Who would have thought that the most popular thing about Honor of Kings is not the S34 season, but a 3D animation movie with Li Bai as the protagonist. Of course, this time the movie was not released in theaters. Instead, it was officially divided into several episodes and then p

entertainment 6851℃

Who would have thought that the most popular thing about Honor of Kings is not the S34 season, but a 3D animation movie with Li Bai as the protagonist. Of course, this time the movie was not released in theaters. Instead, it was officially divided into several episodes and then put on streaming media in segments for players to watch for free. At present, only half of the content of "Chapter of Glory, Broken Moon" has been released. The popularity of film and television dramas continues to rise. Everyone is discussing the next direction of the plot, who will be the final villain, whether Li Bai's parents will survive in the end, and whether the official will give Li Bai a A grand finale.

Who would have thought that the most popular thing about Honor of Kings is not the S34 season, but a 3D animation movie with Li Bai as the protagonist. Of course, this time the movie was not released in theaters. Instead, it was officially divided into several episodes and then p - Lujuba

Regardless of the ending, whether you can accept it or not, this 3D animation does bring a lot of surprises to people. The graphics of the anime are quite exquisite, no different from those of big movies, and the movements of the anime characters are very smooth, with no feeling of frame dropping at all. Even Li Bai's hair in the game can be blown by the wind. Every move he makes and the swing of his clothes are in line with common sense. The designers really paid attention to the details. To be honest, this anime has reached the standard for online theaters. It is no wonder that the film and television series are so popular.

Who would have thought that the most popular thing about Honor of Kings is not the S34 season, but a 3D animation movie with Li Bai as the protagonist. Of course, this time the movie was not released in theaters. Instead, it was officially divided into several episodes and then p - Lujuba

Most of the buildings in the background of the game have restored history. This animation shows players some traditional domestic culture. The original intention of the king to spread traditional culture remains unchanged. There are as many as 22 steps in the animation production process. There is a huge amount of work behind Li Bai's emotions, anger, sadness, and each facial expression. The official staff did not perfunctory everyone, but started with the details to try to make Li Bai's image as close to reality as possible. . Therefore, Li Bai's behavior and performance in the game can impress the audience. Many wanderers see their own shadow in Li Bai.

Who would have thought that the most popular thing about Honor of Kings is not the S34 season, but a 3D animation movie with Li Bai as the protagonist. Of course, this time the movie was not released in theaters. Instead, it was officially divided into several episodes and then p - Lujuba

The place often mentioned in film and television dramas is Broken Moon City. In fact, Li Bai's main activity scene is in Chang'an. There are a total of 77 scenes in the play, and the final decisive battle is also in Chang'an. For so many scenes, the designers designed more than 1,200 shots, including architecture, special effects, and some traditional domestic culture, such as movable type printing, blacksmithing, etc. Every stroke in the play is behind a lot of hard work of the staff. It is not surprising that such a high-quality product is popular in the market.

Who would have thought that the most popular thing about Honor of Kings is not the S34 season, but a 3D animation movie with Li Bai as the protagonist. Of course, this time the movie was not released in theaters. Instead, it was officially divided into several episodes and then p - Lujuba

When you understand the production behind animation, you will also understand why fans are so enthusiastic. The artistic quality of "Broken Moon" is very high, especially in terms of value. With the help of a suspenseful story, it promotes some knowledge of traditional culture to the Chinese people. This is completely for public welfare. No wonder the animation was praised by the Six Princesses. The main play group of King is teenagers. This anime has achieved positive guidance for teenagers, and it deserves a high rating. The second half will be updated this Saturday, so players who like it should not miss it.

Tags: entertainment