"Perfect crime" sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of "perfect crime". There is also a group of people who almost completed th

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"Perfect crime" sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of "perfect crime".

There is also a group of people who almost completed the perfect crime, but because of a little accident, everything was lost.

Netizens on reddit recently shared what they know about "almost perfect crimes" . Let's take a look at how these cunning criminals were discovered and imprisoned...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba

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[Forgetting to lock the door led to a long-standing unsolved case]

Ariel Castro once imprisoned three girls in his home for 11 years. Until one time when he left home, he forgot to lock the door. Only one of them was allowed to leave. The girl escaped from the room and called the police on a neighbor's phone.

It's already a scary story to get here.

What's even more outrageous is that when the police were questioning surrounding residents, they accidentally discovered a cold case that had been pending for many years.

It turns out that one of Castro's neighbors (not the one on the phone) kidnapped and killed a girl as early as the early 1990s, and hid the body in a public safe.

If Castro hadn't forgotten to lock the door, this neighbor's crime would never have been discovered...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba


[A wise man thinks twice and forgets the dishwasher]

The 1972 California Union Bank robbery, Six criminals rented a vacation home as a base and stole approximately $9 million in cash and valuables.

Before leaving, they cleaned the house, but they forgot to turn on the dishwasher, allowing the police to collect everyone's fingerprints from the dirty dishes in the dishwasher...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba


[Terrorist killer was unintentionally "betrayed" by his family]

Joseph James DeAngelo (joseph james deangelo) was a serial killer, rapist and robber who was known as the "Golden State Killer" at the time. In 12 years, he committed at least 12 murders, more than 50 rapes and more than 100 thefts, with criminal footprints all over California.

He will investigate the target several months in advance, understand the target's schedule, enter the target's home in advance to prepare, and finally commit the crime. In that era of lack of fingerprint evidence and identification technology, the police were still unable to identify the suspect. It was not until 2001, when DNA identification technology was officially put into use, that they determined that this series of cases were all committed by the same person.

But Joseph never submitted his DNA, so the police had no way to compare it.

Until one day, one of his relatives conducted a DNA genealogy test (analyzing bloodlines and the like) just for fun. This allowed the police to determine Joseph's identity and arrest him...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba


[Forgot Turn off the microphone and leak the truth of the case]

Robert Durst is the heir to a New York real estate tycoon. He was suspected by the police due to the disappearance of his wife and the deaths of old friends and neighbors, but was eventually acquitted.

Until 2015, HBO wanted to shoot a mini-documentary for him, and he decided to participate in it in order to clear his suspicions.

During the filming process, one time he forgot to turn off the microphone when he went to the bathroom. As a result, he said to himself while going to the bathroom: "What else can I do, of course, kill them all."

Later, this recording was Submitted to the court as evidence.

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba


[Killed countless people, but exposed his feet for money]

Harold Shipman was a general practitioner and a serial killer. During his career, he took advantage of his profession and killed 250 patients.

A staff member once raised suspicions with the police because he felt that too many elderly people died under his care, but the police were unable to find enough evidence to file charges.

Until a certain year, he forged a will after killing a former mayor and left all the property to himself. The matter was revealed...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba


[The Strongest Bank Robber , lost to a group of naughty kids]

"Friday Night Bank Robber (nickname)" is one of the most famous bank robbers in the United States.

He only committed crimes on Fridays in autumn and winter every year, because during this season it gets dark earlier than bank closing time; he chose Friday because there were fewer people coming to the bank to handle business on this day.

He would ride his motorcycle through the woods to the bank to commit the robbery, then walk through the forest back to his prepared truck and drive away.

He will not commit crimes the rest of the time and leave no clues for the police.

The police could not find any clues about the robber until a group of children were playing in the woods one day and discovered a large pile of buried pistols, hoods and cash. They handed it over to the police , which allowed the police to successfully solve the case.

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba

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[The bank robber took the initiative to send fingerprints and DNA]

This case was called the Knightsbridge Robbery.

The leader of the gang, , cut himself while breaking into the safe, and found it too late. There was blood everywhere on the safe, as well as his bloody fingerprints.

Despite this, he managed to abscond to a South American country with $60 million. Later, he returned to the UK to take away his beloved Ferrari, but was arrested...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba

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[The terrorist killer wrote a book about the crime process and published it]

Kristian Bala (kristian bala), a Polish murderer and writer.

He killed a person but left no evidence. It was not until 3 years later that he published a detective novel. The murderer in the book completely restored the murder method in reality. also revealed some secrets about the murderer. Information that can only be known...

When he was arrested, the police discovered that he was working on a second novel, and based on evidence on his computer, he was planning to kill a new victim to complete his "book."

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba


[Bored homeless man solves bank robbery]

A bank robber hired a bunch of people online and asked them to show up at the door of the bank wearing the same clothes as him. After the robbery, he blended into the crowd and disappeared. .

It was a perfect crime, but a bored homeless man noticed that he had rehearsed the day before robbing the bank...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba

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[The arsonist exposed his identity, just to prove he was right]

There was A serial arsonist caused 90% of the fires in Los Angeles. How was

exposed? He was working in the fire department at the time, there was a fire that was ruled an accidental electrical fire, but he insisted it was not an accident...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba


【Death Under Peonies】

I'm in Chicago, and last year someone robbed a bank, Then he disappeared into the vast crowd of people and vehicles.

No one could catch him until three weeks later, a woman saw the wanted poster and discovered that this guy had chatted with her before robbing the bank and even left his mobile phone number...

He really Almost...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba

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[On the importance of psychological factors in robberies]

Someone robbed a bank near my home and then escaped on a motorcycle.

His hands and feet were really fast. When the police arrived at the scene, he had already abandoned his motorcycle and drove away in his car.

The police lost all clues. Judging from the situation at the time, as long as he could drive the car home, he could escape smoothly.

As a result, he happened to encounter a police car on routine patrol while driving. He crashed into a telephone pole in panic. The police came to check and found the stolen money...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba

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[ People’s hearts are broken, and it’s hard to lead the team]

I work in a prison, and I met an old man before who was serving his sentence for robbing a bank. His arrest was a complete accident. In the eyes of outsiders, he is a model citizen, married, loves children, volunteers, and is enthusiastic about public welfare.

No one suspected him after he robbed a bank, but one of his younger brothers became more confident and decided to rob a bank himself. It turned out that the younger brother was the younger brother. After

was arrested, 's younger brother betrayed him in order to reduce his sentence...

'Perfect crime' sounds like the plot of a mystery novel, but if you think about it carefully, in reality, those unresolved cases in which the criminal has not been caught for a long time seem to be a type of 'perfect crime'. There is also a group of people who almost completed th - Lujuba

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What can I say? After reading the cases mentioned by netizens, people have to sigh that real life is far bolder than works of art.

After all, how could those authors come up with such an illogical yet reasonable plot...

But fortunately, these little coincidences allowed these cases to be solved and the criminals to get the punishment they deserve. This is "The Skynet is vast, sparse but not omitted", maybe it means...

Tags: entertainment