Reporter Niu Xiaoman ● Zhao Yifan "Only you can understand the matter of tears." Recently, singer Huang Qishan accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Global Times at the Changsha recording site of the program "Family Time". What is the biggest gain from holding

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Reporter Niu Xiaoman ● Zhao Yifan 'Only you can understand the matter of tears.' Recently, singer Huang Qishan accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Global Times at the Changsha recording site of the program 'Family Time'. What is the biggest gain from holding  - Lujuba

Our reporter Niu Xiaoman ● Zhao Yifan

"Only you can understand the matter of tears." Recently, singer Huang Qishan accepted an exclusive interview with a reporter from the Global Times at the Changsha recording site of the program "Family Time". What is the biggest gain from holding more than 80 concerts in the past two years? How do you understand the relationship with "corals"? Huang Qishan talked to reporters about her mental journey about music.

After the broadcast of "The Everlasting Sound·Treasure Island Season" in April last year, 8 months later, Huang Qishan appeared on the stage of "The Everlasting Sound" again. Talking about the similarities and differences in the song selection between the two seasons, she had her own opinion: "They were all born and grew up in the mountains and rivers of the motherland, but this season's selection is wider, broader and more open, outlining the music from the 1920s onwards. The long history of Chinese pop music." The singers of "Family Years" are no strangers to Huang Qishan. Whether they are fellow Sichuan and Chongqing fellows Tan Weiwei and Yu Kewei, or their best friend "Lao Han", the gathering of these people is as warm and cordial as the reunion of old friends. . "I regard this place as my home so much," Huang Qishan, who has lived in Beijing for a long time, confessed. "I usually have few friends from Sichuan and Chongqing around me, so this time I spoke a lot of Sichuan dialect when I was excited, but I didn't take into account the guests who came from afar, like (Wang) Xinling and Wei Li'an, they really don't understand. I need to apologize for this and will speak Mandarin from today on." When talking about Changsha's local food, Huang Qishan also thought of the taste of her hometown. "We all love spicy food, and Changsha people love Sui Noodles, which are the same style as Chongqing noodles." But she denied that "eating spicy food will affect singing," and said with a smile, "This is a rumor."

debuted in the 1990s and sang the original song "Pride" at the 2004 Athens Olympics. Huang Qishan had both explosive and penetrating high notes. Although no one could match it in the Chinese music scene at that time, she has always been a "popular singer" Not red" dilemma. It was not until 2013 that she participated in "I Am a Singer" and once again shocked everyone with her skills, bringing "Asia's number one female voice" back to the public eye. In 2016, she was nominated for the Taiwan Golden Melody Award with her album "Xiaoxia". In 2023, she made her debut on the CCTV Spring Festival Gala singing "It's Mom, I'm Daughter." In May of the same year, she collaborated with Ocean Bo on the song "To the Clouds" which became a hit on the Internet. Huang Qishan now no longer needs to rely on hardcore The high notes prove the singing skills, but the warm and healing singing voice expresses true feelings.

In the middle of last month, Huang Qishan launched a new album "Xiaoxia 3.0", which contains a total of 13 songs. "3.0 is a farewell, there will never be this series again." Huang Qishan told reporters that she has no ideas for the next work plan. The album will be launched soon and needs to be left to market feedback and digestion. Most of the messages received so far are such as "Mom loves you", "Mom sings well", "Loop! Loop!"

"The word 'Mom' is enough and represents a thousand words." Since becoming popular during the Spring Festival Gala last year, The phrase "My child, I don't know if I'm doing enough" can always be heard at Huang Qishan's concerts, and the fans in the audience always respond enthusiastically; on the stage of the third episode of "Endless Sound: Family Years" , she sang the maternal love theme song "Hemerocallis" with Yu Kewei, and shed tears in the background. When asked what she has gained from holding more than 80 concerts in the past two years, Huang Qishan felt pleased, "Isn't it enough to gain tens of millions of 'children'? This is the biggest gift God has given me." She described her interactions with her fans this way. Relationship, "I don't like to call them 'fans', I think they are family members, family members who are not related by blood."

As a member of the "Five Golden Flowers Team" in "Family Years", Huang Qishan used " "A woman is like a flower" describes herself. Regarding the rejuvenation of the image after body shaping and skin care, Huang Qishan shared her experience: "Becoming beautiful is not a pie in the sky. I have worked hard for almost two years." When talking about the secret of maintaining energy, Huang Qishan said, "No matter what age, as long as you are 'alive' If your spirit is there, you will definitely not feel (tired). No matter how tired you are, you can only complain a few words, but you will still do your job well and finish it vigorously."

Talking about the work plan for 2024, Huang Qishan joked, "You see what I can do Tell me?" He said that the concert will just wait for the official announcement. At the beginning of the new year, Huang Qishan sent blessings to her fans: "Please continue our unrelated relationship." ▲

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