It’s colder than this cold wave! A new round of cold air is coming! At 18:00 on December 17, the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue yellow warnings for low temperatures and blue warnings for strong winds. Temperatures will continue to be low in most parts o

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is colder than this cold wave! A new round of cold air is coming! At 18:00 on December 17, the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue yellow warnings for low temperatures and blue warnings for strong winds. Temperatures will continue to be low in most parts of my country in the coming week. The daily minimum temperatures in many places in the north will be more than 7℃ lower than the same period in history, and the minimum temperature will be 0℃. The line will be located from southern Guizhou to northern Jiangnan.

low temperature yellow warning! Temperatures will continue to be low in most parts of my country in the coming week

The Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue low temperature yellow warnings at 18:00 on December 17: In the coming week, temperatures will continue to be low in most parts of my country. It is expected that from 20:00 on December 17 to 20:00 on December 20, the daily minimum temperature in some areas of northern Xinjiang, central and eastern Northwest China, Inner Mongolia, North China, Northeast China, Huanghuai, Jianghuai, Jianghan, northern Jiangnan, Guizhou and other places will be higher than the same period in history. It is more than 5℃ lower. Among them, the daily minimum temperature in some parts of the eastern northwest, Inner Mongolia, North China, Northeast China, central and eastern Huanghuai, and eastern Jianghuai is more than 7℃ lower than the same period in history. The minimum temperature 0℃ line will be located from southern Guizhou to The northern area of ​​​​Jiangnan.

It’s colder than this cold wave! A new round of cold air is coming! At 18:00 on December 17, the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue yellow warnings for low temperatures and blue warnings for strong winds. Temperatures will continue to be low in most parts o - Lujuba

It’s colder than this cold wave! A new round of cold air is coming! At 18:00 on December 17, the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue yellow warnings for low temperatures and blue warnings for strong winds. Temperatures will continue to be low in most parts o - Lujuba

Blue warning for strong winds! Gusts in some areas of Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, Gansu and other places will reach level 7 to 8

The Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue a strong wind blue warning at 18:00 on December 17: It is expected that from 20:00 on December 17 to 20:00 on the 18th, southern Xinjiang and Tibet There will be strong winds of magnitude 5 to 6 and gusts of magnitude 7 to 8 in the central and western parts of Inner Mongolia, Gansu and Hexi; there will be strong winds of magnitude 7 to 8 and gusts of magnitude 7 to 8 in the southwestern waters of the East China Sea, Taiwan Strait, Bashi Strait, northern and central South China Sea. There are strong winds of level 9, with winds reaching level 9 and gusts of level 10 in some parts of the central and eastern South China Sea.

It’s colder than this cold wave! A new round of cold air is coming! At 18:00 on December 17, the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue yellow warnings for low temperatures and blue warnings for strong winds. Temperatures will continue to be low in most parts o - Lujuba

It may be colder next week! A new round of cold air will appear

html Starting from the night of 17th, the southwest airflow will strengthen again. Before the main body of the new round of cold air moves southward, the south will usher in another round of precipitation. From the night of the 17th to the 19th, most areas in the south will Rain and snow will occur from west to east.

It’s colder than this cold wave! A new round of cold air is coming! At 18:00 on December 17, the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue yellow warnings for low temperatures and blue warnings for strong winds. Temperatures will continue to be low in most parts o - Lujuba

Among them, the precipitation will be the strongest on the 18th, and rain and snow will occur in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. There will be moderate to heavy snow in parts of southeastern Anhui and western Jiangsu, and moderate rain in northern Zhejiang, Shanghai, southern Jiangsu and other places.

Because the temperature will still rise a little before the main body of cold air comes down, some places in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will experience the process of changing from snow to rain.

After the short-term rain and snow, what needs to be paid more attention to next week is the impact of low temperature. From the 18th to the 20th, a new round of strong cold air will affect the central and eastern regions of my country from north to south. The temperature will drop again by 4 to 8°C in most of the north, as well as in parts of eastern Jiangnan, southern China, and southern southwest regions. In some areas of Liaoning, the temperature will drop again. Cool down by more than 10°C.

Affected by the cold air and subsequent supplementary cold air, most areas in the central and eastern regions will continue to maintain low temperatures and freezing conditions next week. The daily minimum or average temperature will be more than 5℃ lower than the same period, and in some areas it will be more than 7℃ lower.

It’s colder than this cold wave! A new round of cold air is coming! At 18:00 on December 17, the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue yellow warnings for low temperatures and blue warnings for strong winds. Temperatures will continue to be low in most parts o - Lujuba

Many places may even be colder than this cold wave! The temperature has been pushed to the lowest point by the cold wave in recent days. When the cold air hits next week, the temperature will not drop too much, but it will still get colder! It is expected that around the 20th, the temperature in some areas of the central and eastern regions will continue to reach new lows this winter. At that time, the minimum temperature line of 0℃ will press southward to northern South China, the -10℃ line will be located in the southern part of Huanghuai, and the maximum temperature line of 0℃ will also Pressed to the southern area of ​​​​Jiangsu.

It’s colder than this cold wave! A new round of cold air is coming! At 18:00 on December 17, the Central Meteorological Observatory will continue to issue yellow warnings for low temperatures and blue warnings for strong winds. Temperatures will continue to be low in most parts o - Lujuba

For example, on the 18th, the highest temperatures in Hefei, Wuhan, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Nanchang, and Guiyang were only 0~3°C, which will be the coldest day since the beginning of winter. Among them, Hefei, Wuhan, and Nanjing are also forecast to have snowfall tomorrow, which will be wet and cold. The feeling will be more obvious.

Source: @ Central Meteorological Observatory, China Weather Network

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