The reporter learned from the China Film Art Research Center that the Chinese movie audience satisfaction survey? The 2024 New Year's Day survey results show that the audience satisfaction score for New Year's Day movies was 83.0 points, a month-on-month increase of 0.2 points. T

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reporters learned from the China Film Art Research Center that the Chinese movie audience satisfaction survey? The 2024 New Year's Day survey results show that the audience satisfaction score for New Year's Day movies was 83.0 points, a month-on-month increase of 0.2 points. The schedule provides a diversified and highly relevant film supply to accompany the audience during the New Year's Eve, which has received high satisfaction ratings.

In addition, 4 of the 5 films entered the top ten of the historical survey of 19 New Year's Day films in terms of satisfaction, including the comedy "The Annual Party Can't Stop!" " led the way with a score of 84.2, "Goldfinger" ranked second with a score of 83.0, "Stealth" and "Twinkle Twinkle Star" both exceeded 82 points, and "If You Are the One 3" exceeded 81 points.

According to reports, judging from the three major indexes of the schedule, the viewing, ideological and communication indexes of the 2024 New Year's Day schedule are 83.5 points, 82.7 points and 82.1 points respectively. Among them, the communication degree ranks third among the five schedules surveyed in 2023. position, indicating that the overall movie-watching, sharing and communication atmosphere during the schedule is good.

The reporter learned from the China Film Art Research Center that the Chinese movie audience satisfaction survey? The 2024 New Year's Day survey results show that the audience satisfaction score for New Year's Day movies was 83.0 points, a month-on-month increase of 0.2 points. T - Lujuba

Picture source: Picture provided by the organizer

Judging from the performance of the three major indexes of the film, "The Annual Meeting Cannot Stop!" starring Dapeng and Bai Ke! "Targeted the emotional pain points of "workers" and the audience's desire for a happy New Year at the end of the year, ranking first in terms of viewing quality and popularity, with scores of 83.9 and 86.6 respectively.

The police-themed film "Goldfinger" directed by Zhuang Wenqiang and starring Tony Leung and Andy Lau is based on a real financial case. The performance of the film is relatively balanced in all dimensions, ranking second in terms of viewing and dissemination; also starring Andy Lau, Another police film "Stealth" directed by Kwan Chi-yao focuses on the theme of anti-drugs. The film's positive warning significance to society was recognized by the audience, ranking first in terms of ideological quality and third in terms of communication.

In addition, the 5 films surveyed for the 2023 New Year's Day film all received "satisfactory" ratings (≥80 points) from the audience and all were higher than 81 points. Compared with the 19 New Year's Day films surveyed historically, the satisfaction rate for the 2023 New Year's Day film The overall performance was relatively good, with 4 films entering the top 10 and 3 films entering the top 5 during the same period.

Among the five films surveyed on New Year's Day in 2024, the rankings of the top three films in terms of single-film satisfaction remained consistent between ordinary audiences and professional audiences, while the rankings of the bottom two films in single-film satisfaction were different, showing It reveals the differences in movie viewing aesthetics among different segmented audience groups.

From the perspective of segmentation, in the evaluation system of ordinary audiences, "The annual meeting cannot be stopped!" 》The performance of various indicators is relatively balanced, with story love and "Goldfinger" tied for first place in the schedule, and music effects and communication methods both ranking second in the schedule; "Twinkle Twinkle Star" has a total of 8 index scores entering the top of the schedule Third, among them, visual effects, musical effects, freshness and not being boring all ranked first in the schedule; in addition, the performance, positive energy and profoundness of thoughts of the main actors of "Stealth" received the highest ratings from ordinary audiences.

In the professional audience evaluation system, "The annual meeting cannot be stopped!" 》12 index scores ranked first in the schedule, among which the highest score of communication method was 97.5 points, the genre creation, emotional appeal, and non-boring index scores all exceeded 83 points, and the creative novelty, wonderful dialogue and healthy and positive values ​​​​Both scores exceeded 82 points.

According to the organizer, as of December 31, the 2023 Satisfaction Project had surveyed a total of 76 films (including 70 main surveys and 6 radiation surveys). So far, the China Movie Audience Satisfaction Project has completed its ninth annual survey. In 2023, a number of domestically produced high-quality films have won high audience satisfaction ratings based on their steady and high-quality creations. With this support, they have demonstrated strong box office appeal and become the core driving force for the market's strong recovery.

(Source: China News Network)

[Editor: Fu Ying]

Tags: entertainment