"Terminator": Can you end yourself beautifully

movie 999℃
How should

produce a recent sequel to a classic movie? Today’s Hollywood generally has three magic weapons: let the once-prosperous but now old stars reappear on the screen; let minorities and women hold up the banner of political correctness and become the protagonists of new films; The method of bottled old wine replicates the story mode of the previous work.

This can be seen as a helpless move for classic IP against superhero universe movies. After all, old actors are popular and express their feelings correctly. They are less likely to make mistakes than rewriting stories with differences, and the box office is basically guaranteed. Political correctness also prevents film critics from blaming faults, and at most they curse mediocrity.

Disney’s restart of "Star Wars" is the representative of this, as well as "King Kong" and "Jurassic Park". Now, it's the turn of "Terminator", who once created the era of Hollywood's digital wonder with "Jurassic Park". In fact, the "Terminator" series is quite confusing in terms of inheritance. After Cameron directed the classic "Terminator" 1 and 2, the third "Terminator: Awakening of the Robot" almost caused Schwarzenegger's ticket bounce because of the change of director, and it was still 30 million US dollars. Remuneration solved the problem. However, Schwarzenegger's performance in the third part was obviously regressed, which led to the third part of word of mouth. As Schwarzenegger entered the political arena, coupled with the lack of Cameron's word-of-mouth call, it made it difficult to start the sequel. Six years later, "Terminator 2018" debuted with an almost new story, which made it fall into a situation where there is no super IP name but no one cares about it. As a result, the copyright of the film was transferred several times, until it fell into the hands of Megan Ellison and Annapurna Pictures. So there are the fifth and sixth parts we saw today.

'Terminator': Can you end yourself beautifully - Lujuba

So far, the producer has finally figured out the lifeblood of "Terminator", that is, Schwarzenegger is indispensable. The big guy wearing a leather jacket and holding a shotgun is the only one in the audience's mind. Without him, this movie could not be continued. So in the fifth "Terminator: Genesis", we finally saw the old governor who formed the "Uncle Loli Group" with "Dragon Mother" Emilia Clarke. The contrast between the two of them eclipsed the male lead Jason Clark. With this success, the latest "Terminator: Dark Destiny" is even bigger. In addition to the governor's still "will be back", in order to strengthen the action scene, the film crew also hired the director of "Deadpool" Tim Miller to direct the film. In order to "return to the beginning", Cameron was hired as a part-time and screenwriter, and after 27 years, the once strongest action actress Linda Hamilton played Sarah Connor again. In the film, she plays with two new-generation actresses Davis and Reyes. The three-protagonist drama structure composed of three women has fully supported the banner of political correctness. In terms of plot, "Dark Destiny" pays tribute to the classic in the most "simple and rude" way: the new film combines the first and second plots of the prelude, letting Schwarzenegger play T800 and the enhanced female warrior and Sarah Connor, who specializes in killing Terminators, together resists the new REV-9 Terminator and protects Dany, the future leader of the Resistance. While

uses the "three magic weapons" to complete the sequel, "Terminator: Dark Fate" also assumes the function of criticizing the original, which is rarely seen in the sequel movies. "Terminator", which focuses on powerful men saving women, is a masterpiece of "straight men, patriarchal" movies, and this value is now out of fashion. Rather than just sit and wait for the audience and the media to verbalize, it is better to start directly in your own movie. The most intuitive performance is that Schwarzenegger is completely arrogant in the film. His performance basically repeats the big "stalks" and important sections of the previous Terminator. The focus of the film is on the women's side-Grace and Sarah, as strong women, protect the weaker Dani. In the previous game, Sarah assumed the role of the Virgin Mary, giving birth to a boy, John Connor, to save the world. "Dark Destiny" criticizes this point. Women who are protected by women-Dany can save the world by itself, without having to give birth to men.

However, the "Terminator" series itself is based on the hard-core strength of the strong man of steel. To "feminize" such a film, you pay the price of losing its original texture. At the same time, the three heroines also let the film The individual female image in the movie becomes blurred. All this makes "Dark Destiny" finally become an ordinary sci-fi action movie with a "terminator" shell. In addition, Schwarzenegger is almost officially bidding farewell, and "Terminator" is really over. Tracing back to the source is because the one who hosts "Terminator" prefers a strong male screen shapeThe era of elephants is over.

In this way, perhaps the new female sci-fi action film does not need to be stuck in the framework of "Terminator", but can create a new classic like "Alita".

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