December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He

entertainment 1967℃

December 17th.

One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution issue has attracted widespread attention.

According to reports, Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. Her brothers and sisters have also expressed their unwillingness to compete.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

As a well-known actress, Zhou Haimei's death is a huge blow to her family and fans.

And the issue of her inheritance distribution has attracted even more attention.

It is reported that Zhou Haimei’s inheritance mainly includes real estate, jewelry, stocks and other assets, with a total value of up to 400 million.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

In the distribution of Zhou Haimei's inheritance, her mother became the first heir.

This is not surprising, because Zhou Haimei did not have children in her life, so she had no children to continue her legacy.

In addition, Zhou Haimei has always been very filial and caring for her mother.

And her brothers and sisters have expressed their unwillingness to fight, which is very comforting.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

It seems that Zhou Haimei’s inheritance situation is very similar to that of Coco Li. After his death, all the inheritance was inherited by his mother.

It is understood that Zhou Haimei’s brothers and sisters are all very outstanding, and they all have their own careers and families.

Although they are not competing for the inheritance, they are very concerned about Zhou Haimei's family and fans.

They said they would do their best to help Zhou Haimei’s family and fans get through this difficult time.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

Zhou Haimei’s death made many people feel sad and reluctant.

However, her inheritance distribution issue also allows us to see the power of love and affection between family members.

hopes that Zhou Haimei’s family and fans can get over the grief as soon as possible and continue to live a strong life.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

In short, Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution issue allows us to see the power of love and affection between family members.

hopes that her family and fans can cherish this relationship and continue to live strong.

Of course, just because Zhou Haimei's brothers and sisters did not come out to fight for the inheritance does not mean that they will not get it.

data shows that Zhou Haimei’s ancestor was a local official in Guangdong during the Qing Dynasty.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

By his father's generation, he basically no longer had many relationships and became an ordinary person.

Zhou Haimei’s father passed away early.

Her mother comes from a small island fishing village in Hong Kong surrounded by the sea.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

is now over 80 years old.

In 1985, Zhou Haimei ran for Miss Hong Kong but failed to enter the finals. Later, she joined the first TVB artist training class.

has embarked on a glorious road of life since then.

After Zhou Haimei's death, her mother inherited all her inheritance of 400 million.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

However, as Zhou Haimei's mother is getting old, after a hundred years, the 400 million inheritance will definitely be left to Zhou Haimei's mysterious brothers and sisters according to the order of inheritance.

If Zhou Haimei's mother had not made a will, it might have caused a fight.

However, those are things for later.

December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

I have to say that it is really surprising to see Zhou Haimei working hard all her life and earning more than 400 million in property.

has so much property that he does not need to work at all and can live happily for the rest of his life.


December 17th. One week after the death of the famous actress Zhou Haimei. The issue of Zhou Haimei’s inheritance distribution has attracted widespread attention. It is reported that Zhou Haimei has an inheritance of up to 400 million, and her mother has become the first heir. He - Lujuba

Even though Zhou Haimei is worth hundreds of millions, she still looks weak in the face of disease, which makes people feel sad and regretful.

It seems that the most expensive things in this world are health and life.

Because health and life cannot be bought with money.

What do you think about this?

Tags: entertainment