Recently, a place in Guangdong announced that 8 people lying on their backs have caused heated discussions. It has become a hot search event at the beginning of the new year. Review of the incident. Recently, the "Nanshan Town Leading Group Office for Promoting Cadre Team Transfo

entertainment 1432℃


Guangdong announced 8 people lying down for leisure.

It sparked heated discussion.

It was on the hot search at the beginning of the new year.

Event review.

Recently, the leader of "Nanshan Town, Sanshui District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province promoted the transformation of cadre teams to work styles and improve efficiency." The "Group Office" released the "Announcement of the List of Nanshan Town Leiping Leisure Personnel in 2023", and a total of 8 people were on the list.

Recently, a place in Guangdong announced that 8 people lying on their backs have caused heated discussions. It has become a hot search event at the beginning of the new year. Review of the incident. Recently, the 'Nanshan Town Leading Group Office for Promoting Cadre Team Transfo - Lujuba

On the evening of January 1, 2024, relevant staff of the Nanshan Town Government said in a telephone interview with reporters that the local government has indeed issued the processing procedures mentioned in the above-mentioned documents. "The processing targets are all grassroots workers, and this is not a recognition work." If a person violates discipline, there will be a 6-month rectification period, and there will also be advanced departments to help him improve."

What are the main aspects of "flattering people" and how are they selected? The staff member said that after preliminary research, democratic evaluation, and review by the style and effectiveness leading group before public announcement, the entire process formed a closed loop. "(Lying flat) does not mean that he does not work at all, nor does he violate any laws or disciplines, but his ability, discipline and efficiency are relatively weak."

Reporters found out based on the above publicity information that the publicized personnel include grassroots grid Member, deputy director of a neighborhood committee, staff of the Cultural Tourism Office, etc.

netizens discussed

. Some netizens agreed and suggested promoting .

Recently, a place in Guangdong announced that 8 people lying on their backs have caused heated discussions. It has become a hot search event at the beginning of the new year. Review of the incident. Recently, the 'Nanshan Town Leading Group Office for Promoting Cadre Team Transfo - Lujuba

Some netizens also questioned, what does mean by "lying flat"? Why "lie down"? There is no clear definition of "laying leisure personnel" and "last whipping personnel". Is it appropriate to make it public like this?

Recently, a place in Guangdong announced that 8 people lying on their backs have caused heated discussions. It has become a hot search event at the beginning of the new year. Review of the incident. Recently, the 'Nanshan Town Leading Group Office for Promoting Cadre Team Transfo - Lujuba

Some netizens raised questions, does being made public in this way violate their privacy?

Media comments:

The issue of cadre style should be managed,

but the method still needs to be discussed.

This is not the first management measure in China to deal with the so-called "lay-down" cadres. Since the beginning of this year, organizations and departments in many places have carried out similar work , for example:

In early February, Bengbu City, Anhui Province proposed that those who really endure hardships should be "popular" and those who are promising should be given positions, so that "cadres who lie flat" cannot lie down. , There is no market for those who are dawdling;

html In June, Wolong District, Henan Province issued an announcement to collect clues about the problem of "lying cadres". The clues collected included 10 kinds of "living down" behaviors such as "muddle through at work, and are content to attend meetings to get things done";

html July , the Organization Department of the Binhai County Party Committee in Jiangsu Province carried out an activity to find "people lying flat" around them, and conducted a concentrated admonishment talk with seven "cadres lying flat"...

Needless to say, the issue of cadre style has always been a matter of concern to the general public. . In the popular drama "In the Name of the People" a few years ago, Sun Liancheng, the mayor of Guangming District, was a typical example of a "lay-down cadre" in many people's minds. He did not seek progress, was not active in doing things, and muddle along in many tasks. The masses have always been deeply abhorred by this kind of real "lay-down cadres", and many people have had personal experience of "it's easy to get in, but it's hard to get things done." Effectively rectifying lying-down cadres is indeed a move that responds to the needs of the people .

However, still needs to be discussed whether the rectification of lying-down cadres needs to be carried out through "selection", "public announcement" and "notification".

What do you think about this?

Tags: entertainment