Psychologist Online Dream Interpretation: I dreamt that I was two cats playing games together

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On November 6, "Inception" held a sharing session on the theme of "The subconscious and subconscious are a brief analysis of experiments" at Hebei Medical University. The Mental Health Education Research and Counseling Center of Hebei Medical University, the executive director of Hebei Psychological Intervention Association, and the secretary general of the Youth Committee of Hebei Mathematics and Physics Association, Mr. Wang Jun analyzed the content of the film from the perspective of psychology.

There are more than 400 seats in the sharing session. Teacher Wang Zheng was also ignited by the enthusiasm of the students. He combined his psychological research with the film, and carried out an in-depth analysis of the film from a psychological perspective. Appreciation. The students at the scene couldn’t bear it either. Before the interactive session, they couldn’t wait to shout with excitement: "I have a bunch of questions to ask!"

Psychologist Online Dream Interpretation: I dreamt that I was two cats playing games together - Lujuba

Sharing guest: Mr. Wang Zheng, who came to the sharing session well prepared Crazy output of dry goods, from Freud’s "preconsciousness and unconsciousness" to "dream analysis" to "individual self, ego and superego", Mr. Wang talked endlessly, while the students at the scene were Listening with gusto. "The use and presentation of psychological knowledge in the film is also quite interesting. The behaviorist school believes that people can be influenced and trained, and personality can be molded. In the film, the father is trying to use this experimental method through The subconscious affects Ruben. The presentation of famous paintings below the perceptual threshold is an unconscious stimulus, which does not produce visual stimulation, but it will affect the physiology."

Psychologist Online Dream Interpretation: I dreamt that I was two cats playing games together - Lujuba

The discussion of the subconscious also aroused the active participation of the students on the spot, "will the subconscious It broke out?" "What is the unconscious way of revealing it?" "Under what circumstances will it be revealed?" Everyone raised their own questions, and Teacher Wang patiently answered them. Faced with many students asking on the spot why dreams are forgotten, Teacher Wang patiently explained: When people are in deep sleep, most of them are in a relaxed stage, and it is normal that dreams cannot be remembered. But dreams are a way to explore the subconscious, and it deserves everyone's attention for better self-analysis. The students were unanimously applauded.

Psychologist Online Dream Interpretation: I dreamt that I was two cats playing games together - Lujuba

's unique style of the film also attracted the attention of Mr. Wang and his classmates. Mr. Wang deconstructed the characters in the film from the perspective of personality structure: “The faces of the characters in the film are not deliberately pursued. Unique, but they all hide a certain inner meaning, which is a style image of the super-conscious school. "The students at the scene also expressed their views, "It is simply an artistic feast of oil painting, with a unique abstract style. The ghost shots and different kind of back music touch people's hearts. The beginning of the horror, the ending that suddenly realized, it is worth seeing! "

Psychologist Online Dream Interpretation: I dreamt that I was two cats playing games together - Lujuba

"Inception" will be released nationwide on November 15. You may find another interpretation of dreams when you walk into the cinema.

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