After "Youth in Youth", what does traffic star mean to movies?

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In 2019, who is Lu Han's most envious person? Yi Yang Qianxi. At a time when "Shanghai Fortress" has fallen to the same level as "Dream of the Performing Arts", Yi Yang Qianxi and his "Twelve Hours in Chang'an" and "Young You" are welcoming the praises that refresh the limits of Chinese semantics—— Whether it is for the production of "Youth in Youth", or for Yi Yangqianxi's acting and beauty. The strong contrast between the good and bad reputation of

movies is a discussion about the ability of traffic stars to carry. In addition to "Youth in Youth", there are many film and television works deeply bound to traffic stars in 2019, but these works have a relatively large gap in word of mouth and box office.

A few years ago, even if the quality of the work was average, the producer was still able to turn the tide with traffic stars-the "Little Times" series is the best proof. But now the works on the market that are dominated by traffic stars, some have a good harvest of fame and fortune, and some have spent a lot of money to invite popular stars but finally gave the management a "sweet crit". Is

the director and screenwriter not working hard enough, or the traffic is not working? When we criticize traffic, what exactly are we criticizing? What does the flow of joining mean for the work?

In order to clarify this series of problems, we decided to do a set of controlled experiments. By comparing the performances of the films "Youth of a Youth", "Zhu Xian I", "Shanghai Fortress" (later referred to as) and the TV series "Chen Qing Ling", we can find the story of love and hatred between film and television works and traffic.


Flow works of the same origin and different life,

2019 is the year of “earthquake” for flow. From the closing of the door to streaming movies during the "Fortress" period to the reopening of "Zhu Xian", and now that "Youth" has rekindled expectations for streaming movies, where is the crux of the polarization of word-of-mouth? When

was tragically at the box office of "Fortress" in Waterloo, the biggest sigh on the Internet was "Luhan is no longer popular, and fans can't drive the box office." But from the data, the crux may not lie in the fact that traffic stars bring goods. Power, highly related to the box office is word of mouth.

reviews on the whole network truly show the quality of the film’s reputation. As of October 28, the effective comments of "Youth", "Zhu Xian" and "Fortress" have reached 138,000, 219,000 and 220,000 on the entire network, but the proportion of positive comments is quite different.

's "Youth", which is gaining popularity recently and the box office is rising, has a positive comment rate of 95%. (After studying this film collectively in the DT editorial department, the tissues held by my colleagues confirm the reliability of 95%. (Sexual), the box office has now exceeded 700 million, and it is still rising; once looked down upon, but in the end "Zhu Xian" which "countered" at the box office, the proportion of positive comments reached 75%, corresponding to a score of 402 million; The "Fortress", which has been ridiculed by the crowd, has only 58% of positive comments, and the box office of 122 million seems not injustice at all. The

After 'Youth in Youth', what does traffic star mean to movies? - Lujuba

Douban score also illustrates this point. As of October 28, the scores of the three films "Youth", "Zhu Xian" and "Fortress" and another TV series "Chen Qing Ling" starring Xiao Zhan were 8.5 points, 5.1 points and 2.9 points on Douban. And 8.2 points.

is sorted in order, and it is basically divided into three echelons: "Fame and Fortune Team" headed by "Youth" and "Chen Qingling", "Good and Bad Team" led by "Zhu Xian", and "Fortress" Take the lead in "not being an example team."

However, we also noticed that as a traffic work, no matter which echelon you are in, the score is high.

"Zhu Xian" was criticized by the entire network due to a score of 6.1 points on the first day of its release. The number of "Chen Qingling" ratings of up to 650,000 was also called "distortion", and "Youth", the score is opened immediately 8.7. It still scored 8.5 points for three days after the release, placing it directly in the top three on Douban's 2018 annual rankings, higher than "Operation Red Sea", "The Unknown" and other films.

However, the same score is too high, why is the direction of public opinion so different?


What kind of work has been controversial

Here, we introduce a new concept-the degree of controversy. Mr. DT collected the star ratings of the top 500 TV series and the top 300 movies in Douban popularity, and calculated the standard deviation of each work to indicate the degree of controversy. Simply put, the less controversy, the more consistent the direction of public opinion.

Based on the aggregation of ratings and controversyAfter class analysis, we found that movies with lower or higher ratings have less controversy. Let us interpret this formula in a popular way: there is not much controversy between the public for absolutely good movies and absolute bad movies, just like no one will discuss "Dream Performing Arts" and "Shawshank's Redemption". Is it bad or good, because the answer is obvious.

However, works in the middle are always affected by multiple factors such as aesthetic deviation, scrutiny, malicious bad reviews, etc., leading to greater controversy.

, you can see that "Fortress" is the least divergent work in its category, and the name of the bad film is undisputed. And "Youth in the Young" and "Chen Qing Ling" are both highly controversial existences in the scoring range to which they belong, but they are still controlled within a reasonable range. Only "Zhu Xian" created the most controversial range in which it was located, and it was also one of the most serious works of public opinion at the time. In other words, false high scores (water injection) are the most suspect.

We can use several models to find the answer more quickly. The following figure is an example. According to the distribution of ratings, the film can be divided into five models: L, b, E, P, and F. Generally, low-scoring movies tend to be L-type or b-type; movies with higher scores are closer to F-type. Above

are five normal situations, and there is one exception left, that is, when you see Type C, basically this is the movie with the most powerful score (evaluation). For example, "Zhu Xian" was released on September 13 this year.

On the day "Zhu Xian" was released, the comments showed a very obvious polarization. On the one hand, some people praised the film, on the other hand, people kept giving negative reviews. It's as if the red-hot iron was inserted directly into the water-sizzling. The contradiction between the likes and the bad critics continues to deepen, and the criticism of this film on the Internet is also increasing, and we can see the fierce struggle from the comment section. What does


mean for a work of

traffic star

However, the work is poor and controversial, is it really the pot of traffic star?

Let us turn our attention back to "Youth", "Zhuxian", "Fortress" and "Chen Qingling" itself, and see what people praise and criticize these four works. Mr.

DT collected the first 1500 hot comments of each of the above works, and counted the frequency of the protagonists in the positive and negative reviews, and found that for the vast majority of the audience, everyone complained more and not on the traffic stars.

But for works with surprises and poor performance, traffic stars are relatively more concerned. It can be said that traffic stars have played the role of catalyst and magnifying glass.

In "Youth", while Xiaobei of "You protect the world, I protect you" is deeply moving, Yi Qianqian also received the most praise and relatively few negative reviews; and the lowest rated "Fortress" In ", Jiang Yang, who is "not a soldier," appeared in good reviews and negative reviews almost the same. The "Zhu Xian" and "Chen Qing Ling" in the mid-range, because more than one traffic joined, the rate of mention in both positive and negative reviews is relatively low. Among them, the co-star Xiao Zhan bears the most firepower at the same time. It is a better-performing existence. In the same movie as

, some people will always add "love filters" because of their love of idols, and some people will give personal bad reviews because of their inner resistance to traffic stars. After further semantic clustering of

, we also found that the leading actors of "Zhu Xian", "Fortress" and "Chen Qing Ling" appeared in both positive and negative reviews, and the evaluations were different. Although the best-performing "Youth" has been highly praised in terms of the acting, themes, and the choice of the director, the fans' influence on the viewing experience of the audience still dominates the mainstream.

In fact, the influence of traffic stars themselves is really not that big. Starting from the four major "Tucao goals"-"acting", "serving the way", "story" and "directing and production", Mr.

DT counted the evaluation of different elements in each work. Obviously, compared with the "story", "director", "production" and other issues, acting is the one with the smallest gap. The lead acting and production of "Chen Qing Ling" is relatively controversial, but the big IP adaptation can still retain the important plot and story line in the book, as well as the sophisticated service. The main problem of "Zhu Xian" lies in the poor plot. It is called "Zhu Xian" but even the sword of Zhu Xian has never appeared. The relationship between Baguio, Lu Xueqi and Zhang Xiaofan has also caused dissatisfaction among all book fans.

"Fortress" is all four elements in desperation. Let’s leave Lu Han aside to discuss the movie itself. You can find that although the time setting of the movie is the future world, the weapons and costumes worn by the protagonists are like jokes, and the plot is not clear. unknown.

If the director uses a relatively small actor to play the role of Jiang Yang, the controversy that "Shanghai Fortress" can cause will definitely not be as huge as it is now-but the person playing Jiang Yang now is Lu Han. When a science fiction drama is turned into an absurd drama, coupled with Lu Han's acting skills and an embarrassing "fire at me", it immediately accelerates the chemical reaction on the Internet-like throwing metallic sodium in water.

On the contrary, Yi Yanqianxi and "You are a teenager" demonstrated to the entertainment industry in the most positive and positive way. "Boyhood" is very "beatable" in terms of topic selection, pictures, and shooting techniques. And Yi Yan Qianxi, who comes with its own traffic buff, also used acting skills to refresh fans and passers-by's understanding of the business capabilities of traffic stars. So when the topic selection, service, directing, and production are all online, coupled with the excellent acting skills of the traffic star itself, it is not surprising that you can see such a boasted "Young You".

Generally speaking, the role of traffic stars in film and television works is usually the icing on the cake, not the charcoal in the snow. If the film crew can't even guarantee the basic script and production, and want to pin their performance on the effect of traffic stars through speculation, then the result can refer to "Shanghai Fortress". We don't rule out the pressure on the performance of the producers, and the flow stars also need to continuously receive dramas to meet the company's own requirements. Of course, celebrities themselves also need to have the ability to judge whether the script is good or bad. After all, if they are scolded too hard, they may be overwhelmed.

When outsiders like us have found some doorways through data, insiders must have already penetrated the mystery. But why there is still a scarcity of good works in China's film and television entertainment industry, which only the insiders know.

Author | Luo Yujing, Ami

Data | Luo Yujing, Li Fei, Lu Sanli

Design | Zou Lei

Tags: movie