Expert seminar on film "Acceptance" held to showcase life in western China

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Expert seminar on film 'Acceptance' held to showcase life in western China - Lujuba Film "Acceptance" expert seminar held in Beijing

reported on November 1 October 25, sponsored by the Chinese Film Association, the "Film Art" editorial department hosted the film "Acceptance" observation and expert seminar in Beijing The Chinese Film Association was successfully held. On the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the film "Yes" tells Chinese stories, exports Chinese culture, and shows the unique customs of Shaanxi, the starting point of the Belt and Road Initiative. It can be said that the film "Yes" is a model of literary and artistic film that shows life in western China.

"Promise" is produced by Xu Haiyang, supervised by Lu Wei, Jia Zhangke as art consultant, producer Wang Zhiping, director Wang Jun of Xiying Group, screenwriter Ni Hong, Feng Yuanzheng, Li Bin, Yu Feifei, Yue Hong, Dai Yue , Lei Kesheng, etc. The movie "Inheritance" returned from the Rome International Film Festival and won the Gillo Pontecorvo Film Award at the 14th Rome International Film Festival. On the same day, many experts, scholars and film creators from the film industry and critics watched the film and conducted discussions and suggestions on the social significance and artistic creation of the film "Inheritance", and unanimously recognized the film's artistic level , Showing Chinese cultural characteristics and self-confidence. The seminar deeply explored the spiritual connotation and cultural value of the movie "Inheritance".

Film Director Wang Jun, Honorary Chairman of China Literature and Art Critic Association Li Zhun, Director of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Film Art Center, Chairman of China Film Critics Association Rao Shuguang, Chairman of China Taiwan and Hong Kong Film Research Association, Former Deputy Party Secretary of China Film Association Xu Bolin , Professor Li Daoxin, Vice Dean and Professor of Peking University Art School, Lan Lixin, Former Vice Chairman of Henan Film and Television Group, Wang Haizhou, Director and Professor of Beijing Film Academy Library, Huang Pu Yichuan, President, Editor-in-Chief and Researcher of "Contemporary Film", Chinese Art Professor Zhao Weifang, deputy director and professor of the Academy of Film and Television, Li Zhen, deputy director of the Film History Research Office of China Film Archive, film critic Sairen, executive editor and researcher Tan Zheng of "Film Art", Fang Shangpeng, deputy director of Shenmu Culture and Tourism Bureau, Xu Haiyang, chairman of Shenmu Cultural Tourism Group, film screenwriter Ni Hong, and special researcher Tao Wei of Beijing Culture and Art Resources Research Institute attended the film seminar and gave speeches. Director Wang Jun

Expert seminar on film 'Acceptance' held to showcase life in western China - Lujuba Director Wang Jun

Director Wang Jun told the origin of the film's creation, the main creator presents the literary story of the script in a realistic audiovisual way. After hitting it off with Teacher Lu Wei and Teacher Feng Yuanzheng, they kept devoting themselves to creation. He confessed that the works and original intentions after the shooting were in line with the original intention, and formed an aesthetic style in line with Italian neorealism, so he was recognized and honored at the premiere of the Rome International Film Festival. This film celebrates the integrity of the Chinese people, and also shows the regional culture and landscape.

Expert seminar on film 'Acceptance' held to showcase life in western China - Lujuba Li Zhun, Honorary Chairman of China Literature and Art Critic Association

Li Zhun believes that China has already become the second largest economy in the world and will be fully prosperous next year. The creative team of "Acceptance" has the courage to show that two weak people have self-dignity. The pursuit of self-salvation and the completion of self-salvation are rare, and they are of great artistic value and practical significance. He pointed out that the film "Promise" shows the value of a gentleman's commitment, and this expression of the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation-honesty, has formed the practical significance of this film. The character image created by the film's starring Feng Yuanzheng is extremely powerful in detail. He is not willing to waste his fate, and is desperate to maintain the dignity of personality. The practice of social responsibility is to maintain the highest dignity of life.

Expert seminar on film 'Acceptance' held to showcase life in western China - Lujuba Rao Shuguang, director of the Film Art Center of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and president of the China Film Critics Society

Rao Shuguang pointed out that "Promise" has begun to move towards a profound realism, which is very commendable! The film shows a lot of cruelty in the bottom life, which may be the profound expression of life that the author pursues. Film scholars have always added many definitions when discussing realism issues: "active, healthy, warm, and constructive." He believes that Chinese films can have diversified realism, which is a form of film that China needs! "Promise" dares to face the bleak life and complex social realities. It is a realistic film with profound and rich life connotations. The film creators respect the logic of life itself, the character of the characters in life, and the logic of fate, let life "speak" and let the characters "speak" in life, instead of imposing the creator's subjective intentions on the characters. An important dimension of realism is to "create typical characters in a typical environment", but it does not mean blindly beautifying, purifying, and "inclinating", but to retain the complexity of real life itself , Diversity, especially objectivity.

Expert seminar on film 'Acceptance' held to showcase life in western China - Lujuba "Film Art" executive editor, researcher Tan Zheng

Tan Zheng talked about the film is a reflection of the bottom of the real society. The film has created two lovely souls, which is very important for the artistry of the film. The characters in the film not only make the audience sympathize, but also make the audience respect them; the director strives to present the dramatic events in a documentary way and keep the style of the film very complete, so the film is in progress The mainstream narrative of the inheritance of honesty has a good quality of art. There are some places in the film that are too straightforward and can be handled in a more clever and natural way.

Expert seminar on film 'Acceptance' held to showcase life in western China - Lujuba Fang Shangpeng, deputy director of Shenmu City Cultural Tourism Bureau

Fang Shangpeng first expressed his gratitude to the experts for their insights and frankly said that Shenmu Group hopes to promote and publicize the regional culture of Shenmu to the world through film art. Expert advice and guidance have been given The new theoretical thinking and methodological path strengthened the cultural confidence of Shenmu Group in the future industrial transformation. I hope this movie will be recognized by the audience during its release.

Expert seminar on film 'Acceptance' held to showcase life in western China - Lujuba Shenmu Cultural Tourism Group Chairman Xu Haiyang

Xu Haiyang told the original intention and shooting process of the film. He pointed out that the main motivation for Shenmu Group’s production of this film is that in the process of reform and development, some people have lost Honesty is inevitable in the economic tide, but more people insist on honesty. Shenmu Group hopes to reflect this phenomenon and inherit the Chinese nation’s virtue of honesty. "Inheritance" is the first realistic film produced by Shenmu Cultural Tourism Group since its establishment. All the scenes of the film are also from Shenmu. They strive to make this work well and inherit the integrity of the Chinese nation. The

movie "Acceptance" is a film that reflects the realistic themes of the life of the people at the bottom. It took three years of creation and polishing and finally completed. It is another successful film masterpiece that promotes cultural confidence, advocates the beauty of integrity, and exports Chinese culture.

It is reported that the film will meet with a large audience this year.

(responsible editor: Du Jiayue_NK6020)

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