The movie "My Uncle": A good life is just a show, and whether you are tired or not can only be experienced by yourself

movie 2731℃

The film "My Uncle" directed by French director Jacques Tati is a lightly humorous film. The director uses his unique artistic creation skills to let the audience feel the many impacts of the times change on mankind with a smile, showing the conflicts between the randomness and innocence of human nature and the mechanized life. The

The movie 'My Uncle': A good life is just a show, and whether you are tired or not can only be experienced by yourself - Lujuba

film mainly tells a series of stories between the older brother Yu Luo living in the old city of France and the younger sister in the new city. It shows the influence of the change of the times through the difference in lifestyles and thinking styles of the older brother and younger sister. The film sees the big from the small, showing its unique artistic creation characteristics in terms of color, sound, and props.

The movie 'My Uncle': A good life is just a show, and whether you are tired or not can only be experienced by yourself - Lujuba

​​In the use of color, the film mainly focuses on clear and bright bright tones and gray and dark tones. The old city is bright and bright, while the new city is gray and dark. The old city represents the romantic and humane old French society where Uncle Yu Luo lived. The wild dogs picking up the trash can, the broken house with the overgrown grass, the ticking carriage, the casual and close interpersonal relationship, and the little boys who play pranks. Of course, the most exciting thing is Mr. Yu Luo and his lively building. Apartment too. Mr. Yu Luo always wore a short windbreaker, slanted his pipe and turned his umbrella, screaming all the way, or riding his bicycle everywhere. However, this is a vibrant society, with bright and warm colors, and everyone in it lives freely. The scavenger finds someone to chat, the tea vendor throws money in the barrel according to the customer’s wishes, the child is busy tricking the adults into hitting the telephone pole, and Mr. Yu Luo uses the glass window to reflect the light on the bird every day, and then he enjoys the chirping of the birds. . The new city represents the grand-sounding, hypocritical, and mechanized new French society where my sister lives. The colors of this world are mainly gray and white. Surrounded by funny electric household appliances (vacuum cleaners, electric stoves, cleaners), people must also pay attention to efficiency and panic like a machine. My sister sent her husband Albert to work in the morning. The series of high-heeled shoes landing and the actions of wiping the briefcase, dusting the dust, kissing goodbye, driving the door, and wiping the rear of the car all made people feel the ridicule and mocking smile of the earth. When the people of this world held a garden tea party as Zhang Zuozhi, and was harassed by Mr. Yu Luo, who was free and comfortable, and the disaster was devastated, the audience finally couldn't help but laugh. This is the incompleteness of the changes of the times, from which we can see that the director is unable to let go of the old human society and the old living environment.

The movie 'My Uncle': A good life is just a show, and whether you are tired or not can only be experienced by yourself - Lujuba

in the use of sound, the film is even more unique. The film focuses on the depiction of sound and music. In the modern world, the sound of metal, plastic and various automated things is everywhere (especially the sound effects of electric door opening and fountains, which create some jokes). Even the soundtrack is also modern jazz and percussion, and many things full of vitality follow. Modernization and technological development are almost disappearing from the earth. On the contrary, the old city is full of the noise of the vegetable market, the whistles and quarrels of mischievous children, the enthusiastic calling of the residents in the apartment, and of course, the barking of the dogs running everywhere.····· In addition, the director used the brisk and concise piano sound to enhance the foil of the picture, revealing his attachment to the old French society. The changes of the times and the development of technology promote social progress, but also imperceptibly put the simple nature of human nature under house arrest, causing changes in people's thinking. In the film, the way people in the old and new cities educate their children is also changing. Children in the old city are dressed in filthy clothes. Parents are free to move around. They can buy unhygienic bread anytime and anywhere. Parents in the new city pay attention to the training and education of their children, emphasize feeding their children nutritious meals, and mechanically deliberately in all aspects. Raise children. In the film, there is a scene where the sound and pictures are misplaced: the younger sister's son takes off his clothes and shoes after school and throws them away. The sound of reproach is immediately heard from the outside of the screen. A series of sound effects highlight the director's progressive modern vision, joking about the absurdity of modern society's excessive worship of machinery and efficiency, and the nostalgia for the quaint era of humanity and romance.

In addition, the use of props adds to the narrative of the film. The dolphin-shaped fountain is the image of waiting in the movie. Whenever there are outsiders coming to the mechanized home, the sister will let it spray water to show off; once it is a family member, When an acquaintance visits, immediately turn off the fountain. A series of electric household appliances in my sister's home are also the products of science and technology. Under the control of science and technology, people rush to and fro, losing their authenticity and becoming an accessory to science and technology. , The ruined “wall” that appeared many times in the film means that the vibrant, bright and splendid town is about to be demolished.Will be forged into a cold and lifeless mechanized and modern appearance like the one in my sister's home. In fact, this also reveals to a certain extent the "sorrow" of modern civilization. A "wall" divides into two worlds: on one side are the doors of people who are stiff and boring living and are limited and controlled by machinery, and on the other are reserved. Happy and casual people in life.

Finally, the use of a large number of long lenses is also an outstanding feature of this film. Throughout the film, most of the long shots are portrayals of the lives of the citizens. Such as the scene of the cleaner talking to passers-by about arguing, the scene of Mr. Yu Luo going upstairs home, the scene of Mr. Yu Luo secretly cutting branches, the scene of Mr. Yu Luo making a "sausage pipe" after dozing off in the factory, the old end of the film There are countless shots of guiding the parking of Mr. Abel.... The director cleverly added dramatic elements to the scenes under the long shots, making the plain life portrayal reveal an atmosphere of humor, funny and ridicule. In particular, the long shot of Mr. Yu Luo going upstairs and going home in the opening film reflects the extremely interesting and free life of people living at the bottom of society. On the contrary, some other scenes in the film ridicule and satirize the life of the upper class in the new era represented by the younger sister and his wife. The most representative one is the gathering in the younger sister’s villa in the film: a group of people in the garden I found a place to sit down and drink tea. I almost went around the entire garden and couldn't be satisfied. In the end, I returned to the large and luxurious villa in the original place, but there was no stable and spacious place to entertain the guests. This satirized the glamorousness of the villa. In addition, in order to show off to the distinguished guests, my sister nervously opened the normally closed fountain in the garden, but because she often pressed the wrong switch, she had to close it in a panic, reflecting her hypocrisy and uneasy side of life, making the audience feel They just show for their lives, and whether they are tired or not can only be experienced by them. Director

uses his unique film creation skills to make the audience feel ripples in their hearts after laughing, allowing them to feel the profound impact of technological development and social change, mechanized production and human authenticity. The contradiction between them is out of control.

Tags: movie