What good-looking zombie film and television works have been in the past ten years? Let the plasma on the big and small screens be more violent!

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What good-looking zombie film and television works have been in the past ten years? Let the plasma on the big and small screens be more violent! - Lujuba

Time Network Feature In 2009, directed by Ruben Frescher, "Deadpool" partner Liott Ries and Paul Wernicke co-screened "Zombie Land" in the United States, Jesse Eisen Berg, Woody Harrison, Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin played the four main characters in the film. "Zombie Land" is Frescher's directorial debut . The film has received rave reviews after it was released- received an astonishing 89% praise on the Rotten Tomatoes website, and it was exchanged for a cost of 25 million US dollars. The box office score of the world's over 100 million yuan is .

Ten years later, the audience finally won the sequel to this zombie movie-although the status of the four leading actors in the previous film is not what it used to be-since 2009, Juan Xi was nominated for an Oscar actor, and Sister Stone became After the filming, Woody Harrison received two more nominations, but "Zombieland 2" is still created by the original crew, as well as Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd and Rosario Dawson The latest joining of others.

What good-looking zombie film and television works have been in the past ten years? Let the plasma on the big and small screens be more violent! - Lujuba

"Zombie Land" tells about the emergence of a strange virus across the United States, humans will become zombies after infection. In the sequel, the "Fleeing Four" from the previous game came to the White House. They need to face many newly evolved zombies and will encounter new human survivors along the way. The road to survival will become more difficult.

"Zombie Land 2" is full of comedy effects and a lot of action scenes, almost as exciting as the first one. However, since ’s first "Zombie Land", whether it is a movie or TV series, the subject of zombies has surged , which also makes "Zombie Land 2" less eye-catching. Don't forget, the first "Zombie Land" was aired in 2009. After that, mainstream hits such as the American drama "The Walking Dead" and the movie "World War Zombie" appeared.

What good-looking zombie film and television works have been in the past ten years? Let the plasma on the big and small screens be more violent! - Lujuba

However, since the first "Zombie Land", we have been tempted by too many zombie movies and American dramas. The film and television works on the market seem to be a bit saturated. Thoroughbred horror movie? Tired of watching; satirical humorous film? It's not so funny. Zombies are either haunting shopping malls, wandering in the airport, eating people in the supermarket, or gathering in the fields, When the boundary between "living people" and "zombies" is getting blurred, zombie movies It is also increasingly unable to arouse the interest of the audience .

Since the new millennium, zombies have appeared in front of us in various forms, categories, costumes, and even various "characters". There are various varieties, complete colors, and zombie costume dramas ("Pride and Prejudice and Zombies), there are Nazi zombie films ("Death of Snow"), there are dystopian zombie science fiction films ("The Godsend" and "28 weeks later"), there are zombie comedies ("Zombie Shaun"), and there are zombie romances Romance film ("The Warm Corpse")...

, ​​of course, there are countless cheap zombie movies and TV shows that are not influential, just to sprinkle ketchup and make beautiful girls naked and scream.

Since 2000, zombie films have actually experienced a "revival" . In recent years, the core of these films is no longer the blue-collar workers in George A. Romero movies—their directors have also changed. Become a blue collar.

Although the technology is poor, the budget is low, the screen full of ketchup and talcum powder is eye-catching, and the management is unwilling to pay more, but this completely cannot resist the enthusiasm of the directors to create new zombie films. On the one hand, it may be a good thing to continue to inject fresh blood into the business model of the traditional film industry. There are more films made in , the base number is larger, and there will always be excellent works born in .

But on the other hand, zombie movies have a higher tolerance and encouragement for "violence" than other types of movies . Zombies are not humans, so the scenes of beheading, crushing, tearing limbs, splashing viscera, etc. are simply commonplace, more straightforward than other horror films with the same plot on humans. It's not that the "violence" component is not good-looking, but once the audience's requirements for violence become higher and higher, how many people are still working on the plot and creating characters?

Many zombie movies have therefore become brainless and gore movies, which are becoming more and more cartoonish. Of course, you can also say that I watch zombie movies for the sake of being cool. Who cares about the plot?

started from the early stage of sound film,Zombie movies already exist. "The White Devil" in 1932 is recognized as the first zombie feature film; and "Walking with Zombies" in 1943 is also the first classic in this category. In that era, American zombie movies were more about the products left over from slavery. They would mention the tension between races and the fear of interracial marriage .

In current zombie movies, the protagonists are often busy sawing the zombies with a chainsaw, or shooting people to make a hole, or simply like the Queen of Hearts, "cut their heads!"

Time.com summarized the top 10 zombie-themed movies and 5 American dramas in the freshness ranking of Rotten Tomatoes in the last ten years. Some of them are hardcore zombie themes, and they take every bite of the human brain with great care; some are ethical works covered in zombie themes, which are actually warm and tearful; some movies are directly proportional to the level of zombie blood After reading it, it can trigger the audience's thoughts that are not easy to produce in this subject matter. How many of these have you seen?

Let the plasma on the large and small screens splash more violently! ! Long live the undead

five zombie theme TV series

01 "Evil Dead" (2015-2018)

Rotten Tomatoes 99% IMDb8.5 US

series creator: Sam Raimi (the old version of "Spider-Man") , Ivan Remy (Sam's brother), Tom Spizali

Starring: Bruce Campbell, Ray Santiago, Dana DeLorenzo

Synopsis: Ash (Bruce Campbell) It took 30 years not to mature, to evade responsibility, and to ignore the threat of demons, until a huge disaster would destroy mankind, and he became the last hope of mankind. The American version of "Ghosts" is a restart of the old version of the movie, and the movie version of the actor Bruce returns to star.

02 "Soul hometown" (2012-)

Rotten Tomatoes 97% IMDb8.2 France

series creator: Fabrice Gebo Te

Starring: Anne Kangsijinni, Claudia Splendide · Eisman , Frederick Pierrot

Plot summary: In a small town in the mountains, a few local people who have died suddenly returned home, which shocked people. Even though they have been dead for several years, they are still human beings. They have not grown old and have no idea that they are dead. These people who have returned want to take control of their lives again. This play is adapted from the French film "Return to Soul" in 2004. (2013-2014)

Rotten Tomatoes 97% IMDb8.0 British

series creator

03 "Xingshi heart of flesh": Dominic Mitchell

Starring: Luke Newberry, Harriet Jenkins, Marie Critchley

Synopsis: The young man Kieren (Luke Newberry) died four years ago and turned into a zombie, and has now been "cured". He was going to go home, but he couldn't forget those who were eaten alive by him. The family did not welcome him-during the brief period of the zombie crisis, the family had been fighting with zombies and lost one of them.

04 "IZombie" (2015-2019)

Rotten Tomatoes 91% IMDb7.9 US

series creator: Diane Lu Jiluo, Rob Thomas

Starring: Rose McIver, Malcolm · Goodwin, Rahul Coli

Synopsis: Liv (Rose McLeffer) is a medical student who accidentally became a zombie. For this, she found a job in the post-mortem to get in touch with the dead body and get food. Although reluctant, Liv must feed on the human brain in order to maintain her humanity. Unexpectedly, every time she ate a brain, she inherited the memory of the dead. Liv began to use the memories of the dead to help the coroner and detective solve the case.

05 "The Kingdom" (2019-)

Rotten Tomatoes 89% IMDb8.3 US/Korea

Director: Kim Sung Hoon

Screenplay: Kim Eun Hee

Starring: Zhu Ji Hoon, Pei Douna, Liu Chenglong

Plot summary: In a kingdom full of corruption and famine, the late king resurrected from the death, and an unprecedented zombie power appeared in the country, and the Li Dynasty instantly transformed into a zombie kingdom. The King Seiko of Joseon, who became a victim of the conspiracy, discovered a huge conspiracy threatening the entire country while investigating this mysterious disease.

Ten zombie-themed movies

01 "Don't stop the camera! "(2017)

Rotten Tomatoes 100% IMDb7.7 Japanese

Director/Screenwriter: Shinichiro Ueda

Starring: Hamatsu Takayuki, Akiyama Yuzu, the main character Hama Harumi

Synopsis: An independent film crew is shooting one in the ruins of the mountains Zombie movies, who knows that zombies really attacked there. Director Higurashi was overjoyed and continued filming, recording the crew members becoming zombies one after another... The above is the zombie film shot by Higurashi live broadcast, a "37-minute zombie escape drama" is made like this.

02 "Baseball Buddies" (2012)

Rotten Tomatoes 100% IMDb6.4 American

director/writer: Jeremy Gardner

Starring: Jeremy Gardner, Adam Cronheim, Niels Bolle

Synopsis: Two Former baseball player teammates Ben (played by the director himself) and Mickey (played by Adam Cronheim) traveled together in the zombie-infested New England countryside. Their personalities are not compatible, and they have to deal with the undead along the way. They received a radio signal from a seemingly safe community on the way.

03 "Travel to Busan" (2016)

Rotten Tomatoes 93% IMDb7.5 South Korean

Director/Screenwriter: Yeon Sangho

Starring: Kong Yoo, Zheng Youmi, Ma Dongxi

Synopsis: Single father Shi Woo (played by Kong Yoo) I took my daughter to Busan on a high-speed train. The train was attacked by zombies. In order to survive, the people on the train fought the zombies and unknown viruses to fight to death. This is the first disaster movie with a zombie theme in South Korea. It immediately became a hot movie of "Knowing that there is a fu in the mountains, I prefer to travel to Busan".

04 "Flurry of Demons" (2011)

Rotten Tomatoes 89% IMDb6.3 German

Director: Marvin Colum

Screenplay: Benjamin Heisler

Starring: Michael Forth, Theo Trebos, Ann Ka Glazek

plot summary: Michael (Michael Foss) came to Berlin to visit his ex-girlfriend Gaby (Anka Glazek), but suffered a zombie virus outbreak throughout the city. Michael didn't find her in Hobby's apartment, but met Harper (Theo Trebos), the repairman apprentice. The two escaped the zombie attack and tried to find Gabby.

05 "Please call me a hero" (2015)

Rotten Tomatoes 88% IMDb6.8 Japanese

Director: Shinsuke Sato

Screenplay: Nogi Akiko, Hanazawa Kengo

Starring: Oizumi Hiro, Nagasawa Masami, Arimura Kazu

Plot summary: Suzuki Hero (played by Oizumi Hiroshi) who wants to be an excellent manga artist, until his girlfriend Tetsuko (played by Katase Nana) turns into a terrible biting maniac, did he know how to escape with a shotgun. After rescuing the high school girl Hiromi (Arimura Kasumi), the two meet Yabu (Nagasawa Masami), a former nurse, and a group of survivors who have not yet been infected.

06 "Going Forward with Weights" (2017)

Rotten Tomatoes 88% IMDb6.3 Australia

Director: Ben Howling, Yolanda Lamek

Screenplay: Yolanda Lamek

Starring: Martin Fury Man, Simone Landers, Marlee Jane McPherson-Dobbins

Plot summary: The end of the world zombie virus outbreak, the male protagonist Andy (Martin Freeman) was bitten by the zombie’s wife and realized that he would be within 48 hours Inside the corpse. As a father, Andy wanted to save his newly born daughterSuffering bad luck, embark on a journey to find a new guardian and refuge for the baby. This film is the extended version of the 2013 Australian microfilm of the same name.

07 "Daughter of Gods" (2016)

Rotten Tomatoes 86% IMDb6.6 UK

Director: Colm McCarthy

Screenplay: Mike Carey

Starring: Glenn Close, Gemma Arterton, Sen Nia Naa

plot summary: In the future world, humans suddenly mutate into walking dead, a scientist (Glenn Close) and a teacher (Jema Arterton) embark on the road of escape. There is a little girl named Melanie (Sonia Naa) beside them, who seems to have a special and cruel skill.

08 "Little Monsters" (2019)

Rotten Tomatoes 82% IMDb6.3 UK/Australia/USA

Director/Scriptwriter: Abel Forsyth

Starring: Lupita Nyongo, Josh Gade, Alexander ·England

plot summary: an unscrupulous musician Dave (Alexander England), has a good impression of the nephew’s kindergarten teacher (Lupita Nyong'o), volunteers to serve as an escort teacher and escort them to participate in children’s music Section. The organizer of the music festival also launched a love offensive against the teacher. Just as the relationship between the three of them was in a dilemma, the zombies came!

09 "Warm Corpse" (2013)

Rotten Tomatoes 81% IMDb6.9 US/Canada

Director: Jonathan Levine

Screenplay: Jonathan Levine, Isaac Marion

Starring: Nicholas Holt, Teresa Palmer, John Malkovich

Plot summary: A zombie named R (Niko) is eager to get the fresh flesh and brain of humans. During an attack on humans, R met the beautiful The girl Julie (Telisa Palmer), not only did not eat her, but fell in love with her at first sight, and rescued her from her hungry zombie companion. The film is called the zombie version of "Twilight".

10 "Death of Snow 2" (2014)

Rotten Tomatoes 81% IMDb6.9 Norway/Iceland/USA/UK

Director: Tommy Wilkola

Screenplay: Tommy Wilkola, Stig Flo De Henriksen, Vega Hall

Starring: Vega Hall, Ørjan Gamst, Martin Starr

Plot summary: This film is a sequel movie, the only surviving Martin ( Vega Hall), successfully escaped the pursuit of the Nazi leader Herzog (Ørjan Gamst) and his men, and pulled off an arm of Herzog. Herzog, who had lost his arm, became furious. He awakened the sleeping Nazi army and prepared to avenge Martin.

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