the ratings. He obviously has no problem with the Anti-Japanese War drama, especially when it comes to filming grand war scenes and respecting history.

But comedy is another field. The high-scoring Anti-Japanese War comedies listed at the beginning are all produced by masters. Zhang Jianya, Feng Xiaoning...each one is a domestic film star.

Can Wang Xinjun, who directs an anti-war comedy for the first time, do it well?

Judging from the language and images of the trailer, the big scenes were shot smoothly, but how about the comedy of small characters?

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Watch the drama.

3. After restoring the Taoism, can the textual research party rest assured?

A common problem with the recent anti-war genre is that the character designs are too new.

Judging from the trailer, the costumes in this drama are old and have a strong local flavor.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

's presentation of poverty is also relatively realistic. The patches on the villagers' clothes and the poor people everywhere gave the audience a direct impact.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

If the feature film is also of this level, the audience should rest assured.

4. Can the Anti-Japanese War comedy explode? Watch "The Leftovers"

Why did the Anti-Japanese War comedies disappear? Is it because the audience doesn't like watching war genres, or does it mean they don't like watching comedies anymore?

is obviously neither.

's "Scouting Heroes" currently airing has been soaring in ratings, with the latest ratings breaking 0.6 on both channels, and it is even possible to win the annual championship on both channels. It can be seen that the audience's demand for the war genre is not decreasing, but increasing.

As for comedy, it is always in demand. The audience always needs laughter.

Then why are there only a handful of good Anti-Japanese War comedies in recent years?

In a word: thankless.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

The cost is not low, the difficulty is not low, and it is easy to attract criticism. Compared with droughts and floods, the harvest is guaranteed. No matter how bad the film is, fans will pay for the ancient and modern puppets. Who is willing to do the hard work of anti-war comedy?

But Wang Xinjun and Qin Hailu did it.

With the 2+ rating base left by "Run", the best ratings platform of Yangba, coupled with a good cast, and a fresh anti-war comedy type, "Run" has a high probability of breaking 2 when it is first aired. The overall ratings will not be low.

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

However, my expectations for the series are far more than that. My question is: Can "The Leftovers" bring back the long-lost anti-war comedy?

is funny, just the basics.

What’s more difficult is whether the series can find the true peak moment of domestic anti-war comedies.

I still remember the most touching scene when I was a child and watched "The Escape".

That is Sasaki, the Japanese army captain in the film who is passionate about Chinese music. He was a music teacher before joining the army. His immense enthusiasm for music created the greatest comedy effect of the film. However, in the middle of the film, Sasaki watched in the middle of the night. Looking at the moon in the sky, I recalled my hometown with the soldiers.

He held the "Duxian Qin" and said to himself:

"I taught 22 students, and each of them can play an instrument. When the moon is full, I will take them to the river to play. I We must bring all these instruments back and teach them. When the war is over, we will go to Tokyo to play."

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

Although he played an enemy, national first-class actor Sun Min performed this scene in a tear-jerking manner, full of nostalgia and Silence.

At this moment, the depth of the film reached a level that was difficult to reach in all subsequent anti-Japanese war dramas.

Can "Gou Sheng Run" present a flesh-and-blood and soul-stirring little character comedy legend?

Speaking of anti-Japanese war comedies, many people will think of 'Sanmao Joins the Army', 'Smart Escape' and 'Hands Up!' ” and other comedy movies. These works, which are full of joy and at the same time profound, heavy and reflective, have also become classics on the screen. Ho - Lujuba

It is certain that being responsible for history is the greatest source of confidence for anti-Japanese war comedies.

wishes "Gou Sheng" good luck.

Tags: entertainment