Recently, the "Guangdong Innovation Top 100 List (2023)" and the "Guangdong East, West, and North China Innovation Top 100 List (2023)" were released. 23 companies located in Qingyuan, including Dongpeng Holdings, Leading Thin Materials, and Jiana Energy, were selected into the T

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Recently, the 'Guangdong Innovation Top 100 List (2023)' and the 'Guangdong East, West, and North China Innovation Top 100 List (2023)' were released. 23 companies located in Qingyuan, including Dongpeng Holdings, Leading Thin Materials, and Jiana Energy, were selected into the T - Lujuba

Recently, the "Top 100 Innovation List of Guangdong (2023)" and the "Top 100 Innovation List of Guangdong, East, West, and North China (2023)" were released. 23 companies located in Qingyuan, including Dongpeng Holdings, Leading Thin Materials, and Jiana Energy, were selected into the top 100 innovation list in the east, west, and north of Guangdong (2023).

's "Guangdong Innovation Top 100 List" continues to pay attention to and focus on regional innovation and development, providing a scientific and professional evaluation reference for the improvement of enterprises' technological innovation capabilities, regional advantages, and industrial structure optimization. The list of candidate companies comes from the directory of national, Guangdong and provincial-level listed intellectual property advantage demonstration enterprises, the directory of key intellectual property protection enterprises, and the directory of high-tech enterprises in the past five years, covering 3,368 companies.

It is understood that among the companies on the "Top 100 Innovation List of East, West and North Guangdong (2023)", 74 companies belong to emerging industries, covering eight major fields including new materials industry, new generation information technology industry, and advanced manufacturing industry. The data shows that the new materials industry has the largest number of companies on the list (24), and it also has a leading edge in the patent growth index, reaching 20.53%. In addition, the average total number of inventions of listed companies in this industry is 206, the average patent authorization rate is 22.38% (ranking second), and the average patent family citation frequency is 187 times (ranking third). A reporter from

combed through the list and found that among the 23 companies in Qingyuan on the list this time, they are mainly in the new materials industry, advanced manufacturing, environmental technology, biomedicine, and information technology. The number of selected candidates is the region with the largest number of selected candidates in the east, west and north of Guangdong.

Reporter: Chen Cheng

Source: Qingyuan Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department

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