The name of an actor who has not acted in a bad film in the show business for so many years is the guarantee of the box office!

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in the show business circle, as long as it is a vulgar person, there will basically be one or two dark history with super low ratings, and not everyone can resist the temptation of bad movies. For example, an all-round artist in the industry like Andy Lau is quite good in terms of status and reputation, but he has also acted in a film like "Mount Fuji Living in the Picture" that can't be read. But there are no absolutes in the world. There are really some stars in this world who have not acted in a bad film since their debut, so who are they? Let us take a look.

The name of an actor who has not acted in a bad film in the show business for so many years is the guarantee of the box office! - Lujuba

The first thing to talk about is Morgan Freeman in the United States. Speaking of this old man, you really know that this movie can't be wrong when you see his face. Morgan was first in a musical on Broadway, and then he became a screen actor. After that, "The Shawshank's Redemption" completely helped him to build a reputation. No matter what he played afterwards, he was particularly commendable. It can be said that other actors are acting, but when you see Morgan Freeman, you think of this task. It should be him, it should be consistent with his performance.

The name of an actor who has not acted in a bad film in the show business for so many years is the guarantee of the box office! - Lujuba

​​Although Morgan Freeman was involved in the scandal of sexual assault afterwards, He could not deny the ability of his own actor. For such an actor, as long as he plays, then any film can be saved for you.

The name of an actor who has not acted in a bad film in the show business for so many years is the guarantee of the box office! - Lujuba

There is another one who is also very famous in the world, he is Amir Khan. Speaking of this one, he is also a famous international star, the first person in Indian film, and he is a famous actor, director and producer. Every film is very good, and many times the works he participated in reflect some social status and some facts that should be rectified. I am willing to make my country better from the perspective of movies, even if it will lose my reputation, and every film is quite accurate in portraying the willfulness, because of his shooting methods and productions. It will be called India's conscience by Time Magazine. After

, the one to talk about is Song Kanghao, who is known as one of the Korean troikas. Fans also like to call him Uncle Cake. He is a person with a box office appeal in the Korean film industry that other actors simply cannot match. Speaking of Song Kanghao, he is actually not good in appearance, and his appearance has never been Song Kanghao’s main ability, acting skills are.

You must know that each of Song Kanghao’s movies has a very large span, but he can do it very well every time. He has performed many wonderful works, such as "Common Security Zone", "Memories of Murder", "The Defender", etc. And so on, are all movies worth watching. After that, the title of Troika also affirmed Song Kanghao's acting skills and his own strength, and he was also an international movie star.

The last thing to say is Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee was born in San Francisco and then returned to live in Hong Kong, learning martial arts with his master, Ye Wen. After that, I chose to enter the entertainment industry and want to let the world know about martial arts through movies. In that year, Bruce Lee’s "The Raptor Crossing the River" directly broke the box office record in Asia, and each of his works has a particularly high score. It can be said that Bruce Lee is a man who has spent his entire life in promoting martial arts. Each work insists on doing it by himself, so it looks very handsome in both the blow and the action. He is also a man who successfully brought the word Kung Fu to the world.

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