9 passionate war movies, let your adrenaline soar in minutes!

movie 187℃

I. The Fall of the Black Hawk (2001)

Douban score: 8.4

In 1992, years of tribal wars destroyed the mountains and rivers of Somalia in the East African country, and the people were dying. The resulting famine caused 300,000 deaths. Mohammed, the dictator who controls the capital, Mogadishu, snatched relief supplies from international organizations. This action caused public outrage. The frenzied Aidid declared war on international peacekeeping organizations. The United States sent 160 members of the special forces to Mogadishu to overthrow the Aidid regime. The

group of full-blooded fighters is confident, but the war has fallen into a stalemate due to insufficient intelligence collection. In an operation to hunt down two senior officials of the Aidid regime, the special forces were stubbornly resisted by the Somali militia. The two sides started a fierce confrontation in the city center. A U.S. Black Hawk helicopter was attacked and landed in the city. The crew was in danger. In order to rescue their companions, a small group of special forces soldiers went deep into the tiger's den. In the next 15 hours, they experienced the most unimaginable Shura field in the world...

9 passionate war movies, let your adrenaline soar in minutes! - Lujuba

2. Ghost Recon Alpha (2012)

Douban score: 8.2

This film is only 20 minutes, and it can be said to be a micro movie. . It is said that this film, Ubisoft invested 100 million US dollars for its promotion as a prequel to its game. In the play, 4 members of the ghost team go deep into the heart of Russia in order to disrupt an arms deal and at the same time assassinate the core members of the terrorist organization. The actions were carried out in an orderly manner according to the original plan.

However, when the battlefield was inspected after the assassination was completed, it was discovered that the weapons for this weapons transaction were a set of nuclear warheads with extremely high lethality capabilities. Moreover, the warhead is in an open state and may be detonated at any time. In order to eliminate the immediate crisis, the ghost team temporarily decided to manually complete the disassembly of the nuclear warhead at the scene. However, the disassembly work is not as simple as imagined, because it takes a lot of time to crack the launch program. At this time, a pair of teams with high-tech combat equipment appeared, and a fierce battle began.

9 passionate war movies, let your adrenaline soar in minutes! - Lujuba

3. Captain Philip (2013)

Douban score: 8.1

In 2009, the US freighter "Maersk Alabama" was led by Captain Richard Philip to carry out cargo transportation in the Horn of Africa. The route of the mission passes through the waters of Somalia where pirates are rampant. Although Captain Philip and his crew had conducted training and exercises against pirates, they did not expect to be attacked by four Somali pirates shortly after departure. Captain Philip was unfortunately taken hostage by pirates in the fight to protect the crew and cargo and was taken off the cargo ship. After receiving the intelligence, the US Navy and other departments immediately launched a large-scale rescue operation of Captain Philip.

9 passionate war movies, let your adrenaline soar in minutes! - Lujuba

IV. Lonely Survivor (2013)

Douban score: 7.9

The congressional election in Afghanistan is about to be held. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the election, the United States Marine Corps and special forces conducted a series of thorough inspections of the jurisdiction. In a turbulent area, the former Taliban leader Ahmed Shah took the opportunity to grow bigger and became a thorn in the eye of the United States eager to get rid of.

According to the informant, Shah’s armed forces are hidden in a mountainous area. The SEAL Reconnaissance Team Lieutenant Mike Murphy leads Danny Dietz, Matt Axelson and Marcus Rattle in front of three members Go search for intelligence. But their whereabouts were quickly discovered by the local shepherds. Although they were ordinary civilians, they posed a problem for the team. Executing the shepherds, the team will face trial in a military court; releasing the shepherds, these four American soldiers may fall into an unprecedented disaster...

​​5. Bomb Disposal Force (2008)

Douban score: 7.6

US troops invaded Iraq Later, Sergeant Williams James was transferred to the Army's desperate company bomb disposal team to replace his colleagues who had just died in the mission in Baghdad. The other two in the bomb disposal team, the non-commissioned officer Samborn who was in charge of liaison, and the special soldier Owen who was in charge of cover, were quite disgusted with the moot Williams. However, in the bomb disposal operation at the United Nations building, Williams, who resisted the order to force bomb disposal, was praised by Colonel Reid. During a bomb disposal mission in a warehouse, Williams believed that the little Iraqi boy used as a corpse bomb was Beckham who he knew in the military camp and sold pirated DVDs. The death of Little Beckham made Williams even more crazy, and he left the barracks alone to investigate...

Six. Action of Valor Act of Valor (2012)

Douban score: 7.5

Locke, who is about to become a father, is preparing to share this joy with everyone. Suddenly, he received an order from his superior to lead his team to rescue the kidnapped CIA hostage. Although it didn't take long to reunite with the family, it is the duty of the SEALs to serve the motherland at all times. The team led by Locke quickly assembled and went to the destination to rescue the hostages as planned. However, during the rescue process, Locke discovered the sky and earth nets laid by terrorists, and a terrifying conspiracy was brewing. If it cannot be stopped, the US mainland is likely to suffer serious terrorist attacks. Therefore, the SEAL team did not stop for a moment and launched a major siege around the world...

Seven. Hunting Bin Laden (2012)

Douban score: 7.5

After the September 11 incident that shocked the world in 2001, the United States launched a hunt and The hunting operation, the target is the number one al-Qaeda-Osama bin Laden. Maya is a capable and tough female agent of the US Central Intelligence Agency. She was sent to work at the US Embassy in Pakistan. Her only task was to find bin Laden. Although she could not bear the use of torture to interrogate terrorists in the bureau at the time, she firmly believed that the premise of obtaining important information was above all else.

She devoted 10 years of her life to one thing with perseverance: to find a straw from the vast counter-terrorism intelligence, and then use it to crush a camel named Bin Laden. In the end, her efforts paid off—on May 1, 2011, the US Navy SEALs infiltrated Pakistan based on her intelligence to carry out a beheading operation and successfully killed Osama bin Laden. After all this is over, Maya doesn’t know where to go...

8. Deep into the enemy's rear (2001)

Douban score: 7.3

On Christmas Eve, the Bosnian War finally reached a ceasefire agreement, and the American soldiers in the Adriatic Sea are about to Return home. The navy navigator, Lieutenant Bernard, had long been tired of this meaningless war, but Chief Leslie came forward to persuade him to no avail. On Christmas Day, Bernard and his partner drove a Hornet fighter plane to perform an aerial mission. They accidentally caught a glimpse of armed personnel in a non-safe area. The two decided to intervene, but were shot down by the other's Sam missile. The partner was executed by the other, and Bernard escaped. , But the search personnel of the other party followed along the road.

At the same time, Leslie, who received Bernard’s call for help, suffered from the NATO general’s restraint. Under the so-called overall situation, he could not intervene in the non-safe area to rescue Bernard. Lesley had to use the power of the media and even embezzle allies’ equipment. A rescue operation for the subordinates who fell behind enemy lines.

9. Sun Tear (2003)

Douban score: 7.2

US Navy subordinate "Sea Leopard" special commando captain Waters led a small team to the African jungle to execute the order: to rescue Dr. Lena who is doing emergency medical work in the local area come out. The team quickly found Dr. Lena, but at the last minute, Dr. Lena made a request to transfer the 70 refugees here, otherwise he would not leave. Waters is in trouble. There are many natural dangers in the primitive jungles of Africa, and there are highly toxic wild animals. The team is not enough. How to escape with 70 old, weak, sick and disabled?

However, Humanitarian finally won the battle. With the jungle in front and the chasing soldiers behind, this small team led the mighty dozens of people to start the road of transfer. Soldiers fell one by one, the value of life. Everyone is equal here.


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