To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, "Flowers", as of tonight's membership close, "Spare Ribs Rice Cake", "Silent", "Stealing Heart", and "Tilanqiao" have become topical keywords one after ano

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To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama.

For example, "Flowers", as of the end of membership tonight, "Spare Ribs Rice Cake", "Silence", "Stealing Heart", and "Tilanqiao" have become topical keywords one after another, and the single-day sales of Shanghai Spare Ribs Rice Cake takeaways have soared 200%.

The acting skills of Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei have been discussed many times, and "Who does Mr. Bao really love?" has become a new research material for love lines. The popularity of has soared, exceeding 31,000 , becoming the fourth most popular item since the revision of Tencent Video Hot List. do.

"Flowers" was of course a hit, but before it aired, I never expected that the first group character to break out of the industry with his role and acting skills would be Mr. Fan (played by Dong Yong). To this day, Mr. Fan’s words of “Annie” are still echoing in my mind.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

This young owner of a knitting factory in Jiangsu and Zhejiang who worked alone in Shanghai was really smart. In that era of rapid economic growth, he shuttled among many people, and Mr. Fan worked his way up from the bottom. In a sense, he is the character closest to the audience.

He is like a funny "conspicuous bag", responsible for nearly half of the light-hearted laughter in the whole play, and is just for people to laugh at and ignore. Beneath his honest face, there is tenacity and shrewdness quietly concealed. But when Miss Wang was in trouble, it was Lao Fan who generously offered a helping hand. He was a true friend hidden behind the comedy.

As the barrage said, "As long as you watch "Flowers", it's hard not to like Mr. Fan."

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

Audiences who are familiar with actor Dong Yong may be more surprised. This actor has been in "Serious Case Group Six" and "Black Hole" A "police professional" who has played serious public officials in classic works such as "Absolute Control" can also play a comedic role like Mr. Fan?

From a genre actor to a veteran actor with many faces, Dong Yong sang "Annie" and once again appeared in front of the public.


Little People in Big Shanghai

"Flowers" Mr. Fan's acting skills are outstanding

"Flowers" The first commercial front, the core is Mr. Fan's "Sanyang Brand".

Mr. Bao (played by Hu Ge) was backstabbed by his relatives and friends for his stock business. After the car accident, he urgently needed to develop new business. Miss Wang (played by Tang Yan) is a staff member of the foreign trade company No. 27 on the Bund and needs to facilitate a large order to achieve performance.

Li Li (played by Xin Zhilei) brought her to Zhenyuan and landed on Huanghe Road. On the one hand, she needs Mr. Bao's business to create gimmicks, and she also wants to promote business and receive commissions. Not to mention Mr. Wei (played by Zheng Kai), the second generation of foreign fur rich, waiting for a big business to make a name for himself in Shanghai.

Everyone has a purpose and is aiming at the "Sanyang Brand" that is obviously going to be popular in Shanghai. Mr. Fan, who is in the whirlpool of interests, has naturally become a hot commodity waiting for a price.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

He swayed between Mr. Bao and Mr. Wei, between Miss Wang and Li Li. Sometimes he was drunk and broke the contract, and sometimes he was shameless and shameless. He spoke Mandarin with a Jiangsu and Zhejiang accent that tried his best to be closer to Shanghai dialect. The body parts are always slightly exaggerated to please, without being embarrassed or being left hanging on the spot.

So many viewers didn't like Mr. Fan at first, thinking he was a thief, stupid, and dishonorable. In the end, Mr. Bao defrauded him of 1.2 million yuan in profit. Why bother?

In fact, there is shrewdness hidden behind the fool. Under the mask of the "skinless and shameless" coward is the backbone of the tough guy who supports the livelihood of more than 300 workers in the factory.

As the first industrialist from the 1990s to appear in the play, Mr. Fan is actually the toughest character.

When imported goods hit the domestic market, they were able to develop domestically produced "Sanyang Brand" shirts that were not afraid of fire and resisted foreign investment, reducing the cost to one-fifth. In order to help the factory's products find sales, Mr. Fan stayed in Shanghai for several months and did not even go home during the Chinese New Year.

endured humiliation even more in the business world. He visited several big hotels on Huanghe Road, and Mr. Fan never let go of his smile. He was cheerful and cheerful with everyone. As long as all the people in Shanghai can buy my "Sanyang Brand" and sing a few lines of "Annie" with a few "Huang Maomao", what does it mean?

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

At the same time, Mr. Fan is also a very shrewd businessman.

entered Huanghe Road under the title of "Mr. Bao's partner". A large group of people surrounded him, passing him cigarettes, drinking wine, and flattering him. They couldn't wait to get things out of him and see what kind of business he was doing with Mr. Bao. But even though Mr. Fan was drunk with old wine, he still gritted his teeth and refused to reveal any secrets.

When "Sanyang Brand" was listed on a business, it seemed that he was taught a lesson and lost 1.2 million in profits. However, looking back at the entire cooperation, Mr. Fan of had several twists and turns with Bao and Wei, and successfully transformed himself from The passive side of "Mr. Bao can cooperate or not" has turned into the active side of "Mr. Bao is competing to cooperate with him".

After all, Mr. Fan’s core purpose of coming to Shanghai is not just a business, but to successfully sell 800,000 pieces of “Sanyang Brand” and establish a stable supply market. Without forcing Mr. Bao to break the restrictions of the buyer's market, who knows who will take advantage of whom in the end?

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

As the plot progresses, Mr. Fan shows more aspects of the character who value love and justice.

In the business world, he is shrewd, but Mr. Fan is still kind. He met Miss Wang through Mei Ping and facilitated the "Sanyang Brand" business. While happy, he also apologized to Mei Ping, always thinking of introducing business to her, and earnestly advised her not to get into trouble with Miss Wang.

has a sincere relationship with Ms. Wang. At first, he tried to persuade her not to start a business because it was too risky due to the reality. After discovering that Ms. Wang was determined to start a business, he repeatedly expressed his willingness to use his accumulated connections to help her get through the factories in Shenzhen. The factory in Shenzhen was so busy that he was even willing to kneel down to his old friend, just so that Ms. Wang’s order could go smoothly.

In fact, Mr. Fan was about to retire at this time. He had almost no interest in helping Miss Wang. He was simply repaying her kindness for helping him out back then.

Before they parted, Mr. Fan was still nagging, but when he taught Ms. Wang the experience he had accumulated in these years of doing business, both of them had tears in their eyes. This plot made many viewers unable to hold back tears. No wonder Dong Yong said at the press conference that Mr. Fan and Ms. Wang have a father-daughter relationship.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

I have to say that Mr. Dong Yong performed Mr. Fan so well that many viewers felt emotional, as if they saw themselves in Mr. Fan running a business and saw their fathers who worked hard to earn a future.

In Huanghuang's bustling business world, there are only a few big shots who are as bright as Mr. Bao. Little people like Mr. Fan in the sea of ​​​​people are the ones who cannot be wiped out from Jiangsu and Zhejiang among the celebrities in Shanghai.


html Gained 11 pounds in 27 days

Fan always said "people want to look like a pig and have a clear heart"

It is not easy to portray Mr. Fan so vividly.

Dong Yong said in the interview that the crew initially signed the contract with him for four months, but after adding up, he filmed for a total of 19 months.

19 months, day and night, with Mr. Fan.

The crew of "Flowers" has almost no fixed script. When doing makeup every day, there is a scene to be shot today on the table. Director Wong Kar-Wai rarely tells them directly, "How do you want to act? What do you want to act?" Most of the time, he sets up lights and machines and asks the actors, "How do you want to act?"

How do you want to act? With this question in mind, almost more than half of Mr. Fan's plays were created and interpreted by Dong Yong and Director Wang on the spot. The character was only fragmentary in the original work, but on the set of the crew, it gradually sprouted and grew into a flesh-and-blood, vivid and moving character.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

For example, Mr. Fan’s accent quickly became a hot spot after the broadcast. This is neither the Shanghai dialect that can be seen everywhere in the play, nor is it "fake" by the Hangzhou audience and is not a pure Hangzhou dialect, but it always has a bit of devilish humor that the audience can't help but imitate.

Dong Yongcai recently revealed in an interview that the special plastic accent of is actually an accent specially designed by him.

"The first scene I filmed was in Hangzhou dialect. I heard the staff said that it would be paired with a Mandarin version. I thought it was bad. I didn't even mention that the mouth shape didn't match, and the Jiangsu and Zhejiang dialects didn't match the number of words in Mandarin. , what should I do?

Later, I thought about how to let northerners know that Fan is from the south at the same time, but also understand this dialect. I used the sharp tones of Jiangsu and Zhejiang dialects, mixed with Hangzhou Mandarin, Occasionally, there are a few words that imitate Shanghainese, expressing Mr. Fan’s psychological characteristics of doing business in Shanghai and his desire to integrate into Shanghainese people.

The final accent not only makes the character of Mr. Fan natural, but also solves the problem of secondary dubbing.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

The problem is not only accent, but also body shape.

Dong Yong stopped filming on the set of "Flowers" for several months. When he returned to the set, he found that he was too thin to take on the role. What should he do? He immediately started to gain weight, eating five high-calorie meals a day. He quickly gained 11 pounds in 7 days and rushed back to the set to continue filming.

The slight fatness in appearance is the consensus between him and Director Wang on the character of Mr. Fan.

Dong Yong used a dialect to describe Mr. Fan, "People want to look like a pig and have a clear heart." has a naive appearance and always smiles. It is easier to gain the trust of partners when doing business, but it is always calm and rational on the inside.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

For him, every time he puts on a costume, it is like entering the soul of the character and becoming a completely different person. So it's hard to stop acting because I can't accept myself with a split soul.

What is drama? It is precisely this way that Dong Yong integrates the play into his flesh and blood, interprets the role, and becomes the role.


From a type actor to a person with thousands of faces

Actor Dong Yong plays a plastic character

Why was Dong Yong invited to play the hilarious Mr. Fan? Before the broadcast of "Flowers", many viewers who are familiar with him may ask this question.

Since participating in his first work in 1985, Dong Yong has been called a "professional policeman" during his more than 20-year acting career.

At the beginning of this century, he played Wang Ming, the deputy captain of the criminal police team in the police drama "Black Hole", played the role of Jiang Han, a criminal policeman with a background of army scout, in the blockbuster TV series "Crime Team Six", and played the police station officer in "Absolute Control" Director.

At that time, Dong Yong was in his early 30s with a square face and a straight waist. He was an upright public servant in police uniform and a sunny young man in casual clothes. He was the ideal son-in-law in the eyes of his mother-in-law.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

An actor is passive. When he performs a police character that is well-recognized by the audience, most of the roles he finds after that will only continue in the past and continue to work hard on the police role track. He has almost become a special type of police character in China. actor.

's transformation occurred in the TV series "The Family Tree". Invited by director Xia Gang, he played the role of Peng Dashu, the generous and kind-hearted eldest brother next door in the drama. He discovered the gentle side of his performance. For this role, also won the 24th " Nominated for "Feitian Award" for Outstanding Actor.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

Since then, Dong Yong has continued to expand his acting career, starring in various types of works such as costumes, urban, family, martial arts, spy wars, etc. He also broke through the image to interpret villains and gradually became a versatile green actor. Actors like

are like the anchors in major film and television dramas. The audience may not know their names, but they will always call out their character names immediately.

For example, the idealistic in Douban's 9-point masterpiece "All Quiet in Peking" once reached the level of .

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

For example, the "big stick" Xu Guozhu in the best economic crime police drama "Trident" in recent years.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

Good actors benefit from good dramas and good roles. Likewise, a good drama can become a good drama only if a good actor fully devotes himself to the performance.

Dong Yong must be such a good actor to Mr. Fan and to "Flowers".

The character can be molded, the best Mr. Fan, see you in the world.

To measure whether a drama is a hit or not, it depends on the degree of discussion of the details in the drama. For example, 'Flowers', as of tonight's membership close, 'Spare Ribs Rice Cake', 'Silent', 'Stealing Heart', and 'Tilanqiao' have become topical keywords one after ano - Lujuba

Text | Zilu

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Tags: entertainment