After reading this film review, I decided to watch "Youth in Youth", right away! Right away!

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There are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people. This article only records the Xiaobei, Chen Nian, and "Youth You" in my eyes-

Qingye Clean Moon


Youth is a gorgeous poem

is picturesque Praise

also has sad irony

Youth is the pain of jointing

There is blood that dare to bear

There is also recklessness without asking the price

A smile illuminates whose unbearable look back

A tear warms whose Yin Yin hopes

The night will be longer , The sky will always be bright

The endless fog before dawn is the "growth" you asked. The

After reading this film review, I decided to watch 'Youth in Youth', right away! Right away! - Lujuba

movie "You are a teenager" will be watched three times on the premiere day. In fact, when

first came into contact with the introduction of this film, the intuitive reaction was that the strong attraction was accompanied by some resistance. From the description of the subject matter to some of the official releases, there was a particularly sharp sense of reality, which hit the bottom of my heart. The pain is strong in soft places. I am worried that the details of the film are too direct and unbearable. After all, I can't bear to read the relevant text version of the news every day, so until the moment I sit in the theater, I feel nervous.

PART1---The overall impression

tells the story from the heroine Chen Nian, a period of this moment, links past memories, which leads to many scenes and characters, and gradually expands the context of the story. The rhythm of the film is very good. There is no procrastination and water injection for more than 2 hours. With the development of the plot, with the exception of the male and female protagonists throughout the play, each stage has different supporting roles and highlights that bring new emotional impacts, allowing the viewer to watch There is no chance for the person to get tired and shake God. The sharp parts in the

trailer still exist, but the overall performance is much better than expected. There should be a lot of thought-provoking hits, but the common visual stimuli are relatively weakened in the screen presentation, and the actors are more important. The demeanor language and body language make the audience feel the same without fear and rejection. I appreciate this way of expression very much. The premise of resonance is to move the mind. When the visual stimulus is too strong, the mind is semi-closed and it is easy to lose sight of the other. The most effective "sense of substitution" is not "Let me see how painful you are" but "I really feel how painful if that is how I feel". Not deliberately but with power, "You in the Youth" did it. Therefore, the emotional worry before watching the movie did not happen at all, which is a normal standard that female movie viewers can bear. The solid line tone of the

story is cool. Campus bullying, native family, responsibilities, and growth costs are heavy, gloomy and thought-provoking when each dimension is taken out separately. It is fierce and heart-wrenching, and in the wounds peeled back layer by layer, what is bloody is the reality of the subject matter and the profound intention. This is a work that will be memorable for a long time after reading it, and you can find yourself and the people around you at different stages in it. It is a "alive" story, with heavy vitality and strong appeal. The dotted line interpretation of

story is warm. The guardianship of young people, the softness of adults that have not completely disappeared, the quietly blooming daisies in the rainstorm, and the tears of relief after reconciling with the pain. Because of the company of these warm dotted lines, the original suffering does not seem to be so difficult, and there is warmth in the heavy. The wounds suffered in love need to be healed with love. This is true for the characters and the viewers. I really like the fact that the end of the story leaves the space blank. It is sublimated in the understanding and imagination of every viewer, and the reverberation is very advanced.

After reading this film review, I decided to watch 'Youth in Youth', right away! Right away! - Lujuba

PART2---The background timeline of the heroine and heroine

story is during the college entrance examination, and the heroine Chen Nian is a senior high school student who is about to enter the examination room. Whose life experience does not have an unforgettable college entrance examination, the textbook examination papers piled high on the desk, the bustling school uniform figure on the campus, math formulas, English listening, acne, graduation photos, it is so profound that several years have passed , I will still wake up in my dream because I can't solve the problem in the examination room. All of these are reproduced in the play. Almost from the beginning, it is easy to substitute himself in Chen Nian's role. The solid tone of the story told by

basically falls on Chen Nian. The helplessness and regret in the family, the trust and betrayal in the friendship, the innocence of the youth world, and the ambiguity of the adult world, these stories revolve around her. She is the promoter of the plot. The shadow of human nature filled many situations related to her with a sense of suffocation. Her story is unknown, and the mood of watching movies triggered by her is a huge wave, coming with vigor.

male leadOn the contrary, Xiaobei’s identity setting is clear when he appears on the scene. The street gangsters, life experience understatement, he makes the movie viewers no suspense, but you are confident that you can guess all of his problem solving The script presents an unexpected reversal. In the plot, Xiaobei is a follower of Chen Nian. His character's destiny is passive and dedication. He has not implemented the actual active management, and has undertaken most of the richness and coloring of the dotted line.

may not be new to look at these two character settings alone. The ingenuity of this play lies in the contradictions and interactions between the characters.

Chen Nian should have been the embodiment of hope, with excellent character and learning, only waiting for the title of the college entrance examination gold list. As mentioned repeatedly in the play, "I'm going to get out of my head", there is only one month left until the change of fate is visible. But such a character who should be full of imagination for the future bears all the despair in the play, and it is heavy to breathe.

And Xiaobei, a person who is known to have no future, is the savior, using his own means to hold up his tiny but only hope. And this role, who was supposed to be "desperate", contributed most of the softness and temperature in the play. Every time he appears, he feels bright. He is the flower that blooms in Chen Nian's boundless dust, and it is alive and lively.

Chen Nian shows cowardly and low self-esteem, but she has self-confidence in her bones, and she firmly believes that by enrolling in the best university, she can have a different life. All Xiaobei's expressions were unruly and cynical, but he was inferior in his bones, insisting that Chen Nian walk in front and he followed, and he always used to stand in the dark with his hat covering his face.

will regret Chen Nian's established destiny. If she changed her life experience, she would have had a completely different life. So all the violence she endured seemed to hit me, a strong unwillingness to ask the heavens and the earth. As for the suffering in Xiaobei’s actual life, the pain is not so heavy, because he was psychologically prepared, just like the phrase he used to say, but all the love and kindness he still has in the mud, but In peace, it hurts the heart. Every time he smiles in the play, his eyes are warm. Sometimes, happiness is more hurt than pain. When

first looked at the film material, there was a slogan "Look up, there is hope", but I didn't really understand what "hope" is. Just as I didn't know a film on this subject at the time, the English name was "Betterdays".

is still confused after reading it the first time, because it does not have a clear and happy ending. At the end of the second pass, I began to understand that the most sensitive and delicate touch of the perception of "hope" and "beauty" actually occurs in the process of "need" and "needed", and has nothing to do with completion.

from beginning to end, the male and female protagonists are all hopes for each other.

Xiaobei is Chen Nian's hope in reality. Protecting her safety, comforting her panic, and warming her sadness are her life-saving straws to continue living in an environment that has already lost control. "Can you protect me" is her only hope in despair.

Chen Nian is Xiaobei's imaginary hope. In the life he had already given up, because of the appearance of Chen Nian, he had a mission and meaning. He believes that he will not have a future, but if he protects a person with a future, then her vision of "protecting the world" also has his share, so "only if you win, I am not a loser."

In the end, their hopes merged into one, redeeming each other. "Go out", "Even one can go out", so they trust each other and remain firm during the interrogation. That strong sense of conviction transcends all known emotions. It can exchange destiny regardless of each other, and is also a mutual dependence against the world.

is only hope in despair, which is the most profound Betterdays.

After reading this film review, I decided to watch 'Youth in Youth', right away! Right away! - Lujuba

PART3---As I wrote before about the actor

, the role of the heroine is very substitutable, and Dongyu Zhou’s performance is indispensable. There are a lot of close-up shots of Chen Nian in the film. In different situations, the eyes are fragile, frightened, stubborn, and helpless. Every nuance is precise and clear. What’s more rare is the sense of reality that is integrated into the role. She wears a school uniform and sits in the classroom. She is walking on the campus with her schoolbag. She is the thin and simple high school girl. Hope and destruction alternately in her smile and tears. Well deserved afterwards. The most memorable thing about

is a scene between her and Officer Zheng. That was the culmination of Chen Nian's emotional outburst in the whole play. All the anger, disappointment, and unwillingness of this character were released at that moment. Zhou Dongyuqiang in that periodThe fierce emotions that seemed to surround Chen Nian broke the screen, and the destruction brought about by "losing" was three-dimensional cruelty.

Qianxi’s Xiaobei has many surprises. Because it is his first film work, there is no psychological expectation and preparation when watching it, and all perceptions are sudden on the spot. Zhou Dongyu gave the shuddering cold in the big scenes, and Qian Xi gave the comforting warmth in the small details. Seeing the deepest part, she seemed to be Chen Nian, looking forward to every appearance of Xiaobei. With the protection and salvation he gave. Xiaobei is the biggest emotional buffer in this drama. The sense of security comes from him, the sense of trust comes from him, and the softness and warmth that hurt but not hurt also come from him. And Qian Xi makes everything in Xiaobei's personality charm so concrete and beautiful. Frivolity when molested, roar when angry, forbearance when giving in, tenderness when affectionate. From the tone of the voice to the expressions of his eyes to the clean and neat body movements, the aura he exudes seems to be a huge massage room, which is the comfort after the pain and the support before the break, which is particularly moving. What impresses

most is that when he told his mother, his very abusive life experience only gave an understatement, and the emotions must be interpreted through expressions. That section was almost all close-ups, Qian Xi's face was covered with the whole screen, and the sadness and loneliness in his eyes were almost suffocating. The "vulnerability" at that moment has the finishing touch to the character of Xiaobei. He lived vividly in the heart of every movie viewer.

also had the two-person rivalry during the visit, without a word, only the interaction of expressions. Xiao Bei frowned when he saw Chen Nian at the first glance. The pain in his eyes flashed like a sharp sword pricked his heart. In a flash, he changed to a smiling expression. The look in his eyes was very rich. Then, looking at each other, crying with a smile, a tearful smile, trembling lips, twitching corners of the mouth, conveying too many emotional details that are more precious than words, very distracted.

PART4---Some other

companionship stories of teenagers and girls are naturally related to emotions. I like the way of expression in the movie, the pen is very light, and the not so warm and cruel pictures are overlapped in the delicate and warm scenes, so that the emotions will not escape the story. The pink lampshade, the smile at each other, the hug on the speeding motorcycle are like pieces of honey in the bitterness, just right sweet, just rightly bright. I love the one of the sky bridge the most, and no matter how hard life is, I have the right to dream. The happiness at that moment supports the power to move forward. The soundtrack of the

movie is very delicate. The sound effects of the moment when a large number of students flooded into the college entrance examination room, watched it three times, and each time it was full of goose bumps, as if the blood was solidified. There are many contrasting language about adults and teenagers in the

film, and spoilers will not be listed. The educational problem reflected by school bullying is essentially a communication gap between the adult world and the juvenile world. Just as the police officer in charge of the case did not understand the choice of Xiao Bei and Chen Nian, Xiao Bei and Chen Nian did not trust the way of solving problems in the adult world. The absurdity and loopholes in the eyes of the adults during the separate interrogation were the belief and persistence of self-protection and mutual protection in the youth world. At the end of the film, the text and narration about campus bullying gave the greatest relief to the whole story. I hope that all Chen Nian and Xiaobei can live freely and happily in the sun, meet bright people, do bright things, and embrace Love, have hope, and grow well.

Finally, I will write a few words to my idol Yi Yang Qianxi. After waiting for two summers,

finally met Xiaobei. After watching three games in a row on the premiere day, I saw thousands of words and thoughts. After thinking about it, I didn't write too much about you.

actually has many emotions related to you:

has thanks. Thank you for letting Qianxi return to zero and awakening Xiaobei. This simple and down-to-earth life exchange made the character extraordinarily sincere.

is moved. Moved you without the burden of idols, and truly walked through Xiaobei's pain and wounds, leading us to immerse in the sense of the glow of firefly in his incomplete life.

has emotion. Behind each of your utterly audible surprises, there are how unseen efforts and efforts are behind your hard work and proud of your pride.

even has rare presumptuous jokes. If there is such a handsome and so good Xiaobei, even a small bastard would marry without hesitation.

However, there is still no such writing.

For your first movie work, the first movie work in which you acted as the leading actor,

gatherJiao Yuju, seriously sharing the understanding of the story is the greatest respect I can give to the results of your work;

let "the work is greater than the individual, the role is greater than the individual", is what I can give to "actor Yi Yang Qianxi "The best sure.

When I really experience and feel this way, I deeply feel that being your "work fan" is especially happy.

I wish "Young You" a double harvest at the box office, and I wish the actor Yi Yang Qianxi another great work and climb the peak again.

​​is not the end of the end:

"youth" and "growth" are words that are too exciting and lively. In the adult language system that is already accustomed to calm and rational, their temperament is so incompatible, but we are all really Have experienced those excitement and freshness. In the film, Chen Nian said, "There has never been a lesson to teach us how to become adults." I don't remember if I, at that age, also asked questions like this.

Maybe it really is a process of diving with closed eyes, from trembling to calm, all the pain that has been honed is your, mine, and our growth.

Tags: movie