On January 20, the animated film "Porpoise: Dance of the Wind" was released. The film released the ultimate poster and the episode "Us" MV, showing the thousand-year entanglement between the fairy Jiang Ling and the mortal Lin Sheng from a unique perspective.

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"Finless Porpoise·Wind Time Dance" released the MV "Us". The fateful love guarded by both sides resonates. Duration: 00:35 Source: Movie Network

"Final Porpoise·Wind Time Dance" released the MV "Us" Two-way The fateful love of guardianship resonates Hide

Duration: 00:35 It is recommended to open it under WIFI

1905 Movie News On January 20, the animated film "The Dance of the Finless Porpoise" was released, and the film released the ultimate poster and the episode "Us" MV. A unique perspective shows the thousand-year entanglement between the fairy Jiang Ling and the mortal Lin Sheng.

On January 20, the animated film 'Porpoise: Dance of the Wind' was released. The film released the ultimate poster and the episode 'Us' MV, showing the thousand-year entanglement between the fairy Jiang Ling and the mortal Lin Sheng from a unique perspective. - Lujuba

The final poster highlights the strong national style of the film, and the golden-patterned black dragon hovering in the sky highlights China's unique mythical beast culture. The fairy Jiang Ling stood in the river, burdened with the reality of the desperate situation. She was unable to reverse it and made a wish in the wind, praying to heaven to help overcome the disaster, and hoping that Lin Sheng, whose life or death was uncertain, could be safe.

On January 20, the animated film 'Porpoise: Dance of the Wind' was released. The film released the ultimate poster and the episode 'Us' MV, showing the thousand-year entanglement between the fairy Jiang Ling and the mortal Lin Sheng from a unique perspective. - Lujuba

Behind him are several leaping finless porpoises. The aquatic tribe gathers here, as if they are looking for something; the black dragon that breaks the secret of heaven and wants to punish humans is entrenched in the sky. The golden patterns revealed are the symbol of God, as a god-like existence. , will he also destroy Jiang Ling and the finless porpoise tribe who refuse to accept their fate? Or reverse destiny and finally give humans and the aquatic tribe a glimmer of hope. All living things coexist harmoniously, and the fate of Jiang Ling and Lin Sheng cursed by the gods is quietly revealed. They are close at hand, yet out of reach.

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