"Flowers" is a TV series directed by Wong Kar-wai, and it is also his first work in the field of TV series. The play is set in the 1990s and tells the story of a group of young people struggling against the background of the big era. Scheduled to be released on December 27, this

gossip 4562℃

"Flowers" is a TV series directed by Wong Kar-wai, and it is also his first work in the field of TV series. The play is set in the 1990s and tells the story of a group of young people struggling against the background of the big era. Scheduled to be released on December 27, this TV series is highly anticipated, and its casting has attracted even more attention.

'Flowers' is a TV series directed by Wong Kar-wai, and it is also his first work in the field of TV series. The play is set in the 1990s and tells the story of a group of young people struggling against the background of the big era. Scheduled to be released on December 27, this  - Lujuba

At the Star Awards, the trailer of "Flowers" debuted, making the audience look forward to this work even more. It can be seen from the trailer that this TV series is well-produced, with great care in setting the scenes and costumes and props.

'Flowers' is a TV series directed by Wong Kar-wai, and it is also his first work in the field of TV series. The play is set in the 1990s and tells the story of a group of young people struggling against the background of the big era. Scheduled to be released on December 27, this  - Lujuba

The outstanding performances of Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, Xin Zhilei and other leading actors have made people full of confidence in this TV series.

'Flowers' is a TV series directed by Wong Kar-wai, and it is also his first work in the field of TV series. The play is set in the 1990s and tells the story of a group of young people struggling against the background of the big era. Scheduled to be released on December 27, this  - Lujuba

In addition to the trailer, there were also exclusive on-site interviews with Hu Ge, Ma Yili, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei, which is also unprecedented. The four leading actors shared their feelings and experiences during the filming of "Flowers" in the interview, allowing people to better understand the story behind the TV series.

"Flowers", as the opening drama of the new year, is full of variety. From casting to production to promotion, a high level of quality was demonstrated. I believe that this TV series will definitely become a classic that the audience will recall endlessly.

'Flowers' is a TV series directed by Wong Kar-wai, and it is also his first work in the field of TV series. The play is set in the 1990s and tells the story of a group of young people struggling against the background of the big era. Scheduled to be released on December 27, this  - Lujuba

In short, "Flowers", as Wong Kar-wai's first TV series, is highly anticipated. Both in terms of production and casting, it shows a high level of quality. I believe that this TV series will definitely become a classic and let the audience feel the charm of the struggle story in the 1990s.

'Flowers' is a TV series directed by Wong Kar-wai, and it is also his first work in the field of TV series. The play is set in the 1990s and tells the story of a group of young people struggling against the background of the big era. Scheduled to be released on December 27, this  - Lujuba
Tags: gossip