01 As soon as "Flowers" started airing, "Ma Yili's acting skills" became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one

entertainment 8618℃

01 As soon as 'Flowers' started airing, 'Ma Yili's acting skills' became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one - Lujuba


As soon as "Flowers" started airing, "Ma Yili's acting skills" became a hot search topic.

Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili?

I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. Isn't she the perfect one to play Reiko? Ma Yili's beauty is different from Tang Yan's. Tang Yan has a bit of playfulness, while Ma Yili has the charm of a shrewd and mature woman.

Before watching "Flowers", I was very curious about Ma Yili's role. I didn't believe that she could spark any sparks with Hu Ge. I felt that the two of them had no sense of CP; but after watching "Flowers", I Understand the "friend in need" between Reiko and Abao.

My uncle often said that Reiko was a "debt collector". I didn't quite understand it before, but I finally understood it after watching "Tokyo Love Story" where Po and Reiko met. Abao is a person who values ​​love and justice. Without Lingzi's help from a foreign country, how could he be as prosperous as Mr. Bao today?

01 As soon as 'Flowers' started airing, 'Ma Yili's acting skills' became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one - Lujuba

In 1988, Po went to Tokyo alone. He was in a foreign country. He didn't understand the language and had no way to ask for help for several days. Seeing that his visa was about to expire and Po hadn't found Mr. Yamamoto yet, he was very anxious. But at this moment, he heard the voice of a Shanghai woman on the street, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Isn’t this just someone sent by God to help him?

Abao pinned the success or failure of his business on Lingzi.

Reiko worked as a waiter in a high-end restaurant in Japan in her early days. In that era, people who went abroad had one-way tickets. They did not dare to return home. Firstly, the return ticket was too expensive, and secondly, they were afraid of being laughed at. In the eyes of others, anyone who goes abroad will always be rich and have a great future; but only he knows that all the bitterness has to be swallowed in his own stomach. Life is never easy. How can he make a fortune? possible?

Reiko's job in Japan often requires bowing and smiling, but she is also a high-spirited person and has spent a year learning just bowing.

01 As soon as 'Flowers' started airing, 'Ma Yili's acting skills' became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one - Lujuba

The kind-hearted Lingzi helped Po and gave the good luck she had sought to Po. How could Po not miss this love?

People who do business are afraid of debts, and they also believe in cause and effect. As long as they have helped them, they will repay them in due course. Because only if you repay this kindness will your heart be at ease. This is the foundation of being a human being.

After Abao returned to China, he sent Reiko a return ticket and a business card from the manager of "Yate Tokyo". He remembered what Reiko wanted most. The high-spirited Reiko didn't want to be a waiter, but just wanted to be a "Yate Tokyo". "Tokyo" proprietress.

Lingzi played by Ma Yili is very natural, and her acting skills are very relaxed. When Abao sent her a return ticket, Lingzi played by Ma Yili had light in her eyes, and her appeal was particularly strong. It stands to reason that Ma Yili was already 43 years old when she played Lingzi, so she is not that young anymore, but you can't see any sense of age from her. When she and Abao first met, Reiko gave the impression that she was only in her twenties.

01 As soon as 'Flowers' started airing, 'Ma Yili's acting skills' became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one - Lujuba

Wong Kar-wai is really good at photographing actresses.

Whether it’s Tang Yan, Ma Yili, or Xin Zhilei, everyone has a unique charm under his lens. This kind of beauty is something I haven’t seen in other TV series where they acted.

Lingzi played by Ma Yili, when she first appeared, people would think, isn't this Luo Zijun? But when you get into the play, you will find that Lingzi is not Luo Zijun at all. Luo Zijun is a wealthy lady who has no fingers in the spring water, and is extremely weak, but what about Lingzi? She is shrewd and mentally strong.

Reiko loves money. She is the proprietress of Night Tokyo and A Bao's good wife. She tries her best to get money from A Bao. Was it for herself that Lingzi cheated on Abao? She joked with A Bao that you are equivalent to buying an insurance from me, and I help you save the money.

01 As soon as 'Flowers' started airing, 'Ma Yili's acting skills' became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one - Lujuba

Ma Yili had dozens of calculators, and when she showed them to Abao, her look was amazing.

Some viewers said that Lingzi played by Ma Yili was too noisy and not elegant at all; but this is Lingzi. Lingzi herself is not elegant. She is different from Li Li played by Xin Zhilei. Reiko was born in an alley in Shanghai, and then went to Tokyo to seek life. Her upbringing environment forced her to be shrewd. How can you survive on the street if you don't have any scheming ideas?

Lingzi's mouth is very loud, and she keeps talking like a machine gun. It's not that Shanghai women are noisy, but the smart women in Shanghai alleys are so noisy.

Ma Yili interpreted the role of Lingzi very vividly.

There is also the scene where Lingzi walks with an umbrella in the rain. Ma Yili holds an umbrella and walks forward. For that short stretch, Ma Yili filmed it countless times in one night because director Wong Kar Wai said that the mood was not in place. Lingzi must be very aggrieved. It's not that she doesn't know what she thinks about Ah Bao, but Ah Bao feels towards her as "more than a friend, not yet in love." Who does she count as Abao? I wanted to cry but couldn't, so I could only endure it.

So in the final shot, the corners of Ma Yili's mouth trembled in that detail.

01 As soon as 'Flowers' started airing, 'Ma Yili's acting skills' became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one - Lujuba

In the play, Reiko's running away was to prepare for a break with Po.

It’s not that she doesn’t understand the relationship between her and Ah Bao, it’s just that she feels that since she controls Ah Bao’s money, Ah Bao will always treat her a little less favorably. It wasn't until the "Night Tokyo Squad" had a quarrel that she realized what kind of relationship she had with Abao? Concubine? Abao was very kind to her, but which woman would be willing to stay by his side for the rest of her life without any name or status?

The current plot of "Flowers" only explains how Reiko and Abao met. Reiko should have her own unique career line in the future, and she will no longer rely on Abao.

01 As soon as 'Flowers' started airing, 'Ma Yili's acting skills' became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one - Lujuba


I think there are similarities between Lingzi in the drama and Ma Yili in reality. Now Ma Yili has found herself.

When Ma Yili first debuted, she became famous all over the country as "Charlene" in "Struggle". At that time, she was as young as her age. Later, when her career was booming, she chose to marry Wen Zhang, who was eight years younger than her. When Wen Zhang became popular, she chose to return to her family.

originally thought that marriage was his safe haven, but who knows, no matter how loving the marriage is, there will always be people who want to cheat on her.

The 2013 "See You on Monday" revealed the ugliest aspect of her marriage to Wen Zhang in front of the public. Only then did everyone realize that it turned out that Wen Wen didn’t love Ma Yili that much. Why didn’t the “Wen loves Ma” cheat in the end?

Ma Yili's words, "Marriage is not easy, but you have to do it and cherish it" temporarily put an end to this extramarital affair that had caused a lot of controversy. After that, Wen Zhang began to return to her family, and she started her career again. Perhaps from that time she understood that no matter how good the marriage was, it was not her safe haven, and only she could be her safe haven in this life.

This also has the hit "My First Half of Life" in 2017.

01 As soon as 'Flowers' started airing, 'Ma Yili's acting skills' became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one - Lujuba

Luo Zijun in "The First Half of My Life" has more or less the shadow of Ma Yili himself.

Like Luo Zijun, she was so innocent and believed in love before. She thought her marriage was perfect and she was the happiest woman in the world; until Chen Junsheng's cheating woke her up. In the past, she only cared about Chen Junsheng's Yingying Yanyan. She never thought that Chen Junsheng would cheat on an old woman who was not as good as her in every way.

Ma Yili can be said to have acted out her own state of broken marriage in Luo Zijun's marriage.

At that time, she was not strong and just wanted to find a hand to help herself. In the play, that hand was He Han.

Ma Yili became very popular with the drama "The First Half of My Life" and won the Shanghai Magnolia Award for Best Actress. That year, she ushered in the second spring of her career. She relied on facing herself. Broken marriages come to the fore. After "The First Half of My Life", Ma Yili also played some other female roles, but none of them were very outstanding.

I have always felt that she has not completely broken through herself, and is still not good enough.

Until she played Reiko in "Flowers".

Ma Yili was no longer young when she played Lingzi, she was 43 years old. At that time, she and Wen Zhang had already divorced. After getting out of her broken marriage, Ma Yili finally found the life she really wanted. Some people said that she was too scheming. She first forgave Wen Wen and tolerated it for five years, then abandoned Wen Wen when her career took off.

I don’t think she is scheming. She did nothing wrong in her marriage to Wen Zhang. After they separated, they were no longer suitable to be a couple. It would be good for both of them to separate decently. I have written articles related to Ma Yili many times over the years. I think Ma Yili is very smart. She has great wisdom and knows what she really wants.

Ma Yili’s unwillingness to admit defeat requires women to learn from her.

01 As soon as 'Flowers' started airing, 'Ma Yili's acting skills' became a hot search. Who else is more suitable to play Lingzi than Ma Yili? I can't think of any other actress's name, and it can only be Ma Yili. She is from Shanghai, coquettish, and so shrewd. She is not the one - Lujuba


Ma Yili's acting in "Flowers" was well received: After "The First Half of My Life", she found herself.

There is no doubt that Lingzi is another classic role after Ma Yili played Luo Zijun.

Ma Yili is no longer young and beautiful, but she has slowly found her position.

The appeal of middle-aged actresses has always been accompanied by their acting skills. Ma Yili's acting skills are obvious to all.

She is still beautiful under Wong Kar-Wai's lens, so feminine, full of story, and mysterious, making people want to get close to her.

Yes, she is no longer young, but isn’t she still charming even though she is not young?


Tags: entertainment