Review of major cinema movies in November-collect this one and never step on thunder when watching movies

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Review of major cinema movies in November-collect this one and never step on thunder when watching movies - Lujuba

Looking at the November film list, it was an explosion of various types of movies. There are too many movies worth mentioning. In order not to be fussy, our comments this month will be as short as possible.

1: "Terminator: Dark Fate" will be released on November 1 (it has been released, teacher Zhang has not watched)

Review of major cinema movies in November-collect this one and never step on thunder when watching movies - Lujuba

The terminator series has stagnated since the second masterpiece. Because of Cameron’s hand throwing and copyright issues, the previous sequels such as 3, 4, 5, and 2018 all rushed to the street.

is said to be a restart this time, the plot completely skips all previous sequels and directly relates to the second one. Kashen finally came back to be the producer of his own children this time. It is estimated that the plot will be more rigorous and reliable; the lead actor has invited the Goddess Hamilton back, and a wave of memories is expected; and the director has invited Timmy from "Deadpool" Le, the quality of the hot action scenes is expected to be guaranteed. The possible problem with

Review of major cinema movies in November-collect this one and never step on thunder when watching movies - Lujuba

is that it may be biased towards fans, and it is expected to be a little unfriendly to new fans who do not know the series at all.

In addition, with the intervention of Chinese capital, there may be scenes of cool Aunt Sara holding OPPO on the phone, or using Baidu navigation to search for enemies from the perspective of Terminator’s robot. The blind review of "Terminator: Dark Fate" is as follows:

Douban score estimate: 7-8 points;

Viewability: four stars

rotten film warning: blue micro-alert

Aspect: old goddess teamed up with temples The white governor slayed and the phrase "I WON'T BE BACK!"

2: "The Battle of Midway" will be screened on November 8

The most famous naval battle in the history of World War II-the Battle of Midway, is itself very strong The legendary color and mining space. The director is the king of big scenes-Roland Emmerich, so there will be no less popular big scenes in the film, and the quality will be high. The actor is a group of old drama bones headed by Woody Harrison, with a high degree of reliability. The unreliable factor of

is: Emmerich is good at scenes, but not too good at telling stories and standing up characters. The last film "Independence Day 2" hit the street tragically. In addition to the implantation of too many Chinese elements, the sparseness of the story and the confusion of logic are also important reasons. Therefore, the editing narrative of this film may also have some problems. But fortunately, this kind of historical film is difficult to have strong insertion of Chinese brand advertisements... At least it is impossible for a captain to command the battle while drinking the QQ star 60 years later...

The placement of the domestic product advertisement on Day 2 has reached a heinous point. The blind review of "The Battle of Midway" is as follows:

Douban score estimate: 6.8-7.8 points;

visibility: Samsung half

bad film warning: light Yellow alert

Highlights: long shots show the epic sense of the tragic naval battle

3: "My Boxing Boyfriend" will be released on November 8th. The director

is our favorite Du SIR, and the production is in the minority fans (including Mr. Zhang) The image of the Milky Way that has been sealed in the heart.

is known as a galaxy image hardcore, Johnnie To’s movies are divided into two types: creative and commercial.

Among them, commercial films are also called "Qiafanpian". They are specifically looking for traffic stars to shoot romance or comedy films, and the money they earn is used to supplement the filming of the movies they want to make. They are used for "Qiafan". In the past, all romantic comedy movies directed by Johnnie To and starring Andy Lau/Smith Cheng were all "Qiafan movies." From the title to the actors to the posters to the synopsis of the film, the film "

Qiafan duo

" reads nakedly "I want to have a meal, I want to make money to shoot the underworld 3". The quality of the

movie is just... everyone should wait patiently for Black 3. The blind review of

"My Boxing Boyfriend" is as follows:

Douban score estimate: 4.5-5.5 points;

viewability: one star

bad film warning: red alert

Aspect: "You don’t see, I don’t Look, how can Du SIR make a good meal! You don’t watch, I don’t watch, when will Du SIR shoot?Black 3! "

4: "The Beneficiary" will be released on November 8

starring Dapeng and Liu Yan, the quality of the film may be a little questionable. The director's name is more festive, and he is a newcomer-bidding for the Olympics. The film directed by the newcomer will have certain risks.

Looking at the credits again, we saw a familiar name—produced by Ning Hao. We quickly checked and found that this film belongs to the "Bad Monkey 72 Film Project" initiated by Ning Hao. The first few films of this project are "Embroidery". "Spring Knife", "Medicine God"...Well, that's interesting. There are many directors in the world who have absolutely no bad films, and no matter how bad they are, they can be watched. Hollywood has Nolango and Spielberg, It is Ning Hao in China.

look at the brief introduction: It tells the story of a surrogate driver, Wu Hai, who launched a fierce courtship offensive against an online female anchor, attempting to marry a wife and cheating for insurance-this story is a typical absurd genre, and Producer Ning Hao is the best at this film. With such a consistent style, the quality of this film should be guaranteed, and there may even be some small surprises. The blind review of

"Beneficiary" is as follows:

Douban score preview Estimate: 6.5-7.5 points;

Viewability: Samsung half

Rotten film warning: yellow general alert

Aspect: There may be multi-line narratives and absurd chases used by Ning Hao in films, and whether Liu Yan can get rid of nothing The positioning of the brain vase.

5: "The Charlie's Girl" will be released on November 15

The whole film, from the director to the actors to the posters, is full of a strong sense of street shooting. It is expected that the restart will be on the street again. Monthly bad movie bookings, hope to get a face The blind review of

"Charlie Girl" is as follows:

Douban score estimate: 4.5-5.5 points;

viewability: two stars

rotten film warning: red alert

Aspect: zz figure or figure 6. z2 "In Winter" will be released on November 15th,

. In the previous article, we mentioned a law: Any domestic film with a homophonic title is probably a bad film. Here is another law that

wants to popularize: always use the song title. The domestically produced films are probably rotten films. What's more, the theme is still a pseudo-campus youth romance film with rotten films. The blind review of

"About Winter" is as follows:

Douban score estimate: 5-6 points;

can be seen Sex: One and a half stars

Bad film warning: Red alert

Aspect: no FU Keshuo

7: "Two Tigers" will be released on November 29,

z1 z Ge You and Zhao Wei starred together, which is considered to add some points to the movie. But even Uncle Ge has the experience of "Breaking Out", so we will try to judge it from another angle. The director

is a rookie Li Fei, who may be unfamiliar to the public. He was originally a screenwriter and was the queen of big directors such as Jiang Wen, so the script should be very solid.

By the way, take a look at the plot brief of this film: It tells the absurd comedy that the idiot kidnapper kidnapped a superb hostage, but he was not coerced, but was lured by the hostage, and did three things for the hostage-this kind of plot should be a gold medal writer It's easy to come by, and the script shouldn't be a problem.

But the problem is: a good screenwriter may not be a good director. Although the script also has a storytelling description and preliminary editing thinking, it still stays at a more idealized level, which is still far from the actual shooting and editing. Therefore, the film may have the narrative logic, editing and scheduling problems, which are unavoidable for the screenwriter to transform the director.

is still the same sentence, the possibility of the film is good or bad. I hope the new director can control the film to go in a good direction. The blind review of

"Two Tigers" is as follows:

Douban score estimate: 6.5-7.5 points;

viewability: Samsung

bad film warning: yellow general alarm

highlights: : Uncle Ge who hasn't seen for a long time, Little Swallow who hasn't seen for a long time, and a synopsis that seems to have plenty of room to play.

8: "Sherlock on the Plain" will be released on November 29.

This is a movie that looks very amazing. The director

is a newcomer, his name is Xu Lei, a rural guy who probably has the same name as your 786 friends, and the producer is Rao Xiaozhi, who has filmed "The Unknown".

The magic of the film is that it focuses on the vast rural areas. The actors in the film are said to be all kinds of uncles and aunts found in the director’s village, and one of the leading actors is said to be the director’s father.

When you look at the film’s brief introduction, you may not have the desire to watch it anymore: Chaoying flips over the old house, and friend Shuhe comes to help with cooking, was hit by a car on the way to buy food and was in a coma and was hospitalized, and the accidental vehicle escaped. Chaoying and his good friend Zhanyi became a combination of rural detectives, riding an electric tricycle on the North China Plain, embarking on the road to chase the driver who caused the accident, what will be the truth waiting for them? The story of

is very rustic. It looks like the things that A Tubo in your village would talk about when he was picking his feet and playing mahjong. The magical thing is that there are some suspenseful elements? Suddenly an inexplicable sense of curiosity.

looked at the trailer again. Two uncles and two uncles, who just pulled out from your house next door, drove a three-wheeled eDonkey that can be seen everywhere in the Northeast rural areas for only 3 yuan, with a simple face full of justice. Sense, heading towards the end of the field-there is a magical feeling of Che Guevara and his friends driving towards the passionate youth under the magnificent sunset in South America under the magnificent sunset in South America.

this kind of magic is called the extreme earth is cool. The style of

should be a contrasting farce of absurd comedy and earthy detective. The subject matter is not novel, but there is a lot of room for use. The key is how to grasp the timing and intensity of the burden, otherwise it is likely to become an embarrassing play of gagging. But from the trailer, it seems that this degree is pretty good.

checked again. It is said that the investment in the whole film is only a few hundred thousand, and only enough money to shoot the early stage. It was not until the already popular producer Rao Xiaozhi joined the fund to complete the later stage. This experience made me feel good. In fact, the money is not wasted on big-name pay and special effects that burn money. Instead, all the money is spent on the blade. Using solid stories and characters to impress the audience, it is easier to succeed. For example, "Crazy Stone" and "The God of Medicine" are textbooks in this area.

Aiming at this point, I forcefully pushed this extremely cool and magical "Sherlock on the Plain", and I hope the director will come on and don't hit the face. The blind review of

"Sherlock on the Plains" is as follows:

Douban score estimate: 7-8 points;

Viewability: four stars

Rotten film warning: blue micro-alert

Highlights: magical soil coolness .

finally interrupted:

November has more domestic new director films online.

But unfortunately, the new director's films seem to be all absurd comedies, and they are all multi-line narrative, black humor and cross-editing techniques. Not only this month, but even the first films of domestic newcomers in recent years, most of them use this trick.

Although it is said that most films directed by newcomers are produced at a low cost, it is safer to use these techniques to quickly shine in such genre films.

here is not to say that these skills are not good, but the type is too single, the audience will always pay tribute to the "two smoke guns" audience will also get tired, it is not that the camera shakes the dazzling narrative play to show the strength.

Domestic films have been getting better and better these years, and the new directors are close to a blowout, but I still hope that more new directors will choose different themes and diversified expression methods in the future.

Last issue summary:

1: "Crime Scene" blind evaluation estimate: 5-5.8 points;

after the release of the actual Douban score: 6.7 points;

conclusion: be beaten

2: "Maleficent 2" blind score estimate: 5.5 —6.5 points; actual Douban after

is releasedRating: 6.2 points;

conclusion: expected

3: "Gemini Killer" blind score estimation: 7-8 points; actual Douban score after the release of

: 7.1 points;

conclusion: expected

4: "Xia Lu meets" Blind score estimation: 4-5 points;

is actually so bad that there are no movies in major theaters

Conclusion: As expected

5: "Hypnosis·Judgment" blind score estimation: 6-7.5 points; actual Douban score after

is released: 6.1 Points;

conclusion: as expected

Tags: movie