See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. Today is the last day of 2023. In a few hours, we will enter the new year 2024. In 2023, the hurricane of geopolitical conflicts, the vortex

entertainment 2481℃

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. Today is the last day of 2023. In a few hours, we will enter the new year 2024. In 2023, the hurricane of geopolitical conflicts, the vortex  - Lujuba

News See you at 8 o'clock for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world.

Today is the last day of 2023. In a few hours, we will enter the new year 2024.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. Today is the last day of 2023. In a few hours, we will enter the new year 2024. In 2023, the hurricane of geopolitical conflicts, the vortex  - Lujuba

In 2023, the hurricane of geopolitical conflicts, the vortex of camp confrontation, and the undercurrent of economic recession are stirring up the world, making the road ahead for mankind bumpy and turbulent.

At the same time, crises bring changes and give birth to hope. The multi-polarization of the world is accelerating. The tide of globalization is still surging. The scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation are changing with each passing day. The majority of developing countries are more consciously united and self-reliant, more actively engaged in mutually beneficial cooperation, and more Deal with changes calmly.

As 2023 comes to an end, the Beijing News launches a year-end special plan to look back on 2023 together.

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At this moment, many friends are already sitting around the TV watching the New Year's Eve party. In previous years, during the New Year's Eve, most satellite TV stations would try to seize the audience's continuous viewing time in terms of traffic levels such as star lineups, cross-border combinations, and historical same frames.

However, with the obvious "de-trafficization" in recent years, in 2024, various satellite TV platforms will invariably choose to compete for creativity and quality in aspects such as performances, stages, themes, and technology.

This year, many platforms insisted that "real singing" and "full open mic" are serious, and asked the audience to supervise "not to play virtual"; VR and virtual people no longer satisfy the program team's pursuit of black technology, naked-eye 3D, Bold attempts such as futuristic concepts, real-time green-picking, and even "removing the stage" are all trying to bring a refreshing sense of shock to the audience.

Amidst the dizzying array of innovations and challenges, the audience may be facing the most "volume" but also the most exciting New Year's Eve party battle in history.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. Today is the last day of 2023. In a few hours, we will enter the new year 2024. In 2023, the hurricane of geopolitical conflicts, the vortex  - Lujuba

The choreography of Jiangsu Satellite TV’s New Year’s Eve concert. According to

data, among the New Year’s Eve party guests on the five major TV platforms of Beijing TV, Zhejiang TV, Hunan TV, Jiangsu TV, and Dragon TV, singers accounted for at least 60% of the number of guests that night, with Jiangsu TV and Zhejiang TV both accounting for more than 80%. , Beijing Satellite TV even has a full singer lineup. In addition, in terms of the age distribution of guests, young artists between the ages of 20 and 39 are still the absolute main force, but various satellite TV stations have also invited a large number of powerful singers between the ages of 40 and 60. For example, on Beijing Satellite TV, artists over 60 years old account for nearly 17%, including many famous singers such as Alan Tam, Luo Dayou, and Cui Jian.

This year Dragon TV will present the core concept of focusing on "light". The stage tightly integrates light, shadow, points, lines and surfaces for structure and extension, realizing the breaking and linking of three-dimensional space in the sky, earth, inside and outside. At the same time, the stage will also use a naked-eye floor screen to present a naked-eye 3D sense of space through specific shooting angles, once again breaking through the visual effect of the multi-dimensional space of the New Year's Eve party.

Jiangsu Satellite TV proposed a very futuristic "wormhole" theme. The main stage focuses on the concepts of "wormhole" and "giant screen". Visual elements such as mechanical behemoths and giant art installations with a sense of technology and art will travel through approximately The 40-meter-long tunnel comes from the "wormhole" and extends on the giant screen, trying to give the audience a visual experience that bursts out of the screen. It is reported that the props and devices used by Jiangsu Satellite TV for New Year’s Eve this year have reached the highest number in Jiangsu Satellite TV’s New Year’s Eve history in terms of quantity and scale.

Among the many technology competitions, Hunan Satellite TV is unique in that it directly "cancels" the stage and replaces it with a "New Year's Eve Street" that is zero distance from the live audience.

It is reported that the 28-meter-high "mall" high-rise building on this "New Year's Eve Street" contains a multi-layer stage and a large LED screen; the 30-meter-high Ferris wheel in the center of the stage can be raised and lowered by an elevator; the main building is 120 meters horizontally and 70 meters vertically. The avenue can be transformed into various stages according to performance needs; 2 stage buildings, 6 interactive areas, and 9 live broadcast rooms with different functions also add creativity to the performance. And the guests are no longer limited to performing "high above" on the stage. After the performance, they can also freely shuttle to the "neighborhood shops" to interact with the audience, or eat snacks and watch the performance like ordinary audiences, aiming to create a national holiday atmosphere. Festive atmosphere. Read the full text>>

During the long holiday, watching a movie with family, loved ones, and friends must be the choice of many people.

The movie "Twinkle, Twinkle, Shining Star", adapted from the TV series of the same name, became the first-day pre-sale box office champion for love movies in Chinese film history. However, while setting records at the box office, the "Snow Resort" marketing has also caused a lot of controversy, such as the higher-than-normal market return rate, the safety hazards that "snow" may cause, and whether the over-the-top marketing gimmick will backfire. word-of-mouth, why "Awkward in the Snow" on the premiere day was once on the Weibo hot search list, etc.

See you at 8 o'clock on the news for more insights. Meet you on time at 8 o'clock every morning and evening, and look at the bigger world. Today is the last day of 2023. In a few hours, we will enter the new year 2024. In 2023, the hurricane of geopolitical conflicts, the vortex  - Lujuba

There is a lot of "snow", even if you are wearing a raincoat, it will get on your clothes. Photographed by Beijing News reporter Teng Chao

The film studio has selected 1,314 theaters across the country to open 1,314 "snow resorts". Theaters participating in this event can receive a box of artificial hand-held snow cans, a limited-edition card for the film, and the Maoyan app "Download" Special logo for the "Ski Resort" platform. After the

"Snow Resort" marketing started, the sales of this event were extremely hot. A staff member of a movie theater in Chaoyang District, Beijing, told reporters that the theater's phone numbers were almost overwhelming at that time, and many viewers inquired about the situation of the "snow resort" every day. Soon, the "Snow Resort" in theaters across the country was basically sold out, and it was difficult to get a ticket.

At the same time, in addition to the 1,314 theaters designated by the film studio, a large number of theaters voluntarily organized "snow field" screenings. These theaters made their own small cards and purchased snow cans and snowmaking machines independently in order to achieve theater floating. Snow has such a romantic effect that in some areas snowmaking machines are even sold out.

Most of the viewers who bought the movie version of "Snow Field" are fans of the TV series of the same name. During the interview, several fans expressed their enthusiasm for the series. Because at that time, all 24 episodes of the show were released at once, one fan spent one day watching the show and felt that this campus youth drama "has great stamina and is addicted to Zhang Wansen's character".

was asked why he chose the "snow resort" event? Almost all interviewees mentioned the word "sense of ceremony". "Watching a movie in a cinema, you can still see falling snow. It's so romantic and has a sense of ritual." "13:14'Snow Field', 1314 has a strong sense of ritual. It will last a lifetime, and it will be floating in the cinema." Xue and her boyfriend went to witness this moment. It is rare to have such an opportunity."... The portraits of users who want to watch the

movie "Twinkle Twinkle Star" in the Beacon Professional Edition show that female viewers account for 85.1%, and viewers under the age of 24 account for 85.1%. than 74.4%. The user profile is obvious: young female viewers are the main consumer force of this film. In an interview with

, an audience member said that his friends specially grabbed tickets for the special screening of "Twinkle Twinkle Star". We specially put on good makeup and hair styles, and came to the theater to wait for the "snow". Romantic, we had seen some official promotional pictures before watching it. The snow looked light overall, and it also looked very romantic floating above the black theater. But the "snowing" in our performance was really unsatisfactory. I don't know if the snowmaking machine was unstable. Just a few minutes after the performance started, it started to "pour heavy snow". It was indeed like an "avalanche". My friend and I had hair that was My whole body was wet and all my styling was gone. The excessive marketing of the film really disgusted me.

Another audience member said that the snow-making conditions for our event were that each person was given a snow spray can, and it was all created manually by the audience themselves. The two young men sitting next to us were particularly "naughty" and sprayed them everywhere crazily. Because the scene was full of screaming and spraying snow, it was impossible to see who they were and what the situation was. I was "not immune" to being strangers. The person sprayed "snow" on his face. I was really helpless at the time, and this method of spraying snow actually had safety risks. I saw a fire police officer say before that if this kind of snow sprayer encounters an open flame, it may cause a fire, and this kind of "snow" can directly cause a fire. There are also questions about whether there will be any adverse effects when sprayed on the skin.

In addition, the cleaning staff of some movie theaters generally believe that cleaning up after "snowing" has indeed caused a great burden on the cleaning work of the movie theater. Aunt Li, a cleaning staff at a movie theater, said she was very overwhelmed by the "new method" of "snow resort".

"Twinkle Twinkle Star" has been on hot searches in addition to topics such as "Embarrassing in the snow field" and "Zhang Wansen's local blizzard". "Ugly" has also appeared on Weibo's hot search list. The over-the-top marketing has begun to backfire on word of mouth.

In terms of box office revenue alone, "Twinkle Twinkle Star" is a successful marketing effort, but good marketing can not only bring high box office revenue to the film, but also provide good content to the audience, allowing the film studios and Both theaters and audiences benefit. If it relies entirely on fans of the drama version and marketing gimmicks to reap the box office, then word of mouth will soon be backfired. A work must still rely on quality and content to speak for itself. Read the full text>>>

Editor Liu Zhe Design Sun Jianfei Proofreading Wu Xingfa

Tags: entertainment