Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph

entertainment 5062℃

author | Sahuan

editor | Xiang Wanwan

Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention.

In the picture, the wife’s temperament becomes more and more charming as time goes by.

Her smile is calm and leisurely, her eyes are very gentle as she looks at the photo, and her neat short hair makes her look full of energy.

Chen Daoming, as always, is simply dressed and low-key. When the two of them are in the same frame, they all reveal an aura of love for each other.

Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph - Lujuba

Some netizens said with envy: "It would be great if I also had such a love. How can we stay together for a lifetime?"

Let's start with the experience of their acquaintance.


Before the two met, his wife’s uncle Fang Chen was Chen Daoming’s colleague.

After constantly dealing with Chen Daoming, Fang Chen learned that Chen Daoming had been playing a small role for 7 years, but had not achieved much. He could not win a role with lines, and he had been playing a small role.

Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph - Lujuba

But Fang Chen has always noticed his conversation and hard-working spirit, and he appreciates his style and way of doing things more and more.

The two often chatted and drank, gradually became familiar with each other, and later became close friends.

When he learned that Chen Daoming was single, he always wanted to find an opportunity for the two of them to get to know each other.

Until 24-year-old Du Xian went to Tianjin to visit his uncle. There happened to be a performance, so his uncle took his niece to the theater to watch the show.

Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph - Lujuba

As soon as she sat down, her eyes were attracted by a "motionless" actor on the stage, and this "immobile" actor was an outstanding young man that her uncle wanted her to get to know.

At this time, Chen Daoming was acting as a mirror. He didn't know that there was an excellent girl staring at him all the time.

She looked at the motionless "mirror" and suddenly remembered something funny, so she laughed quietly and happily.

The uncle who was standing by looked at her smiling face and couldn't help but think that there was something going on.

After the performance, the uncle took his niece backstage. At this time, Chen Daoming was taking off his makeup. When his uncle saw this, he immediately introduced the two of them.

Chen Daoming was a little embarrassed by his uncle's attack. Before he could speak, Du Xian continued: "The mirror you acted was so funny."

The awkward situation was broken with one sentence.

When she recalled the first time she saw Chen Daoming, she said with a smile: "I didn't see that he had any special talent at that time, I just thought he was quite elegant."

But Chen Daoming fell in love with the handsome man at first sight. A girl with temperament. Immediately afterwards, Fang Chen told him that his niece liked literature.

From then on, Chen Daoming remembered her preferences.

Whenever we meet, we talk about literary classics with her.

Every time the two of them chatted, they each held their own opinions and supplemented each other's opinions. As soon as they discussed, they forgot the existence of time.

Although Chen Daoming was born in a scholarly family, he also studied classical literature since he was a child.

However, in order to please Fang Chen's niece even more, after working late at night, she would often read literature over and over again, make excerpts, and ponder over the truth.

Every time she had an in-depth conversation about literature, she found that this young man was very different. Gradually, the two began to get to know each other.

At that time, Chen Daoming would write her a love poem every week, even record a love song cassette, and compose most of the lyrics himself. After

, Chen Daoming finally won Du Xian's sincerity.

Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph - Lujuba


thought they would always be together sweetly, but when Fang Chen told his parents that they were in love, Du Xian's parents objected.

They complained: "The status gap between the two people is too big.

The young man who is playing a small role has an unstable job.

Moreover, their daughter is also a CCTV news anchor, and her job is decent and decent. Her future development prospects cannot be ruined by this young man. ."

"Father, mother, I know you are doing it for my own good. But you have to believe in your daughter's vision. We will definitely develop better in the future," Du Xian explained patiently.

At this time, Chen Daoming was waiting downstairs, looking at the stairs to see if anyone came down, and then lowering his head, thinking about the next countermeasures.

But the weather was not good, and soon it started to rain.

A full 4 hours later, the "negotiation" between the daughter and her parents ended.

After Chen Daoming learned about it, he excitedly held her in his arms and secretly vowed that he would prove himself and must be worthy of his girlfriend.

So he decided to further his studies in Chinese drama, so that the gap between the two would not look like a gap, and he also wanted to be closer to his girlfriend.

During the exam preparation period, Chen Daoming was studying almost every time he opened his eyes, and consolidating the knowledge points he had learned every time he closed his eyes. He had no time to spend with his girlfriend.

But Du Xian understands him and doesn't bother him. He occasionally tells jokes in his spare time to reduce his pressure.

In the end, Chen Daoming was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama to study acting, but as a major, he hated following the script, which paved the way for his future acting.

Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph - Lujuba

As the two met more and more times, more quarrels followed.

Actually, it’s mainly because girls have a little temper, and so does Du Xian.

When the two went on a date, Chen Daoming was a few minutes late or did not prepare any surprises for the festival.

Girls pay attention to details, which will make her feel that Chen Daoming does not love her as much as before.

So she tested the other party's attitude through quarrels.

But Chen Daoming didn't know this, so he kept explaining and reasoning, trying to make Du Xian understand that I care about you.

became angrier as he explained, and the more she thought about it, the angrier she became. In anger, she broke up with Chen Daoming in very decisive words.

Chen Daoming was like a basin of cold water poured down on him at this moment. He suddenly woke up and immediately coaxed his girlfriend with nice words and kept saying "I love you" in her ear.

The relationship between the two people did not drift apart during the "little quarrel", but became more and more like glue that could not be broken apart.

Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph - Lujuba

Later Du Xian recalled:

"We had all the quarrels when we were in love. Now we are like friends and we no longer quarrel. I always feel that Chen Daoming and I are quite destined."


But no matter how loving each other is, we still welcome each other. There's a huge crisis.

"Chen Daoming, don't you love me anymore? Then let's break up!" Du Xian said without hesitation.

When Chen Daoming heard this, his heart skipped a beat. He thought about what he had done wrong, but it seemed that he had not.

But he also knew that it was time to make a promise to Du Xian. After all,

has started working and has a stable career. He is no longer the young boy he used to be.

Then, he made up his mind and said slowly: "Du Xian, we have gone through so many ups and downs and often quarreled, but we have never been separated. I hope you give me a chance and let me treat you for the rest of my life. Okay, let's get married!"

When she heard this sentence, all the fire in her heart disappeared. She shed tears of happiness and nodded slowly.

Both parents also approved of their marriage and gave their blessings.

Later, Chen Daoming and his wife held a marriage in the Tongzi Building where they lived.

Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph - Lujuba

In the eyes of many people, this marriage was actually the result of Chen Daoming's high hopes.

Du Xian has achieved certain achievements in his career. He is a news anchor at CCTV and has a guaranteed iron job. On the other hand, Chen Daoming has been working as a bit player for 7 years and has not been able to get a single role. He has accomplished nothing and relied on his own family. Wife eats.

These rumors naturally reached the ears of the two of them, and they just laughed.

The wife knows very well that her husband is constantly accumulating and waiting for the opportunity. One day, he will be able to break out of his own world.

What she needs to do is not to worry her husband and take good care of their family.

And when her husband can’t stand it, give him a thick and warm shoulder to lean on.


But fate did not seem to favor Chen Daoming very well. Instead, it kept testing him.

In the two years after his marriage, Chen Daoming's career did not improve at all, and he was in a situation where he had nothing to do, but he did not give up on himself. Instead,

often goes to the set to observe other people's acting skills and then imitate them himself.

Although I see my wife’s career flourishing, I can’t help but feel a little disappointed.

His wife also noticed his thoughts and did not say anything. Instead, she often encouraged him and used her actions to tell him that you can do it.

Finally in 1984, Chen Daoming's opportunity finally came.

When Zhou Huan, the director of "The Last Emperor" was selecting actors on the set, he took a fancy to the capable and Confucian Chen Daoming at first sight. He immediately made a decision and decided to let him play the leading role of Pu Yi.

Then, Chen Daoming became an instant hit.

At the age of 33, he won the "Double Visual Emperor" of the "Golden Eagle Award" and the "Feitian Award". The two awards

were quite important at the time.

Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph - Lujuba

Then Chen Daoming’s career was out of control. In the nearly 42 years from his debut in 1981 to 2023,

has created multiple film and television roles in 56 film and television works and became a well-known actor.

With the birth of her daughter, she needed to be taken care of.

At that time, Chen Daoming's career was on the rise, and people who came to him for filming crowded his home and occupied his time.

Author | Sahuan Editor | Xiang Wanwan Recently, Chen Daoming and his wife appeared at a public event, which attracted widespread attention. In the picture, the wife's temperament becomes more and more charming with time. Her smile was calm and leisurely, her eyes looked at the ph - Lujuba

Since there was no one to take care of her daughter, the wife had the idea of ​​resigning and focusing on taking care of the family.

When Chen Daoming heard this idea, he was the first to object and said seriously: "You must have a career of your own. I don't want you to give up what you want to do and settle for less.

If you stay at home for a long time, There will be a psychological burden, which will lead to more bad thoughts. I will work less and spend more time with my daughter."

Chen Daoming has not broken his promise. Just as he swore to Du Xian that he would be good to her all his life.

Outside the show, Chen Daoming did not participate in any reality shows, nor did he promote himself, and refused to attend any meaningless gatherings.

The most important dinner party is for those who leave after finishing the serious business.

Someone asked: "Isn't this kind of life boring?"

Chen Daoming's answer was this: "Compared to smoking, drinking, playing cards and going to bars, I would rather be at home, dependent on my wife, and simply living the world of two people.

Just like when we were young, we always stuck together. She was embroidering, I was sewing the leather bag, and the two of us were making our daughter's clothes together. When we were tired, we looked out the window and watched the breeze blowing the green leaves, and the two of us basked in the warm sun. , we talk about things together, we are really happy!”

wrote at the end:

The greatest romance in the world may be just like this.

is not about flowers and sweet words.

But I am willing to grow up with you and face difficulties together.

- end -

Tags: entertainment