The era of dream castles, princes and princesses has passed, "Pet League" is the most suitable animation

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The The era of dream castles, princes and princesses has passed, 'Pet League' is the most suitable animation - Lujuba

fairy tale is the oldest literary form of mankind, and animation is the image form that continues this dream. Just next week, the cartoon "Pet League" co-produced by China and Germany will be released! This is the favorite theme animation of children, and it is also a big animation composed of more than 10 small and heavy pets.

director Renha de Klose had previously filmed "Animal Story 3D". In this movie, the director uses self-blacking and silly humor as a means to express the rich emotion and imagination of the pet world. Successfully portrayed plump and lively pet group portraits, such as: Belle who loves beauty; Ronaldo, the "little milk dog" who likes to exercise and curls, and Sophie the river pig who has a big butt but loves electric hip dance. There are Walter, who is usually lazy at critical moments, and the missionary Dios Erha Roger, etc.... This movie brings a burst of laughter to the audience with unconstrained imagination.

The era of dream castles, princes and princesses has passed, 'Pet League' is the most suitable animation - Lujuba

Watching "Pet League" must mention its character design. It adopts modern realistic style from appearance to living habits. Characters and shapes are closely related. They are either talking frequently, loving beauty, or smelling memory. No, each character is equipped with its own unique language style, which is the icing on the cake for the wonderful story structure. The setting of the scene in the

film is similar to the prosperous modern city, and there is also the advancement similar to the movie "The Fifth Element". Every frame is tempting. The picture not only has a sense of time and space, but also sprinkles the breath of modern life in many details. In, let the audience have the feeling that they have the heart to understand, and it truly comes from life and is higher than life. The quality of the role determines the degree of aesthetic appreciation. Only when the audience is watching it will resonate with these details, and they will be integrated into the plot when they actively appreciate and are willing to look down. The resonance of "Pet League" is the key to the communication between the entire cartoon and the audience. The obvious difference between

The era of dream castles, princes and princesses has passed, 'Pet League' is the most suitable animation - Lujuba

and traditional Chinese style, Japanese comics, and Disney in the United States is that "Pet League" has a more continental animation temperament. Its narrative style is not completely biased towards a child-like single narrative, adding many "high concepts". Emphasizing simplicity and originality on the screen, and chasing individual expression emotionally, the storyline forms a new expression of tension. For example, heavy animals are actually not that scary. On the contrary, they are a little fragile inside. They look very strong every day in order to survive, like stupid tigers and stupid crocodiles; another example, Corgi looks docile and cute on the surface, but is actually very belly. Black, every day is a ugly man in the gym; and the shepherd has the least lines, but it does not lack a sense of existence. It alludes to those elites who are running around and hypocritical every day.

On the whole, the ideology of the movie is quite strong, especially from the fall of pets to the protagonist of stray dogs. This animated character outputs a large number of new concepts. The logical style returns to the common people and nobles. This kind of image substitution is also Let the audience have to consider the current and future living environment. Of course, the core feature of this cartoon is to express one's spirit and elaboration of reality through stories and pictures. When each animal expresses emotions, it is displayed from different roles. I don't think cartoons need to deliberately cater to the market, and children's tastes should not be used to measure the audience of children. In fact, children can understand all image characters. There was once a media video with various attitudes in an American child’s evaluation of Trump. Some children said, "He saved the world and saved the world from peace"; Some children said, "Every time you mention Trump, you can think of his orange-skinned face and short fingers"; others say: He is not smart enough and is always bad for people... Therefore, a mature and energetic animation is intellectually inclined towards thinking ability. It may express or expose something in a metaphorical way. For example, "Pet League" tells everyone: there is no over-industrialization. People think so well, when the robot age comes, it is often worse than the nature age.

If you want to choose a cartoon in the near future, "Pet League" is undoubtedly the first choice. Obviously, the era of fantasy castles, princes and princesses has passed, and stories that unfold with technological things are often novel enough to get more attention. At the same time, the heroic era of superpowers has passed, and people have begun to subvert the heroic image intentionally or unintentionally. Some lazy or slightly vice characters not only represent the characters themselves, but also the love and hatred of human beings. In this case, the characters in the story are often "saving themselves". Of course, the "Pet Alliance" which combines Chinese and German mixed blood》More emphasis is placed on the expression of European-style education, tolerating ideas, and blending different styles of expression. In this hot and cold battle between autumn and winter, it is still very good to take children to watch "Pet League" in the cinema.

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