Zhou Bichang teamed up with 5 artists to organize an art exhibition in 798, calling on women to face themselves with the "moon phase"

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Zhou Bichang and UCCA Lab jointly produced the "Lunar Phases" art exhibition, which will be officially launched in the UCCA Lab exhibition hall of UCCA Ullens Contemporary Art Center in Beijing 798 Art Park on November 13. In the exhibition, Zhou Bichang teamed up with 5 contemporary artists to create 5 art spaces based on the core of "moon phase" or "female phase", aiming to focus on women themselves and transmit their power. This is after the "You" personal photography exhibition, Zhou Bichang once again entered the art system as a creator. This exhibition will also serve as an artistic extension of the "LUNAR" series of works.

Zhou Bichang teamed up with 5 artists to organize an art exhibition in 798, calling on women to face themselves with the 'moon phase' - Lujuba

[Zhou Bichang x 5 artists, images, installations, interactions and other forms to build the moon phase space]

Zhou Bichang will collaborate with Liang Chen, Liang Manqi, Liu Shiyuan, Miao Ying, and Tao Hui to create the moon. "The artistic interpretation of this natural law is a metaphor for the roles and energy fields that women present in different scenes. Zhou Bichang has fully brought into full play his creative attributes. He "contracted" all the music in the exhibition, and created an auditory wonderland with the latest creation and extremely delicate singing and acting art. The five art spaces involve various forms such as video, interaction, sound, and installation.

Zhou Bichang teamed up with 5 artists to organize an art exhibition in 798, calling on women to face themselves with the 'moon phase' - Lujuba

In 5 art spaces, Zhou Bichang has combined with the world's leading intelligent technology to create music works, completing "Zhou Bichang×AI.mp3"; removing the reality of identity and the past self "mirror" resonance, focusing on the "public image" The role itself and the social value behind it; constructing an "immersive experience tunnel" through the dramatic English recitation and touch, recreating a world-renowned "if" in the air; realizing the tripartite interaction of music × vision × interaction in the "geometric suite" Collision, visually blending each other's sounds.

Zhou Bichang teamed up with 5 artists to organize an art exhibition in 798, calling on women to face themselves with the 'moon phase' - Lujuba

The entire exhibition hall is designed with the concept of “moon phase” as an extension. Under the framework of “Bauhaus Architecture”, space designer Liang Chen suspends two horizontally moving giant “moons” on the special-shaped roof of the exhibition hall and passes through each space. The hollow design of the roof creates an illusion of "double moon volley" overlapping light and shadow. The five art spaces also provide the audience with a "intentional" one-way exhibition route, which fits the exhibition ideas with the space arrangement, and maximizes the audience's reading understanding of the exhibition clues.

Zhou Bichang teamed up with 5 artists to organize an art exhibition in 798, calling on women to face themselves with the 'moon phase' - Lujuba

[LUNAR series of works continue to release women's power]

This week Bichang initiated the "Moon Phases LUNAR Phases" art exhibition project, which is an artistic extension of the series of works embodying female power under the theme of "LUNAR". In July 2019, Zhou Bichang released the album "LUNAR", held the "LUNAR" concert tour, and this "Moon Phase LUNAR Phases" art exhibition, constantly breaking through and presenting the core of female power through music, performance and art, and under the attributes of a singer His creative ability, as well as his attitude as a public figure, are continuously being released through various forms.

Zhou Bichang teamed up with 5 artists to organize an art exhibition in 798, calling on women to face themselves with the 'moon phase' - Lujuba

In the field of the exhibition, Zhou Bichang is not only a creative individual, but also a symbol of the era of popular culture, transforming the observation and cognition of public identity into judgments of group empowerment. When the personal image and the work and the information it conveys are constantly superimposed, Zhou Bichang will form a fuller artistic image, bringing the combined power of perception and imagination.

Zhou Bichang teamed up with 5 artists to organize an art exhibition in 798, calling on women to face themselves with the 'moon phase' - Lujuba

Zhou Bichang "Lunar Phases" art exhibition, on November 13th, Beijing 798 Art Park UCCA Ullens Contemporary Art Center UCCA Lab exhibition hall officially opened.

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