"Lin Bingshu's Rebellion" is full of doubts, and the DPP cyber army is in chaos

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: China Jingwei.com

'Lin Bingshu's Rebellion' is full of doubts, and the DPP cyber army is in chaos - Lujuba

Lin Bingshu's violent case pulled out a case outside the cyber army case. (Taiwan's " Zhongshi Electronic News " data photo)

[Comprehensive arrangement of China Jingwei.com] DPP "legislator" Gao Jiayu was raped by ex-boyfriend Lin Bingshu, but it triggered the "Lin Bingshu Rebellion", which climaxed like a continuous plot constantly. Duan Yikang, a former DPP "legislator" who was named as acquainted with Lin Bingshu and intervened in the press report, hastily cut it off on the 3rd, PO posted screenshots of the conversation in an attempt to clarify that he was not familiar with Lin Bingshu, and the case became full of doubts.

In addition, a "super-crazy network map" of Lin Bingshu was exposed, and it was burned to the policy advisor of Tsai Ing-wen's office and the founder of Taiwan PC home group Zhan Hongzhi , etc., also revealed Lin Bingshu's "extraordinary status" in the green camp.

'Lin Bingshu's Rebellion' is full of doubts, and the DPP cyber army is in chaos - Lujuba

Lin Bingshu's crazy network map

Question 1. Is Lin Bingshu the king of green camp connections?

According to Taiwan's "China Times Electronic News" report, Lin Bingshu had Duan Yikang and Zhan Hongzhi help to call "concerned about the media". , "legislators" Guo Guowen, Fan Yun, Jiang Yongchang, Luo Zhizheng, Guan Biling, Lai Pinyu; former "legislators" Hong Ciyong, director of Taiwan Think Tank Poll Center Zhuo Guanting, "supervision committee" Zhao Yongqing, Shuangbei City Councilor Jian Shupei , Dai Weishan, Zhang Zhihao, Secretary-General of the Party Group of the New Taipei City Council...etc.

Doubt 2. Is Lin Bingshu the leader of the Green Camp Internet Army?

Lin Bingshu is unemployed but has a mysterious cash flow to support him, and lives in a high-end hotel and drives a famous car. Even though he is in the detention center, the cyber army led by Li Baizhang continues to help Lin Bingshu spread rumors and clean up the ground! Isn't this the "political cockroach" in the mouth of DPP "legislator" He Zhiwei?

Doubt 3: Is Lin Bingshu’s deposit of tens of millions involved in money laundering?

In 2015, he was still a poor boy begging his parents for money. In 2021, he will pay a monthly rent of 50,000 (NTD, the same below) to live in a restaurant, spend 300,000-400,000 a month on eating and socializing, and buy million-dollar antiques and famous paintings... The deposit exceeds 23 million, Where does Lin Bingshu's "mysterious gold flow" come from? Is money laundering involved?

Doubt 4: The green battalion cuts on the table, but the cyber army escorts them privately?

After Lin Bingshu's domestic violence incident broke out, the top management apparently cut off one by one, but after Lin Bingshu's accident, privately, some political and business celebrities helped to call the media executives, and some helped to publish articles to cleanse Lin Bingshu's green camp flanker Li Baizhang. Lin Bingshu's status in the green camp is extraordinary?

Question 5: Why did Duan Yikang put pressure on the media?

Lin Bingshu called Duan Yikang the "boss", and Duan Yikang also revealed that he really called the media for Lin Bingshu. In order to escort Lin Bingshu, and the famous mouthpiece of the green camp wing, he deliberately labeled Lin Bingshu a so-called "communist passer-by". It has also been infiltrated by the cyber army?

DPP "Green Monster" is the culprit of the chaos

"China Times" commented that this time people can see that the DPP authorities abused their power and were backlashed. Lin Bingshu is not only the nightmare of the victim Gao Jiayu, but also Duan Yikang and Zhan Hongzhi's nightmare. Generally, a person who makes mistakes, habitually thinks that there is a backer behind him who can do evil, and is not afraid of heaven and earth. Yan unfolded ugly.

But the question is, can the DPP cut it? Lin Bingshu is a "Green Team Monster" supported by the DPP. All the private conversations between him and Duan Yikang and Zhan Hongzhi were recorded and exposed. You can fool the past by dumping the blame on the mainland.

The DPP’s high-ranking Internet army is the culprit who disrupted Taiwan’s society. This time, all of Taiwan stared at it with wide eyes.

Tags: entertainment