This 18-year-old "restricted cool film" was finally cut into China without a cut

movie 145℃

"Terminator" . As the original sci-fi IP,

was selected as the " 20th century's most collectible film work " by American film magazines. The influence of

is self-explanatory.

This movie directly made two people.

is the little-known B-level film director , and the other is a new bodybuilding star who is not from a major class-

James Cameron , and Arnold Schwarzenegger . The two names

This 18-year-old 'restricted cool film' was finally cut into China without a cut - Lujuba

seem to have become the soul of the "Terminator" series.

so that in the next 10 years, the two withdrawing one after another left many fans sad.

Fortunately today, they are all back.

is also returning in an absolutely authentic way.

James has found his successor-

Tim Miller , who created the visual effects ghosts who made the appearance of the cheap and cheap in "Deadpool 1" .

Schwarzenegger also found his successor-

Gabriel Runa , playing the "killing machine" REV-9, known as the strongest villain in the history of "Terminator".

How do they perfectly pay tribute to their feelings and add new visual refreshments on this basis?

has taken over such a sci-fi giant with a reputation for film history, do you feel pressured?

with such curiosity, we found them on the day of the premiere and asked all the questions we could think of.

-The following is the interview transcript-


Gabriel Luna

"Terminator: Dark Fate" villain "REV-9" actor

Representative works: "S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents" Season 4, "Navy Crime Investigation Division: Los Angeles" The fourth season of the fourth season, the second season of True Detective, etc.

01 unsolvable combat power


has the ability to self-heal and turn the hand into a sharp weapon, you are better than the previous " "Terminators" are all strong, and you are still a clone. What makes you so powerful?


This is the pinnacle of anti-human armor technology, . I made it with a lighter carbon alloy material, and it has a very cool black matte appearance , which does not look easy to mess with. And yes, it can be cloned and operated remotely in the form of two modules. So this is very exciting.

However, one of my favorite elements, I call "Beetle Juice" mechanism . When I feel threatened or when multiple opponents are approaching, my body can start to show spikes from all directions. If you have watched "The Master of the Underworld" (Tim Burton movie in 1988), you know that it is very small. If you hold it, it will shoot out spikes and stab your hand. Then fell.


feels REV-9 seems invincible in the trailer, how do you evaluate his combat effectiveness?


Well, his robot is really amazing. You will know by watching the trailer that two or three people alone cannot defeat him. Four people are doing their best to fight him. Of course, you have to watch the whole film to know whether they will succeed in the end. But he was indeed built in the image of one of the deadliest terminator so far. I personally agree with this view, but I may also be a bit biased. So I am glad you feel the same way. Maybe we really expressed this. The audition for

02 has become a fan brother meeting.

speaks: How does

work with director Tim for the first time?


you will enjoy working with talented people like them. They don't know all the answers, but they are willing to listen to the opinions of others. They are willing to cooperate, willing to accept opinions, and willing to leave room for others' opinions. So this is really, know, what else can you ask for as an actor?

And, join a director you have always likedBeing is also very fun.

I was really excited when I saw him for the first time because I like Deadpool so much. I tell everyone... (Tim interjects: and then very disappointed...) No, no, he was wearing leather shoes and he looked like that kind of cruel character.

But getting along, he is really approachable, the kind of person you would want to play with. When you work together, you will find that he not only knows where his talents are, but he also knows how to inspire the abilities of others to succeed together. If there is a person who is not arrogant and willing to open up to others, you will always want to work with him.

03 The most memorable scene


talk to me about your favorite scene.


based on my own personal experience, you know, when I was growing up, almost drowned when I was about five years old. So I used the first half of my life to force myself not to be afraid of water to overcome it . In order to overcome the fear of water, I also worked as a lifeguard in high school.

And this time when making a movie, I will do the whole fighting scene underwater and learn how to dive. So during the shooting, this may be my favorite experience.

But in the movie, it feels like a great journey. It is difficult for me to pick a single scene and say "this is my favorite".


Tim Miller

"Terminator: Dark Destiny" director

masterpiece: "Love, Death and Robots" Season 1, "Deadpool", "Thor 2" and other

01 continue to write brilliant or start anew?


Cameron’s two "Terminators" are classics in movie history, will you feel pressure to take over such a big sci-fi IP?


I am not as stressed as most people. I think something is wrong with me. Maybe something is wrong with the psychology. I just... I have a sense of responsibility . I always feel my "superpower" over and over again, which can help identify people's potential.

I always feel that no matter what happens, if I am not able to complete a certain job, then I will not have a great psychological burden to ask others for help. This gives you a sense of security because you are surrounded by infinite talent.

But I think... I do have a sense of responsibility. I know this movie is the sixth of "Terminator", even in James's sequence, it is also the third. I also know that there are a lot of people... You said that the expectations of this movie are high, but because of this, also has a lot of black fans and a lot of aesthetic fatigue. I understand this, because I might have been that kind of person before. I think this movie will surprise them.

Because, this is...we don't want to shout any slogans or let people...we just want to make a good movie. I think now is a good time to watch this movie. It is fun and full of action scenes. It has roles that each of us likes and cares about. We don’t want to start over, just make an interesting movie.


let’s talk about Cameron again. He is the screenwriter and producer this time. So what do you think about the creation of the entire storyline?


"Dark Fate" is the name James gave. I think the darkness comes from Sara... "Terminator 2" ends with hope. But the changes she made, you know, they will have an impact, she seems to have prevented the arrival of Judgment Day, but in fact it is just a delay. The rise of

artificial intelligence is inevitable. Judgment day is inevitable. That is a dark future. So I think James has always described it this way. The difference here is that darkness comes from unknown places, and you cannot predict it. It's not just the army, but the machinery manufacturing is a little more complicated than that.

So you know, James must be... he has doubts and worries about technology and the world. I think this is why he made this movie in the first place. And he still has that kind of misgiving, you can feel it from the tone of this movie. This is also the core idea that the "Terminator" series wants to express, and that is darkness.

02 The big family who created "Deadpool"


I noticed that you emerged as a special effects artist in Hollywood, and this time your special effects team "Blur Studio" also joined the post-production, which should be no small help to you.


owns the "fuzzy studio", and it is very helpful to get along with the artists in it all day and work together.

During the production of "Deadpool", we used "fuzzy" as the basic special effects team , and the effect was amazing. We did some visual effects, which is the same as "Terminator", we edited there, and I was there with all my friends and family. There are hundreds of artists. They can also chip in at work and give me advice. We will do small screenings and everyone will tell me what they think. This is very good, the so-called "everyone gathers firewood with high flames".

and almost everyone is selected to some degree, uh, this may sound a bit exaggerated, uh, asking to join us.


What do you think is the difference between "Deadpool" and "Terminator" in the shooting?


they are not the same thing, they cannot be compared, each has different challenges.

For "Deadpool", how balances the relationship between comedy, action, and emotional story. This story is the core of "Deadpool".

In this movie, the focus is on how to balance the role relationship based on 's loyalty to the original. Gabe is a bad guy, so I will take him out...and put him on the other end of the scale. But how do you balance Linda (played by Sarah Connor) and Schwarzenegger? They all have their own highlight moments. You want to balance the protagonist and each of the four characters, Linda, Schwarzenegger, Mackenzie (played by Grace), and Natalia (played by Dany) ).

Each of them needs to be the most important role at a certain moment, and the whole needs to be harmonious. So it feels like a real ensemble, not just a one-man show about Linda or just about Arnold. This is the challenge of this movie.

I personally think that I am doing pretty well.

03 We don't take "open hook" brainless films, but we can say


has a Chinese word called "open hook", which roughly means that a certain cheating system is turned on. The protagonist in a game or movie can suddenly ignore the laws of physics and do whatever he wants. If

received such an evaluation, what would you think?


Oh, I hate that! I do my can't cheat. Because that will make people play in an instant. The most important thing about making a movie is to make you think it might happen to you.

I often use "Indiana Jones 1" as an example. You can see anything Harrison Ford does, as long as you are good enough or have super powers. But in "Indiana Jones 2", he fell off an airplane and a rubber dinghy, then landed on a mountain and survived. No one has that kind of ability (to survive). It took me out of the movie. No one can do this.

So I think when you see some of our action scenes, you will say "It's crazy! How is it possible?!" But I always think, if you are really good at , in principle nothing is impossible. Maybe you are a super soldier from the future, maybe you are a "terminator", maybe you are an unstoppable killing machine.

is like the first time I watched Wu Yusen's movie, and I feel very strongly about it. Then I went to watch "Hot Detective" and I said "I X!" This old man was shot in the knee, but he got up (nothing at all) and continued to fight, or their ammunition would never be used Finish.

In the first fight scene in the tea room at the beginning of the movie, I was troubled by this for about 2 minutes, and then I thought "fuck him X", this is so cool, I don't care. The whole movie is so "open", but it looks worth it, right?

is like "Independence Day", another one I think "Okay, this is a bit of a brain-dead", but you can see it, you selectively ignore its irrationality.

As for "Fast and Furious", it might be pretty good.

04 "female power" microphone?


In the trailer, we saw 3 female players bravely, carrying guns and guns against REV-9. Do you want to convey more "female power" through this movie?


"Terminator" series has always been about Linda's female super British film IP. But no, this is not one of our creative tasks.

is just...I think the fact that a woman picks up a gun is very interesting in itself. We have watched too many male-dominated blockbusters, and it's time to do something else. This is not a deliberate design, it seems to be just an interesting choice between each character.

Gabe took it:

women are naturally creative, you know, when you see them sacrificing the ego, sometimes it is for the benefit of others and to protect others. They know how to use their power.

Tim continues:

yes, like he said, more than we thought. I haven't thought about speaking for a certain gender. I feel that I am not qualified to evaluate women's behavior. They have done a good job themselves.

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