According to the British "Daily Mail" report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old "fallen man" "Run" The prince was wearing a down jacket on

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According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old 'fallen man' 'Run' The prince was wearing a down jacket on  - Lujuba

According to the British "Daily Mail" report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old " The prince was wearing a down jacket and sports shorts, with a serious expression. Days earlier, Robert Hardman revealed in his explosive new biography that Harry and Meghan had named their youngest daughter Lilibet and claimed they had the permission and blessing of Queen Elizabeth II. away from anger. Just after this simple news report was published, 3,900 readers left comments. Judging from their comments, Harry is indeed no longer the most beloved and distressed prince in the UK.

According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old 'fallen man' 'Run' The prince was wearing a down jacket on  - Lujuba

Prince Harry, who was photographed by the media, does not seem to be as strong and handsome as before. He is wearing a down vest or down jacket, paired with sports shorts, sneakers and a blue fleece hat. The prince is holding his mobile phone. , jogging in a parking lot full of cars. Many British readers noticed Prince Harry’s teeth and legs. Some people asked where his teeth went? Did the tooth fall out? Others said that Harry's legs are too thin now, like himself, and he is a 70-year-old man.

According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old 'fallen man' 'Run' The prince was wearing a down jacket on  - Lujuba

Recently, Robert Hardman's new biography "Charles III: New King, New Court, Inside Story" is being serialized exclusively in the "Daily Mail". The British are completely attracted by this new book. Many of the details revealed about royal life echo the media furor caused by Harry and Meghan over the past few years.

Among the new content published this week, the most surprising thing for British readers is the story about the name of the little princess Lilibet.

According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old 'fallen man' 'Run' The prince was wearing a down jacket on  - Lujuba

Two and a half years ago, Lilibet was born. British media reported that Harry and Meghan gave their daughter this name without the consent of Queen Elizabeth II. Later, Harry and Meghan ordered Schillings Law Firm, which was cooperating with them, to write to news broadcasters (especially the BBC) saying that the statement that the Queen's permission was not sought for the name was false and defamatory. This statement must not be repeated again.

According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old 'fallen man' 'Run' The prince was wearing a down jacket on  - Lujuba

The Sussexes asked Buckingham Palace to confirm their statement, but were refused.

However, Hardman said in the book that in this case, perhaps as the late Queen said, everyone remembers the same event "differently".

Lilibet was originally the nickname of the late Queen during her childhood. It is believed that this nickname was due to the fact that the name Elizabeth is difficult for children to pronounce. During the Queen's life, only her parents, George VI, had She is so called by the King and Queen Mother, her sister Princess Margaret and her husband Prince Philip and her closest friends.

According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old 'fallen man' 'Run' The prince was wearing a down jacket on  - Lujuba

A staff member close to Queen Elizabeth II said the Queen was "unprecedented" in anger after Harry and Meghan publicly said they would not use her private family nickname without the Queen's "support" seen.

The queen was so frustrated that she told her assistant, I don't own the palace, I don't own the paintings, the only thing I own is my name, and now they've taken that too.

According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old 'fallen man' 'Run' The prince was wearing a down jacket on  - Lujuba

The same book also revealed Prince William's dissatisfaction with his younger brother. Prince William's aides said that Harry attacked William and their father Prince Charles in Netflix documentaries, interviews, and memoirs "Spare". None of them made Prince William the most angry. What made him most angry was Harry's blatant attack on his sister-in-law, Princess Kate, which Prince William considered a "scumbag behavior."

- Harry said that royal men tend to find a man who is suitable for this A woman from a royal family becomes a wife, not the person she is destined to be - William thinks this is a reference to Kate;

According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old 'fallen man' 'Run' The prince was wearing a down jacket on  - Lujuba

Harry also said that when Meghan asked Kate to borrow lip gloss, Kate actually made a face to express disgust;

Harry also said that Kate was angry After giving birth to Prince Louis, Meghan said she was stupid for being pregnant, and the two actually got into an argument.

According to the British 'Daily Mail' report on January 16, local time, on Tuesday morning, the media photographed Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, jogging in a parking lot in Santa Barbara, California, USA. The 39-year-old 'fallen man' 'Run' The prince was wearing a down jacket on  - Lujuba

Among the 3,900 comments under this report, some British readers said that the only reason they chose the name Lilibet was to maintain contact with the royal family. It was not that they respected the monarchy, but that they were always trying to find ways to bring the monarch to justice. System monetization.

Some readers said, why don’t they name their child after grandma Doria? —Because the name has nothing to do with the royal family.

A kind reader wrote that no matter what they all said, no one stopped to consider what happens when an innocent child grows up to see and realize how her name has been the source of so many family quarrels. Will it affect her?

picture source: dailymail

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