After reading "Doctor Strange", you will understand the meaning of psychological awakening.

movie 2063℃

A Yakult girl takes you into your inner world, please pay attention!

After reading 'Doctor Strange', you will understand the meaning of psychological awakening. - Lujuba

, as the classic Marvel movie "Doctor Strange", not only brings people a stunning visual experience, but also permeates a lot of Eastern philosophy and spiritual knowledge. The movie

uses visual effects to help us understand something deep in the human heart, which is really great.

If you have the conditions, we invite you not only to take a look at these texts and short videos. Find a movie theater with good effects, let yourself be completely "immersed", follow the hero in the incredible situation created by the movie, and do a deep spiritual journey.

Here I will introduce from several aspects the major enlightenment that this movie has brought me from what I understand. I hope it will be helpful to you:

the more you feel the more you know, but the more you don’t know anything.

After reading 'Doctor Strange', you will understand the meaning of psychological awakening. - Lujuba

Doctor Strange is just a doctor. He drives a luxury car, lives in a luxury house, and his material life makes him feel that he knows life well.

But a car accident changed his life. The car accident caused the doctor's hand nerves to be damaged, and even the scalpel could not be used normally. For the doctor, it was like a singer's throat broken.

However, the existing medical conditions could not help him return to normal. In despair, he learned that somewhere in Kathmandu, Nepal, he could use the power of the soul to heal his body after he was severely injured. He got up and went to see the ancient master. Et al.

When he came here, he was still not "modest". When Master Gu Yi told him a lot of knowledge about body, mind, and soul, he thought these were superstitions and unreliable, and even played with scientific thinking to overthrow the ancients. An ancient belief and energy theory told by a mage.

However, Master Gu Yi directly used his own magic power to shake his "spiritual body" out of his body, allowing him to enter an incredible soul dimension.

After reading 'Doctor Strange', you will understand the meaning of psychological awakening. - Lujuba

immediately said a classic line, "Doctor, you think you know how the world works, but if I tell you, the'reality' you know is just the tip of the iceberg."

actually had many long ago Scholars discovered the "Iceberg Theory". In 1895, the psychologist Freud and Breuer published "Research on Hysteria", and Freud's famous "Iceberg Theory" was also spread to the world. In Freud’s personality theory, he believes that human psychology is divided into three parts: the superego, the self, and the id. The superego is often composed of moral judgments and values. The id is a person’s various desires and self-introduction Between the superego and the id, coordinating the id and the superego can neither violate social moral constraints nor be too repressive.

​​and the superego, ego, and id, correspond to his division of human psychological structure. Based on this division, he proposed the three-self of personality. He believes that human personality is like an iceberg on the sea, exposed It’s only a part, that is, the conscious level; the vast majority of the rest is in the unconscious, and most of this determines the development and behavior of people to some extent, including war, fascism, and the relationship between people Bad battles, and so on.

is not just in psychological theory. Many other disciplines have also discovered this iceberg theoretical model. This also confirms the truth that the more you feel that you know everything, the more likely you are to be farther away from the truth of the world, just like Buddhism once Say: "knows", it is easy to become "knowledge barrier", "ignorance" and "attachment", which keeps us away from reality.

There is no shortcut to success, and there is no shortcut in life.

When Dr. Strange asked Master Gu Yi how to possess supernatural powers and get rid of scientific and logical thinking directly to the other side of body and mind, Master Gu Yi just asked Doctor Strange, how did you become a famous doctor? . This is the current understanding of Doctor Strange, because Dr. Strange understands that in order to truly possess a skill or reach a state, only practical learning and continuous practice are needed.

This very humble conversation has always shocked me. Each of us hopes to achieve results quickly and ignores every step under our feet.

For example, a neurotic patient always hopes to solve his pain through various methods. When one method cannot solve the problem quickly, he immediately chooses another method. The final result is a little bit of time loss. But he still suffered so much.

At this time, I have been thinking about the recovery of symptoms, no matterWhich method you use, which genre of technology, you need to go back to real life, day after day, year after year to "practice". "Practice" is a very important concept in postmodern philosophy-life itself is an exercise.

Anything can only be successful by focusing and persistence. Often the biggest shortcut is no shortcut.

Fortune-telling practitioners are not allowed to practice, now is the "key" to change fate

We always feel that our own destiny is difficult to rewrite, and even many people go to the fortune teller at a high price to get a chance to change their destiny.

is actually a kind of escape, entrusting one's own destiny tasks to others, which is also an expression of being less responsible for oneself. Master

Gu Yi once said to the hero, I have seen your future, but I have not seen anything. It is not that you have no future, but that your future is all "possibility".

Prior to this, Master Gu Yi did see the outline of Dr. Strange’s fate as a doctor. Xueba—medical school—neurosurgeon—young and aspiring—achievement and fame—forgotten—destroyed.

But when Doctor Strange chose to teach with Master Gu Yi to concentrate on practice, these patterns have long changed. Therefore, fortune tellers who say no matter how accurate they are, cannot be regarded as the "future" of practitioners. Because he has no destined "future", thousands of possibilities exist at the same time, and his current choices lead to different paths and scenery. Because

changed his habits, patterns and inertia, he changed a series of current selection basis, so the version of destiny presented is different.

Swiss psychologist Jung said: What you are not aware of will become your destiny. The so-called unawareness refers to the complex in our subconscious. The so-called complex, psychology is actually a kind of subconscious obsession with negative emotions in our hearts. The complex is usually difficult to be aware of by oneself, but it always affects a person subtly.

Many years ago, the famous psychologist Freud discovered a strange phenomenon in humans. After a child has experienced a painful or happy thing, he will unconsciously create the same opportunity again and again in order to experience the same emotion. Freud called this phenomenon compulsive repetition.

So, "Don't fall twice in the same place!" This sentence has become one of the warnings we hear most often.

But the reason why I hear it most often is precisely because it is the most difficult to do.

We will always inadvertently follow the conflict mode of our inner world to create all kinds of conflicts in real relationships. Thus, our inner reality has become the outer reality, that is to say, it has become our own real destiny.

But every moment, we have the opportunity to rewrite "destiny". At every moment, our lives have the opportunity to move towards a different version. When we are aware and make a choice, we have the initiative in destiny.

To tell the truth, this movie is really great. It is recommended that people who like psychology and mind, body and soul actually watch a movie in full, I believe you will be inspired!

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