The full text is 2451 words, with 5 pictures, and the estimated reading time is 7 minutes. In the past two days, the four American dramas have become more popular than the last, which is impressive and makes the world know the autumn leaves! First, US Secretary of Defense Austin

entertainment 3992℃

The full text is 2451 words, 5 pictures, estimated reading time is 7 minutes

In the past two days, the four American dramas have become more popular than the last, which is impressive and makes the world know the autumn leaves!

First, U.S. Secretary of Defense Austin had prostate cancer and stayed in the intensive care unit for 4 days. He did not attend important meetings. From President Biden in the White House to Deputy Secretary of Defense Hicks, the legal agent of the Pentagon, everyone claimed that they had "no idea." .

The full text is 2451 words, with 5 pictures, and the estimated reading time is 7 minutes. In the past two days, the four American dramas have become more popular than the last, which is impressive and makes the world know the autumn leaves! First, US Secretary of Defense Austin  - Lujuba

Secondly, the "Loli Island" incident in the United States exposed a new tip of the iceberg, allowing the world to once again see clearly the ugly faces of the so-called "elites" in the United States and the West who are sanctimonious and glamorous in appearance and point fingers at world affairs.

The third is Shortly after takeoff of the Boeing 737 Max9, the emergency door fell from the sky and had to turn back urgently. Airlines around the world that purchased this type of Boeing aircraft were also unlucky and had to ground and cancel flights to undergo "security inspections."

The fourth is . A few minutes after the "Peregrine" lunar lander was successfully launched on January 8, the developer American Aerospace Robotics sadly announced "serious loss of propellant." Many parties judged that the "Peregrine" It is difficult to complete a soft landing on the moon as planned.

These things seem to be independent events and have no direct connection; but they almost happened at the same time at the beginning of 2024, which is hard not to think of. Coincidentally, the four "big dramas" correspond to the four major fields of military, politics, economy and science and technology.

Let’s first talk about the “Austin Incident” in the military field.

How outrageous this incident is is not actually due to Biden’s hindsight, but to the details of the operation disclosed by the Pentagon afterwards. According to public information, the "Austin incident" was only officially made public on January 9, local time (January 10, Beijing time). US National Security Council spokesman Kirby said that Biden only learned about the Secretary of Defense on the morning of January 9, local time. Austin "lost contact" due to prostate cancer. Of course, the White House announced the news to the public in this way, mostly to "throw away the pawn and save the car" to prevent the Trump Republican Party from using this incident to burn Biden.

What is outrageous is that Hicks, the "second in command" of the Pentagon and the US Deputy Secretary of Defense, does not know Austin's situation. According to information from public media in the United States, Hicks, who was on vacation in Puerto Rico, received a notice on January 2 asking her to temporarily assume some of the responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense, but the Pentagon "did not" tell Hicks the reason for this arrangement.

The full text is 2451 words, with 5 pictures, and the estimated reading time is 7 minutes. In the past two days, the four American dramas have become more popular than the last, which is impressive and makes the world know the autumn leaves! First, US Secretary of Defense Austin  - Lujuba

The most incredible thing is that Hicks, who was on vacation and having fun, did not return to the Pentagon to perform his duties. Instead, he stayed in Puerto Rico until he was urged on January 4. Only then did he learn the true situation in Austin - he had been sent to the Pentagon in Maryland. U.S. Army Military Medical Center Intensive Care Unit. Only then did Hicks realize that something was wrong and promised to return to Washington as soon as possible. However, the US media said that she did not appear in Washington on January 5 until she was relieved of her duties as "Interim Secretary of Defense"...

In other words, the media said that the Pentagon will be "leaderless" at the beginning of 2024. This is really not true. Unjustly accused. Because the "number one" Secretary of Defense Austin is hospitalized in the intensive care unit and "cannot take care of things"; the "number two" Executive Deputy Secretary of Defense Hicks is on vacation and "does not want to take care of things"....

Americans also know that such things happen , is "making a fool of itself" all over the world, tearing off the fig leaf of the so-called "efficient operation" of the U.S. Pentagon, and talking about the so-called "diversified political correctness" of the U.S. Department of Defense, which is nothing more than a grassroots team; therefore, the main attack point of the U.S. media and Trump's Republican Party It’s “the Pentagon doesn’t report without asking for instructions.”

Next, let’s talk about the “Loli Island Incident” in the political and social fields.

In the past two days, Epstein's list has been exposed, and American and Western societies have fallen into chaos. A large number of top names in the political, social, economic, technological, and fashion circles originally created by the United States and the West have emerged, and public opinion has exploded. It turns out that those who usually high-profile promote the so-called Western "freedom, democracy, and civilization". The powerful and famous people in the United States and the West who point out world affairs are ugly things that break the bottom line of human nature.

Epstein’s bizarre “suicide” in 2019, and the details of the list being exposed, may be just the result of the struggle between domestic and international forces in the United States, and there are many unknown calculations.But for the world, especially countries that have been slandered by the United States and the West, this is a "good thing." Because when the "colonists" from all walks of life continue to brainwash them with words such as "Hawking wants a toast", "the Western system is good" and "Western civilization", "Loli Island" can be used to attack them, saying that their buttocks are crooked. The three views are not correct and there is no bottom line of human nature.

The full text is 2451 words, with 5 pictures, and the estimated reading time is 7 minutes. In the past two days, the four American dramas have become more popular than the last, which is impressive and makes the world know the autumn leaves! First, US Secretary of Defense Austin  - Lujuba

This is a major landmark event, marking the bankruptcy of the "liberal democratic civilization" propaganda rhetoric created by the United States and the West and its public servants around the world in recent decades, and proving that the Western political and social system is ineffective.

once again talked about the "Boeing incident" in the economic field.

This Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft with a missing door is not an old and dilapidated aircraft that has been in service for a long time. It will only start commercial flights on November 11, 2023, which means that it is only 2 months old and is a completely new aircraft. According to public information, the Boeing 737max is the fourth-generation flagship product launched by Boeing in recent years to compete with Airbus. The U.S. National Transportation Safety Board stated on January 10, local time, that the Boeing 737 Max 9 passenger aircraft will continue to be grounded until the cause of the accident where the door plug (embedded emergency door) fell off is determined.

The full text is 2451 words, with 5 pictures, and the estimated reading time is 7 minutes. In the past two days, the four American dramas have become more popular than the last, which is impressive and makes the world know the autumn leaves! First, US Secretary of Defense Austin  - Lujuba

This is the second Boeing 737max model to have an accident after the Boeing 737max8 encountered quality doubts. People in the aviation industry generally believe that the accident has heightened concerns about Boeing's quality control problems. Judging from the current situation of the Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft that was involved in the accident, the accident occurred in the door area, which was a structural failure. There was either a defect in the design or a defect in the processing, manufacturing and assembly of the parts. On the day of the

incident, Boeing's stock price fell by more than 8%.

In fact, it is not just a Boeing passenger plane. It is a product that represents the economic image of the United States in recent years. In addition to the above-mentioned passenger plane models, there are also F-35 stealth fighter jets, CV-22 "Osprey" transport aircraft, etc. that have frequently caused accidents. The design and production quality of almost all newly developed flagship products have been widely questioned. The so-called "reliable" image of American products has plummeted.

Finally, let’s talk about the “Peregrine” lunar lander in the field of science and technology.

The latest news released by the U.S. ground team on January 10, local time, believes that the valve tank between an oxidizer tank and a high-pressure helium tank on the "Peregrine Falcon" failed. It was not closed correctly after being opened during the propulsion system test, causing the oxidant to leak. The tank ruptured due to overpressure, which can be said to be another very low-level mistake.

The full text is 2451 words, with 5 pictures, and the estimated reading time is 7 minutes. In the past two days, the four American dramas have become more popular than the last, which is impressive and makes the world know the autumn leaves! First, US Secretary of Defense Austin  - Lujuba

In fact, this incident has a strong correlation with the previous Boeing passenger plane crash, which is a typical reflection of the unreliable quality of American manufacturing. However, the lunar lander is relatively "high-end" and represents the country's high-tech and sophisticated technology. After the "Peregrine" accident, NASA immediately held a briefing and postponed the "Artemis 2" manned lunar orbit program originally scheduled for 2024 to September 2025; The Artemis 3 manned moon landing plan has been postponed to September 2026.

Seeing the above changes, I believe many people will feel that the US technology plan is "unreliable". After all, whether it is a hypersonic weapon that can “hit the world in one hour” or an “electromagnetic gun” that has been featured in Hollywood movies, the Americans have vigorous plans. In the end, Chinese and Russian products were put into service, and Americans are still trying desperately.

The above four things seem to be independent, but anyone with some sociological common sense knows that this is actually a typical reflection of the American and Western system that is in terminal illness and unable to recover. After all, it is impossible for a country or group of countries where the ruling class is selfish and incompetent, the social elite is corrupt, and the economy pursues quick money, to create a good product. Whether it is social service products or economic and social production and life products, they will only shoddy products until they finally collapse!

Tags: entertainment