On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a

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On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

1905 Movie Network News On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Fair was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, and director training camp, the top ten students of the 8th Green Onion Project created image textures and cultivated image fruits over time. Now on the stage of the Venture Capital Fair, we are looking forward to new extensions and blooms.

Senior filmmakers come together to help

Let the movie dream take root

At this Green Onion Project venture capital meeting, Li Shaohong, president of the China Film Directors Association and initiator of the Green Onion Project, Wang Hongwei, vice president of the China Film Directors Association and chairman of the Green Onion Project , Mentor representatives Geng Jun and Xin Yukun during the script workshop and director training camp stage of Green Onion Project, Hou Xiaodong, Chief Producer of Green Onion Project, Head of Entertainment Marketing and Content Production and Senior Producer of Green Onion Project’s in-depth industrial partner Lilicheng Media Li Jin took the stage to deliver speeches respectively. At the same time, many representatives from different sectors of the film industry such as investment, production, and promotion, as well as senior filmmakers in the industry, also came to this venture capital meeting to witness the wonderful debut of ten young directors and their projects in the Green Onion Project .

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - LujubaLi Shaohong, President of the China Film Directors Association and initiator of the Green Onion Project

Li Shaohong, President of the China Film Directors Association and initiator of the Green Onion Project, said in his speech that he was very pleased to see the creative level of students continue to improve one after another, and hoped that more Film projects can go to market faster through the platform of Qing Cong Venture Capital. Li Shaohong affirmed the results of the Green Onion Project's unremitting efforts over the past eight years and looked forward to the future, saying that through the Green Onion Film Festival, more people will see the results of the Green Onion Project.

Green Onion Project has been continuously improved over the past eight years, with new ideas and changes. Although it is not easy to hold each session, it has been fruitful now. We have held Green Onion Film Festival in Beijing, Shanghai, Yantai and other places since last year, and will hold it in more places next year. Basically, we can have new films participating in the screening every year. This is our answer to the society and the industry.

By analyzing this year's movie box office data and market performance, Wang Hongwei, vice president of the China Film Directors Association and chairman of the Green Onion Project, expressed his thoughts on current film creation and the value of the Green Onion Project to the film and television industry in a simple and easy-to-understand way.

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba Wang Hongwei, Vice President of the China Film Directors Association and Chairman of the Green Onion Project

As of early this morning, the box office in 2023 totaled 53.5 billion yuan. Among the top 100 box office films, there were 60 mainland films, with a total box office of 42.097 billion yuan. It is worth noting that half of the works are from directors born in the 1980s, with a total box office of approximately 24.487 billion yuan, accounting for 60%. There are also 6 works from directors born in the 1990s, with a total box office of approximately 1.3865 billion yuan. The reason why I talk about this data is to show that various young director film support programs in the past few years, including the Green Green Project, are valuable and meaningful. Among the top ten directors this year, several are born in the 1980s, and more are born in the 1990s. What we are doing is to prepare talents and projects for the future Chinese film industry and film market.

Talking about the direction of the Green Cong Project in cultivating young directors, Wang Hongwei believes that everyone can see the hope and direction of Green Cong from the venture capital videos of Green Cong students. We hope that there will be more young directors and more film works that can pay more active attention to the present and create films that young people are eager to look forward to and that can renew their vision.

Geng Jun and Xin Yukun, the mentor representatives of this year’s Green Onion Project script workshop and director training camp, also came to the venture capital meeting to cheer on the top ten students of this year’s Green Onion Project.

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba Green Onion Project Instructor Geng Jun

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba Green Onion Project Instructor Xin Yukun

Regarding the overall experience of this year's Green Onion Project, Geng Jun took the two projects he tutored as examples and bluntly said that the works of Green Onion students are obviously more fresh, And catch people alive.This is the second time he has come to the Green Onion Project as a mentor. Xin Yukun believes that the exchanges at the Green Onion Project can help creators find answers, and he hopes that directors can showcase the core highlights of the film when investing.

In his speech, Hou Xiaodong, the chief producer of Green Onion Project, expressed his sincere gratitude to the producers and partners who have supported Green Onion Project and Green Onion directors over the years, and especially thanked Lilicheng Media, an in-depth partner of Green Onion Project this year. Meiyang Films, the resource partner, has given strong support to Qing Cong.

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba Hou Xiaodong, Chief Producer of Green Onion Project

When the 8th Green Onion Project was released, our theme was ‘Growing seeds for new life’. In the past two years, in Pingyao, Beijing, Shanghai, Tokyo, Rotterdam, and Cannes, directors from the Green Onion Project have gradually emerged. Over the past eight years, many Green Onion directors have gradually entered the threshold of professional directors. Some directors who have graduated from the Green Onion Project have joined the Directors Association and become a new generation force. I hope that everyone can continue to work with Green Cong in the future to jointly discover and cultivate more young directors.

Senior Producer Li Jin, head of entertainment marketing and content production at Lilicheng Media, expressed his feelings about cooperating with the Green Onion Project using three key words: gratitude, envy, and blessing.

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

First of all, I am grateful. I am grateful to the Green Onion Project for building a high-quality platform that allows Lilicheng Media to be closely connected with young creators and the advanced productivity of the industry, and contribute some modest efforts to Chinese films. Secondly, I am envious, really envious. The vitality of young creators and the opportunities and possibilities they have in the future; again a blessing. Through communication with new directors, we found that they are confident, expressive, relaxed, and motivated , so I wish them a better tomorrow.

The top ten students appeared one by one.

Diversified creations each have their own highlights.

Venture capital meeting road show, Zhang Yushan's "Shi Yuan", Dong Jie's "Journey of Discovery", Wang Yiyun's "Viewing the Falling Shadow", Xu Jingwei's "Lamppost on a Cold Night", Zhu Xinyi's "Coco", Lin Weibin's "Black Sea", Zhou Xiaoting's "My Darkest Hour", Wang Yueyang's "Until the End of the World", Han Xia's "Satellite Is Departing from Orbit", and Song Xiaowen's "Unknown Number" appeared one by one. Behind

's diverse creations lies every director's desire for expression, such as a sense of the present, stories about young people, a sense of meaning, intimacy, etc. Those delicate and touching life experiences, those typified thoughts on public issues and the secrets of human nature, are put into turbulent expressions again and again in different images. When each student explained their project respectively, the guests at the meeting responded to the creative enthusiasm of the young director with attentive listening and warm applause, affirmed and encouraged the young director, and actively applied for a venture capital interview the next day.

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

The movie is a gravitational fluctuation that uses images to realize dialogue. In the interweaving of light and shadow, it connects individuals. With the group, accumulate energy, exert force, and then grow greater energy. The theme of the 8th Green Onion Project is seed-bearing and rebirth, which not only represents the good harvest of the Green Onion Project in the past eight years, but also heralds a prosperous future for the Green Onion Project. The Green Onion Project has always been a sower in the film industry, constantly helping young directors move to new creative levels.

On December 27, the 8th Green Onion Project Venture Capital Conference was successfully held. From midsummer to mid-winter, after going through multiple stages of selection and training, including preliminary evaluation, review interviews, script workshops, short film shooting, a - Lujuba

Since the establishment of Green Onion Project, it has been its mission to pool high-quality resources to promote the sustainable development of young Chinese film directors. In the future, the Green Onion Project will join hands with more industry forces to create a more mature training and support mechanism for young directors, continue to provide fresh talents to the Chinese film industry, and continue to give the Chinese film market more vitality, diversity and possibilities.

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