Marvel: Thanos is strong enough? No, you're wrong, the one who is stronger than him hasn't made a movie yet!

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In the films of the Avengers series, Thanos is the strongest existence. He snapped his fingers gently and half of the creatures in the universe disappeared. In fact, in Marvel comics, there are many characters who are stronger than Thanos. They are too powerful, so they did not appear in the Marvel series of movies.

Marvel: Thanos is strong enough? No, you're wrong, the one who is stronger than him hasn't made a movie yet! - Lujuba

All the friends who have watched the reunion series of movies know that in this series of movies, Thanos has launched a journey of opening all the way with the infinite gloves. Imagine if Thanos loses the Infinite Gloves, what will happen to his combat performance. In other words, if Thanos, who loses the blessing of the six attributes, will defeat the superheroes in the early stage?

Marvel: Thanos is strong enough? No, you're wrong, the one who is stronger than him hasn't made a movie yet! - Lujuba

​​In fact, after losing his attribute blessings, Thanos can only become a sub-heavenly father level character. This way he is far less than the characters in the Marvel comics. Let’s take a look at these super powers. Strong character. First, let’s take a look at OAA, the strongest character in Marvel comics. As the supreme being in the universe, OAA controls the development of the Marvel universe. Everyone who has read the comics knows that in Marvel’s comics, people who should have died miraculously came back to life after entering the OAA field. You can see the power of OAA.

Marvel: Thanos is strong enough? No, you're wrong, the one who is stronger than him hasn't made a movie yet! - Lujuba

Let's take a look at the annihilation of the second-ranked character in Marvel comics. As one of the five creator gods of the Marvel universe, he can live with the multiverse. Although Annihilation is in the emptiness of the multiverse, his powerful combat power is still vividly demonstrated. It's just that this concept of the universe has not been added to the Marvel movies, so Annihilation does not appear in the movies. After

was defeated by the Avengers and Fantastic Four in the comics,

came to the Marvel universe in a brand new way. After that, he has the comprehensive abilities of Professor X, Magneto and others, and has always been in the upper hand during the battle.

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