On September 21, with the musical "Hey! The beautiful songs and cheerful dances in "Arizona" and the Happy Twist "Wandering around Sichuan, Autumn Parade" pop-up event were wonderfully staged at Chengdu Huantao ICD, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch. In the

entertainment 7837℃

On September 21, with the musical "Hey! The beautiful songs and cheerful dances in "Arizona" and the Happy Twist "Wandering around Sichuan, Autumn Parade" pop-up event were wonderfully staged at Chengdu International Trade Center, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch.

On September 21, with the musical 'Hey! The beautiful songs and cheerful dances in 'Arizona' and the Happy Twist 'Wandering around Sichuan, Autumn Parade' pop-up event were wonderfully staged at Chengdu Huantao ICD, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch. In the  - Lujuba

In the afternoon of the same day, the heroic "sharp shooter" Billy Hook (the main character in "Hey! Arizona") appeared on the stage riding a tall horse and instantly attracted the attention of the audience. As the parade arrived at the West Plaza of the mall, Happy Twist immersive joy musical "Hey! The actors of "Arizona" took turns to appear on stage and interacted enthusiastically with the audience, gradually pushing the atmosphere to a climax. When the western-style melody of "western story" sounded, the enthusiasm was instantly ignited. Through the wonderful interpretation of 6 classic songs from the play, the actors took the audience into the Wild West and fully experienced the musical "Hey!" Arizona's unique charm.

On September 21, with the musical 'Hey! The beautiful songs and cheerful dances in 'Arizona' and the Happy Twist 'Wandering around Sichuan, Autumn Parade' pop-up event were wonderfully staged at Chengdu Huantao ICD, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch. In the  - Lujuba

"We hope that the art form of musicals can approach the public in a more people-friendly manner, and use a joyful atmosphere to attract more people to enter the theater and feel its charm." Talking about the original intention of planning this performance, Happy Mahua Xiao Li, Director of Southwest Operations, said.

On September 21, with the musical 'Hey! The beautiful songs and cheerful dances in 'Arizona' and the Happy Twist 'Wandering around Sichuan, Autumn Parade' pop-up event were wonderfully staged at Chengdu Huantao ICD, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch. In the  - Lujuba

It is reported that the play is adapted from the Korean musical box office dark horse "West Side Story". On the basis of retaining the essence of the original work, the Happy Twist team cleverly integrated Twist's unique comedy elements, making the plot full of humor and unexpected twists, enhancing the Audience experience and interactivity. The play adopts an immersive viewing mode, breaking the boundaries between the traditional stage and the auditorium. The audience will no longer be just passive viewers, but will become part of the story and interact closely with the actors. The scenery, props and lighting in the theater are carefully designed to create an immersive atmosphere.

On September 21, with the musical "Hey! The beautiful songs and cheerful dances in "Arizona" and the Happy Twist "Wandering around Sichuan, Autumn Parade" pop-up event were wonderfully staged at Chengdu International Trade Center, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch.

On September 21, with the musical 'Hey! The beautiful songs and cheerful dances in 'Arizona' and the Happy Twist 'Wandering around Sichuan, Autumn Parade' pop-up event were wonderfully staged at Chengdu Huantao ICD, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch. In the  - Lujuba

In the afternoon of the same day, the heroic "sharp shooter" Billy Hook (the main character in "Hey! Arizona") appeared on the stage riding a tall horse and instantly attracted the attention of the audience. As the parade arrived at the West Plaza of the mall, Happy Twist immersive joy musical "Hey! The actors of "Arizona" took turns to appear on stage and interacted enthusiastically with the audience, gradually pushing the atmosphere to a climax. When the western-style melody of "western story" sounded, the enthusiasm was instantly ignited. Through the wonderful interpretation of 6 classic songs from the play, the actors took the audience into the Wild West and fully experienced the musical "Hey!" Arizona's unique charm.

On September 21, with the musical 'Hey! The beautiful songs and cheerful dances in 'Arizona' and the Happy Twist 'Wandering around Sichuan, Autumn Parade' pop-up event were wonderfully staged at Chengdu Huantao ICD, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch. In the  - Lujuba

"We hope that the art form of musicals can approach the public in a more people-friendly manner, and use a joyful atmosphere to attract more people to enter the theater and feel its charm." Talking about the original intention of planning this performance, Happy Mahua Xiao Li, Director of Southwest Operations, said.

On September 21, with the musical 'Hey! The beautiful songs and cheerful dances in 'Arizona' and the Happy Twist 'Wandering around Sichuan, Autumn Parade' pop-up event were wonderfully staged at Chengdu Huantao ICD, attracting many citizens and tourists to stop and watch. In the  - Lujuba

It is reported that the play is adapted from the Korean musical box office dark horse "West Side Story". On the basis of retaining the essence of the original work, the Happy Twist team cleverly integrated Twist's unique comedy elements, making the plot full of humor and unexpected twists, enhancing the Audience experience and interactivity. The play adopts an immersive viewing mode, breaking the boundaries between the traditional stage and the auditorium. The audience will no longer be just passive viewers, but will become part of the story and interact closely with the actors. The scenery, props and lighting in the theater are carefully designed to create an immersive atmosphere.

Red Star News reporter Zhang Shihao editor Zeng Qi

Tags: entertainment