On January 11, Nandu reporters learned from the Guangdong Provincial Performance Industry Association that the "Guangdong Performance Ranking" directed by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and sponsored by the Guangdong Performance Industry Association ha

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On January 11, Nandu reporters learned from the Guangdong Provincial Performance Industry Association that the 'Guangdong Performance Ranking' directed by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and sponsored by the Guangdong Performance Industry Association ha - Lujuba

html On January 11, Nandu reporters learned from the Guangdong Provincial Performance Industry Association that the "Guangdong Performance Ranking" directed by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and sponsored by the Guangdong Performance Industry Association was restarted and the 2023 "Guangdong Performance Ranking" was announced. Matters concerning reporting for selection activities.

This year, there are a total of the top performances of the year, the most influential theaters of the year, the most influential performance groups of the year, the best tourism performance projects, the best original plays, the best charity performance projects, the best stage design (stage) production projects, and the best performing arts. Nine major awards including equipment brand and annual innovation award. The deadline for the application stage is January 26. The expert selection committee will review in February, and the list will be released and the awards ceremony will be held in March. The full text of the

selection plan is as follows:

The 2023 "Guangdong Performance Ranking" Selection Plan

2023 is the year when the performance industry will fully recover and experience explosive growth. In order to further implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further promote the high-quality development of the performance industry in our province, and further enhance the national visibility of outstanding units, groups and projects in the performance industry in our province, under the guidance of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, Guangdong The Provincial Performance Industry Association decided to restart the "Guangdong Performance Ranking List".

"Guangdong Performance Ranking" is directed by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism and sponsored by the Guangdong Provincial Performance Industry Association. Since 2017, it has been successfully held for three sessions. This year's "Feng Yun Bang" will inherit the fine traditions of previous years and make comprehensive improvements. The application matters for the selection activities of the 2023 "Guangdong Performance Ranking" are now notified as follows:

1. Event name

2023 "Guangdong Performance Ranking"

2. Organization structure

(1) Guidance unit: Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism

(2) Sponsor: Guangdong Performance Industry Association

3. Award setting

(1) The top performance of the year

① Concert; ② Concert; ③ Dance ; ④ Drama; ⑤ Opera; ⑥ Musical; ⑦ Children's drama

(2) Annual Influential Theater

Comprehensive Theater (Concert Hall); Small Theater; New Performing Arts Space

(3) Annual Influential Performance Group

(4) The Most Best Tourism Performing Arts Project

(5) Best Original Play

(6) Best Charity Performance Project

(7) Best Stage (Stage) Production Project

(8) Best Performing Arts Equipment Brand

(9) Annual Innovation Award

4. Selection time

January 11-26, 2024: Application stage

February 2024: Review by the expert selection committee

March 2024: Publish the list and hold an awards ceremony

5. The selection organization

is established and Guangdong Performance Chart Expert Selection The committee, composed of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, the Provincial Performance Industry Association, relevant media and experts in the industry, is responsible for the selection of the rankings.

6. Selection steps and process

This selection work adheres to the principle of "fairness, impartiality and openness". The selection process is carried out according to the steps of enterprise application, final review by the expert selection committee, on-site awards and media publicity.

(1) enterprises and institutions apply for

(2) Expert selection committee centralized review

holds a review meeting, and the expert review committee conducts a comprehensive review of the application materials and determines the final list of winners.

(3) On-site awards

Association plans to hold an awards ceremony in March 2024 to issue trophies and certificates to winning units.

(4) Media promotion

7 , Other matters

(1) All participating units must ensure that all the projects they submit meet the selection conditions for the corresponding awards. If any inconsistencies are found during or after the event, the association has The right to cancel the qualification of relevant units or projects to participate in the competition or award at any time and take corresponding measures.

(2) All relevant units participating in the competition are obliged to ensure that the Guangdong Performance Industry Association legally uses relevant intellectual property rights.If problems are discovered during or at any time after the event, the organizer will withdraw the certificate and trophy, and reserves the right to pursue legal action. The infringer or infringing unit must bear all consequences arising from the infringement.

(3) If there are any unfinished matters in these Measures, the supplementary amendments and announcements by the Guangdong Performance Industry Association shall prevail.

Guangdong Performance Industry Association

January 11, 2024

Tags: entertainment