"The Secret Between Us" is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also been well received by the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person with both good looks and acting skills. The works he participated in are also Qu

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'The Secret Between Us' is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also been well received by the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person with both good looks and acting skills. The works he participated in are also Qu - Lujuba

"The Secret Between Us" is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also received unanimous praise from the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person who has both good looks and acting skills. He participated in the filming of the works Quite a few, but I still haven’t waited for my explosive moment.

Liu Haikuan grew up in a musical atmosphere. Under the training of his parents, he showed his unparalleled talent in piano at a young age. When he was in the sixth grade of elementary school, he passed level 10 on piano. In addition, he is also very familiar with guitars and other musical instruments. In addition to his outstanding performance in music, Liu Haikuan is also good in sports. His basketball skills are also among the best in the entertainment industry. Of course, this is also related to Liu Haikuan. His diligent practice in the past has a lot to do with it.

'The Secret Between Us' is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also been well received by the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person with both good looks and acting skills. The works he participated in are also Qu - Lujuba

His acting career is also very rich. In 2016, he participated in the filming of "E-Sports Era". In the drama, his temperament was undoubtedly demonstrated, and netizens also recognized him. The theme of this drama The song was also sung by him.

and later on, he continued to participate in the filming of works, including "My Frozen Boyfriend", "The Only One in the World", etc. However, in the highly competitive entertainment industry, if you want to participate in the filming of some big IPs, you can only give it to others. As a green leaf, it seems that you will never get ahead.

'The Secret Between Us' is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also been well received by the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person with both good looks and acting skills. The works he participated in are also Qu - Lujuba

But Liu Haikuan has never worried about this. He knows that as long as he works hard, the career goddess will eventually favor him one day. Later, he participated in the filming of works such as "Forensic Qin Ming: The Survivor" and slowly improved himself His weight in the circle also allows more directors and crews to see his existence.

Until 2019, he participated in "Chen Qing Ling". This big IP provided a lot of help to his career, and he also won the Starlight Awards for the Annual Potential TV Drama Actor.

'The Secret Between Us' is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also been well received by the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person with both good looks and acting skills. The works he participated in are also Qu - Lujuba

Liu Haikuan is a very malleable actor. The styles of the works he has participated in vary widely, some are costume legend dramas, and some are fantasy romance dramas. He can play both a free-spirited ranger and a mysterious costumer. He has never set any restrictions on his career development. This may be related to the strict requirements his parents had on him when he was young. As long as he identifies something, he must do it well and achieve it to the extreme.

'The Secret Between Us' is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also been well received by the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person with both good looks and acting skills. The works he participated in are also Qu - Lujuba

In a previous interview, Liu Haikuan once revealed his career plan to everyone. He said that his biggest goal is to shoot more good works and bring these good works to the audience. He believes that actors belong to themselves. As a professional, he must perform every work as well as possible, so that he can be worthy of everyone's love for him.

'The Secret Between Us' is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also been well received by the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person with both good looks and acting skills. The works he participated in are also Qu - Lujuba

Today's entertainment industry is a mixed bag. There are too many people who don't know what they want, and there are also many people who don't know what the responsibilities of an actor are. As for Liu Haikuan, how could someone not be liked by someone who is so close to others, dedicated to his work, and low-key? His career has developed quite rapidly in the past two years, and you can often see him on the screen. He also has several new works being released this year.

'The Secret Between Us' is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also been well received by the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person with both good looks and acting skills. The works he participated in are also Qu - Lujuba

In addition, Liu Haikuan actually has some shining points that have not been discovered by everyone. He is using his ability to bring more care to this society as much as possible. He is desperate for traffic and popularity when others When he was young, he chose to do charity and help children from poor families. The spirit of great love in him is also rare.

'The Secret Between Us' is currently on the air, and Liu Haikuan's performance has also been well received by the audience. Looking at his past development, you will feel that Liu Haikuan is a person with both good looks and acting skills. The works he participated in are also Qu - Lujuba

Liu Haikuan's appearance is more outstanding. He has a very strong oriental manly spirit, which makes people feel very calm and down-to-earth. And a person like him has shown particularly outstanding athletic talent, coupled with his all-round musical performance , as long as he can find his own position, as long as he can meet a character tailor-made for him, it will be a matter of time before he becomes popular. I hope that there will be more such powerful actors in the entertainment industry.

Tags: entertainment