If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series "Yes, Minister" and "Yes, Prime Minister" from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo

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If there were a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list.

You might as well take a look at the two TV series "Yes Minister" and "Yes Prime Minister" from 1980 to 1987. They are completely high-level political leaders exposing each other's shortcomings and quarreling with each other on a daily basis. The lines are also barbed, and the concentration of complaints is so high that no matter where it is shown, it will be exclaimed:

"This is too brave to take a photo of"!

If this is true for our own country, what will happen when the British meet Napoleon?

If you want to know Napoleon's lifelong achievements, it is basically a brief history of his confrontation with Britain. In the anti-French war that lasted from 1793 to 1815, Britain was an organizer and participant in the anti-French alliance. The audacious Napoleon, with France alone, almost crossed the entire Europe, fought 7 times and won 5 times. At that time, it was a well-deserved thorn in the eyes of Britain.

If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister' from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo - Lujuba

Therefore, when the legendary British Hollywood director Ridley Scott made "Napoleon", it was enough to arouse everyone's interest in watching the fun without taking it too seriously.

What's even more exciting is that "Napoleon", which is currently being screened across the country, is not only an epic masterpiece produced by the 86-year-old director Ray, but it is also the finale of the three giants that will compete for next year's Oscars after "Oppenheimer" and "Killers of the Flower Moon" . They are all based on historical figures and real events. They are all based on grand themes, thinking about personal destiny and profound humanistic care. They can be called a fight between gods.

Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner" was released in 1982. This movie, which was criticized as "obscure" at the time, has now reversed course and become "the greatest science fiction work" in film history. To this day Its sci-fi core is still being learned and passed on.

html With a director career spanning 50 years, huge themes and spectacular scenes have become a small case for Director Lei. This also gives the war scenes in the movie "Napoleon" an extremely stable guarantee. The film reproduces six famous battle scenes in Napoleon's life: the Battle of Toulon, the Egyptian Expedition, the Battle of Marengo, the Battle of Austerlitz, the Battle of Borodino, and the Battle of Waterloo.

If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister' from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo - Lujuba

In order to restore the spectacular scene of the epic battle, Director Lei used 11 cameras running simultaneously, which is daunting to many directors. The highly restored castles, manors, and natural scenery make the Napoleonic era once again shine on the screen. The roar of cannonballs, tumbling horses, and the roar of war all make the battlefield extremely real. The real-life shooting of

's big scenes not only allows the audience to feel the magnificent sense of the times. When the two sides clashed, rows of soldiers fell down, surrounded by human walls, and the living people filled the gaps. The movie restored the war of fighting under artillery fire, which made people feel It is easy to imagine the pain of the wounded soldier, the fear and excitement that caused the adrenaline to surge.

If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister' from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo - Lujuba

The reason why Napoleon is considered "difficult to shoot" by many famous directors lies not only in the difficulty of shooting grand and complex scenes and Napoleon's controversial campaign, but also in large part because of Napoleon's own complex character.

Just like when responding to the comment that "Napoleon" is inconsistent with historical facts, Director Lei said domineeringly, "Were you there at the time? If you weren't, shut up." Perhaps after making many heroic-themed blockbusters, the director has long disdained to dedicate his life to the film. A heroic hymn that surprises the audience. "Napoleon" is not a traditional documentary biography. The Napoleon in the movie is no longer the stereotyped military leader, strategic genius, and rebel against the divine right of kings, but a young man who is driven by ambition and honor to keep fighting. The dramatic life of being young and falling like leaves from the highest peak.

If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister' from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo - Lujuba

Director Lei did not hesitate to expose Napoleon's "lies" in the movie.

For example, after Napoleon said that he had never initiated a war, he then led an army of 600,000 people on a trek to Russia; and when he was finally exiled to St. Helena Island, when Napoleon showed off to his children that he led the army to burn Moscow, he was attacked. Refutation: Everyone knows that Moscow was burned by Russia itself. In many details, the movie dispels the stereotype of Napoleon as the leader of the empire and interprets him more like an ordinary person who is sometimes conceited and sometimes vulnerable. This is what touches people the most.

In Director Lei's previous works, the protagonist in "Gladiator" fell from a prestigious general to a humiliating gladiator, a savior of revenge, and a hero in our traditional impression; Balian in "Kingdom of Heaven", He is a soldier who is handsome and has great military exploits. He is a soldier who makes even the princesses of foreign countries on the expedition fall in love with him.

But when it came to Napoleon, he was obsessed with Josephine, and when he courted her, he made weird murmurs like an unreasonable child. Director Lei even used ingenious filming techniques in front of the table where Napoleon signed his consent to be exiled, especially highlighting Napoleon's "short" impression in history. In that scene, the ministers around Napoleon were like mountains, and he was the only one sitting at the table. In front of him, he was so short that he looked out of place.

If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister' from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo - Lujuba

Napoleon in the movie has an extremely conceited side. He can say without any guilt: "If I make a mistake, I will definitely admit it. The problem is that I have never made a mistake." He can also be calm and composed even if he is discovered by the enemy in an ambush. Just say "very good". From this point of view, he is undoubtedly a brave and strategic military genius.

But at the same time, when Napoleon invaded Moscow and found that he only occupied an empty city, he would wake up in the cold winter wind in the middle of the night. Thanks to Uncle Phoenix's wonderful performance, Napoleon's inner uneasiness did not require any unnecessary expressions or words. , can directly reach the audience's heart.

In terms of relationships, he was sometimes extremely naive and childish. He had slept with Josephine for many years, but she failed to have children. His anger and political pressure that "there must be an heir to inherit the throne" made a generation of emperors question him in front of everyone at the dinner party. Josephine even pointed out that "you are obviously more than just me."

If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister' from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo - Lujuba

As the only woman Napoleon loved most in his life, Josephine was a single mother with a child when she met Napoleon. She was also a communicator who was very good at dealing with nobles.

Her ability makes her a loyal supporter of Napoleon's political career, but her charm and ambition also make her not single-minded in her relationship. Before Napoleon became emperor, she was his bridge to the true nobility, but after that, the help Josephine could provide became limited.

This tragic sense of fate is destined to make the emotional drama between Napoleon and Josephine a wonderful passage in the life of this generation of emperors. The movie "Napoleon" also did not hesitate to satisfy everyone's curiosity. Under the gorgeous palace, exquisite utensils, and gorgeous costumes and decorations, there is an elusive legendary queen.

If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister' from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo - Lujuba

If you want to film women, then Ridley Scott is definitely a pioneer in safeguarding gender equality. The 1991 "Thelma and Louise" gave a woman a stunning role as a protagonist as a criminal. This enjoyable off-road road movie, The two heroines use unrestrained gestures to fight back against the humiliation from male dominance.

In "The Last Duel", Director Lei dug up a true story from the Middle Ages, swept away the dust, put the most neglected woman in the age of chivalry at the center of the story, and reviewed it with a Rashomon-like narrative. A duel caused by rape. For the first time, women of that era took the crown that men fought for honor through the screen, and told their own stories and emotions as an independent individual.

In "Napoleon", Director Lei made the right choice. Under Vanessa Kirby's interpretation, the queen was more than just a beautiful decoration, the mistress of a magnificent palace. She was both elegant and cunning. Fascinating like a feline. When the two met for the first time, Josephine made fun of Napoleon's clothes that were inconsistent with the party, and her ambition was revealed in her eyes when observing her prey. During the years she spent with Napoleon, the melancholy and uneasiness in Vanessa's eyes vividly demonstrated the inner struggle and confusion of a woman who used herself as a bargaining chip to climb up in the great era.

If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister' from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo - Lujuba

Therefore, whether it is for the charm of historical figures, exciting war scenes, or just curious about the twists and turns of love in history, "Napoleon" has delivered surprising answers.

Lian Po is old does not exist for Ridley Scott. He can tell such a complex character more than 200 years ago so that today's audiences can still watch it with gusto and have endless curiosity about Napoleon. It's just awesome.

If there was a ranking list of political venomous tongues, the British would definitely be at the top of the list. You might as well take a look at the two TV series 'Yes, Minister' and 'Yes, Prime Minister' from 1980 to 1987. They were all about high-level political leaders expo - Lujuba

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