Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree

entertainment 9350℃

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall...

In his Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they are violinists or pandas. The traditional career setting of doctors is contrary to Barbie's slogan "You can be anyone"...

speaks for Asians between the lines.

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu’s Weibo)

And this statement is not exclusive to Weibo. He also posted the English version of the same content on his ins, which was shared both internally and externally... It sparked a wave of heated discussions...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu’s ins)

Many netizens The first reaction is "Has Daniel Wu's account been hacked?"...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(@BennyBrother Weibo screenshot)

After all, it is unimaginable that Weibo stars are still alive...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Daniel Wu's Weibo comment area)

Daniel Wu as Chinese-American, born in San Francisco, spent his childhood in California. He graduated from the Department of Architecture at the University of Oregon. He is proficient in English and Spanish...

But in addition to his love of martial arts when he was a child, he came to Beijing Sports School for a while. There is little opportunity to be exposed to Mandarin.

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

So his Mandarin is only spoken but not written...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu participated in a martial arts competition)

In the early years, Daniel Wu was almost unnoticed on Weibo...

Although he registered on Weibo at that time, his language My ability is limited, so I can only use English to try my best to increase participation.

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu’s Weibo)

Later, he tried to share his life in Mandarin, such as his daughter’s experience of having her ears pierced for the first time. The preface did not match the follow-up, and netizens suspected that he had used a crappy translator, and was “ridiculed”...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

( Daniel Wu’s Weibo & screenshots of the comment area)

After many communication failures, Daniel Wu persevered and continued to blog. He has made slight progress in the past year or two. I don’t know if it is the result of changing the translator or working hard to practice Mandarin. Finally...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Even the netizens passing by have to sigh...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Daniel Wu’s Weibo comment area)

Now Daniel Wu is still blogging about Buddhism at a rate of 2-3 posts per month, but as long as it is updated, it will still be of the same 24k pure gold high quality level, advertising The water blog content is 0...

For example, he shared that he did not go to the prom in high school and did the animation festival at home...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu Weibo)

said that he was a "bad boy" in high school...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu Weibo)

In fact, he is often dumped by girls because he is too handsome...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Daniel Wu's interview with Lu Yu)

revealed that he has been a die-hard Ultraman fan since he was a child, and his tone is very middle-class (crossed out)...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu's Weibo)

Yes Even though he is lactose intolerant, he still eats White Rabbit ice cream...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu’s Weibo)

is different from other celebrities who cherish their words like gold. Daniel Wu uses Weibo as a family group chat and diary, and every time he writes a long list of words Pictures and texts...

Whether it is the small details of racing training...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu Weibo)

Or the complaints about being an architect...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Or the honest selfies without any processing and packaging...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu Weibo)

and five short body photos... He posted them all on Weibo...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu’s Weibo)

The onlookers had to beg him not to be too "real"...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Daniel Wu’s Weibo comment area)

Although Daniel Wu usually shares most of the content on social platforms He is relaxed and funny who does not care about personal image, but when it is time to speak seriously, he has never been silent, especially for the Asian community...

After the new crown epidemic in 2020, Daniel Wu publicly criticized Trump online...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Trump Twitter, Screenshot of Daniel Wu’s ins)

html In July, an 89-year-old Chinese man in Brooklyn, New York City, was attacked by two men with his face covered. After seeing the news, Daniel Wu used his own money to offer a reward of US$15,000. This not only helped to arrest the suspect, but also expanded the number of Asians. The attention of the attack incident...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(screenshot of brooklyn daily eagle news)

In January 2021, many 90-year-old Chinese elderly people in the United States were attacked and pushed down on the streets one after another. Daniel Wu and another Chinese actor raised US$25,000 to issue a wanted order and collect information. Help hunt down criminal suspects.

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Daniel Wu on Instagram)

At the same time, he also promoted volunteer activities to protect Asian elderly on Instagram, printed T-shirts with "stopasianhate" to stop hating Asians, and raised millions of donations on the Internet to support the anti-Asian fight. The discriminatory activities involve both money and effort...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Daniel Wu's Instagram)

also did not forget to show the Park's uncle's fitness video with the text "I don't think anyone will rob this uncle", clearly mocking those attackers who only dare to bully the weak. The group...resolutely fights to the end.

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Daniel Wu's ins)

And after the incident in January, Daniel Wu personally rushed to the location of the violence - Chinatown in Oakland, California, and used his influence to call the society's attention to these violent incidents against Chinese Americans...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu Send a distress whistle to Chinese shops)

At the beginning of 2022, Daniel Wu was photographed volunteering in Chinatown, and he was an active resident volunteer...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu ended his volunteer work)

Everyone then remembered that in the second year after the Wenchuan earthquake, just when The popular Daniel Wu went to Qionglai City, Sichuan to work as a volunteer building a house...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Volunteer Picture in 2009)

In addition, Daniel Wu has always been thoughtful and courageous in his life.

It is said that he once encountered injustice on the street in a nightclub. In order to protect a strange girl from being harassed, he was knocked on the head by a drunk man...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Guangzhou Daily news)

In 2019, when Daniel Wu went to Tokyo to watch the "Tokyo Auto Salon" car show , I found that the photographers at the auto show were all taking pictures around the hired female models, and they also abnormally magnified the body parts of the female models to take pictures. Afterwards, I posted an article on Instagram pointing out that the photographers' behavior was very strange.

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Screenshot of Daniel Wu’s ins)

What’s more, Azu’s thinking mind is filled with fascinating knowledge and a serious and diligent character...

Daniel Wu previously participated in a mainland variety show and was responsible for renovating a dilapidated old house. The other guests were all playing for fun, and he worked hard to show off his skills from beginning to end...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Daniel Wu, who became an actor after graduation, still stayed up late to draw professional design sketches after many years...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

In order to I made the bamboo door design I had in mind and cut the bamboo myself without saying a word...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Then I turned into a construction worker and carried the load under the high temperature...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

Driving an excavator...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

The final result...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(screenshot of "Beautiful House" variety show)

It can be said that after many years of debut, the only thing that has collapsed is his own selfie... The only thing that can ruin Daniel Wu is Daniel Wu himself...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu)

But even if his appearance will age, who can say that at the age of 49, he will lose his charm? Back then...

Last night, actor Daniel Wu went online and posted a Weibo post about his feelings after visiting the toy section of the mall... In the Weibo, he criticized the Asian Barbies on the market for being too stereotyped, whether they were violinists or doctor pandas. Traditional caree - Lujuba

(Daniel Wu)

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